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A Type System for Expressive Security Policies David Walker Cornell University.

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1 A Type System for Expressive Security Policies David Walker Cornell University

2 PoPL ’00David Walker, Cornell University2 Extensible Systems Extensible systems are everywhere: –web browsers, extensible operating systems, servers and databases Critical Problem: Security Code System Interface Download, Link & Execute

3 PoPL ’00David Walker, Cornell University3 Certified Code Attach annotations (types, proofs,...) to untrusted code Annotations make verification of security properties feasible Untrusted Code System Interface Download & Verify Annotations Link & Execute Secure Code

4 PoPL ’00David Walker, Cornell University4 Certifying Compilation An Advantage –Increased Trustworthiness verification occurs after compilation compiler bugs will not result in security holes A Disadvantage –Certificates may be difficult to produce

5 PoPL ’00David Walker, Cornell University5 Producing Certified Code High-level Program Compile Optimize Annotated Program Transmit Certificate production must be automated Necessary components: 1) a source-level programming language 2) a compiler to compile, annotate, and optimize source programs 3) a transmission language that certifies security properties user annotations

6 PoPL ’00David Walker, Cornell University6 So Far... Type Safe High-level Program Compile Optimize Typed Program Transmit 1) a strongly typed source-level programming language 2) a type-preserving compiler to compile, annotate, and optimize source programs 3) a transmission language that certifies type-safety properties types

7 PoPL ’00David Walker, Cornell University7 Examples Proof-Carrying Code [Necula & Lee] –compilers produce type safety proofs Typed Assembly Language [Morrisett, Walker, et al] –guarantees type safety properties Efficient Code Certification [Kozen] –uses typing information to guarantee control- flow and memory safety properties Proof-Carrying Code [Appel & Felty] –construct types from low-level primitives

8 PoPL ’00David Walker, Cornell University8 Conventional Type Safety Conventional types ensure basic safety: –basic operations performed correctly –abstraction/interfaces hide data representations and system code Conventional types don't describe complex policies –eg: policies that depend upon history Melissa virus reads Outlook contacts list and then sends 50 emails

9 PoPL ’00David Walker, Cornell University9 Security in Practice Security via code instrumentation –insert security state and check dynamically –use static analysis to minimize run-time overhead –SFI [Wahbe et al], –SASI [Erlingsson & Schneider], –Naccio [Evans & Twyman], –[Colcombet & Fradet], …

10 PoPL ’00David Walker, Cornell University10 This Paper Combines two ideas: –certifying compilation –security via code instrumentation The Result: –a system for secure certified code high-level security policy specifications an automatic translation into low-level code security enforced by static & dynamic checking

11 PoPL ’00David Walker, Cornell University11 Strategy Security Automata specify security properties [Erlingsson & Schneider] Compilation inserts typing annotations & dynamic checks where necessary A dependently-typed target language provides a framework for verification –can express & enforce any security automaton policy –provably sound

12 PoPL ’00David Walker, Cornell University12 Security Architecture High-level Program Compile Optimize Secure Typed Program Transmit Security Automaton Secure Typed Interface Type Check System Interface Annotate Secure Executable

13 PoPL ’00David Walker, Cornell University13 Security Automata A general mechanism for specifying security policies Enforce any safety property –access control policies: “cannot access file foo” –resource bound policies: “allocate no more than 1M of memory” –the Melissa policy: “no network send after file read”

14 PoPL ’00David Walker, Cornell University14 Example Policy: No send operation after a read operation States: start, has read, bad Inputs (program operations): send, read Transitions (state x input -> state): –start x read(f) -> has read start has read read(f) sendread(f) bad send

15 PoPL ’00David Walker, Cornell University15 Example Cont’d start has read read(f) sendread(f) bad send % untrusted program% s.a.: start state send(); % ok -> start read(f); % ok -> has read send(); % bad, security violation S.A. monitor program execution Entering the bad state = security violation

16 PoPL ’00David Walker, Cornell University16 Enforcing S.A. Specs Every security-relevant operation has an associated function: check op Trusted, provided by policy writer check op implements the s.a. transition function check send (state) = if state = start then start else bad

17 PoPL ’00David Walker, Cornell University17 Enforcing S.A. Specs Rewrite programs: let next_state = check send (current_state) in if next_state = bad then halt else % next state is ok send()

18 PoPL ’00David Walker, Cornell University18 Questions How do we verify instrumented code? –is this safe? let next_state = check send (other_state) in if next_state = bad then halt else % next state is ok send() Can we optimize certified code?

19 PoPL ’00David Walker, Cornell University19 Verification Basic types ensure standard type safety –functions and data used as intended and cannot be confused –security checks can’t be circumvented Introduce a logic into the type system to express complex invariants Use the logic to encode the s.a. policy Use the logic to prove checks unnecessary

20 PoPL ’00David Walker, Cornell University20 Target Language Types Predicates: –describe security states –describe automaton transitions –describe dependencies between values Function types include predicates so they can specify preconditions: –foo:  [  1,  2,P 1 (  1,  2 ),P 2 (  1 )].  1 ->  2

21 PoPL ’00David Walker, Cornell University21 Secure Functions Each security-relevant function has a type specifying 3 additional preconditions eg: the send function: – P 1 : in_state(current_state) – P 2 : transition send (current_state,next_state) – P 3 : next_state  bad Pre: P 1 & P 2 & P 3 Post: in_state(next_state) The precondition ensures calling send won’t result in a security violation

22 PoPL ’00David Walker, Cornell University22 Run-time Security Checks Dynamic checks propagate information into the type system eg: check send (state) Post:  next_state. transition send (state,next_state) & result = next_state conditional tests: if state = bad then % assume state = bad... else % assume state  bad...

23 PoPL ’00David Walker, Cornell University23 Example % P 1 : in_state(current_state) let next_state = check_send(current_state) in % P 2 : transition send (current_state,next_state) if next_state = bad then halt else % P 3 : next_state  bad send() % P 1 & P 2 & P 3 imply send is ok

24 PoPL ’00David Walker, Cornell University24 Optimization Analysis of s.a. structure makes redundant check elimination possible –eg: –supply the type checker with the fact transition send (start,start) and verify: if current = start then send(); send (); send (); … start has read read(f) sendread(f) bad send

25 PoPL ’00David Walker, Cornell University25 Related Work Program verification –abstract interpretation, data flow & control flow analysis, model checking, soft typing, verification condition generation & theorem proving,... Dependent types in compiler ILs –Xi & Pfenning, Crary & Weirich,... Security properties of typed languages –Leroy & Rouaix,...

26 PoPL ’00David Walker, Cornell University26 Summary A recipe for secure certified code: –types ensure basic safety prevent dynamic checks from being circumvented provide a framework for reasoning about programs –security automata specify expressive policies dynamic checking when policies can’t be proven statically

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