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Vocalizations Calls vs. Songs Whistled versus Harmonic mobbing.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocalizations Calls vs. Songs Whistled versus Harmonic mobbing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocalizations Calls vs. Songs Whistled versus Harmonic mobbing

2 Box 8-2

3 Song

4 Fig 8-6 Bronchi

5 Suboscine Oscine Oscines have more complex syringeal muscles

6 Song quality affected by anatomy

7 Suboscines Oscines Innate song Learned song Psittacidae Trochilidae Tyrannidae Columbiformes

8 Genetic template Final song Learned Song learning in Sparrows


10 Juvenile White-crowned Sparrow Exposed to 2 song models What do I sing? Song sparrow Model song White-crowned model song

11 What does this result mean? What do these two mean? What does this result mean?

12 Song dialects of White-crowned Sparrows



15 Variation in song learning in song birds 1)Short sensitive period vs. life-long learners 2)Repertoire of single song vs. 1000s of syllables (Brown Thrasher) 3)Produce faithful copy of song model vs improvise (Sedge Wrens) 4)Need exposure to conspecific song vs develop song in isolation (Grey Catbird) 5)Copy tutor song if it fits template vs copy anything! (Mockingbirds)

16 Fernando Nottebohm Avian song system HVC bigger in males Enlarges in spring with song and with repertoire size As a result repertoire size may Indicate male quality during development/immune system “it was widely held that brain cells, once lost, could not be replaced. …work on the song system changed the prevailing view.” Song Learning = LMAN, Area X, DLM Song production = Hvc, RA, etc Auditory input =Field L

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