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History of Indigenous in Latin America Nicki Smith Michon McBride.

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1 History of Indigenous in Latin America Nicki Smith Michon McBride

2 Main Indigenous Groups  Aztec  Maya  Inca

3 Aztecs  Capital City of Tenochtitlan in Central Mexico  Known for graphic ritual sacrifices  Most dominant group  Montezuma was last king  Conquered in 1521 by Cortes Under siege Under siege Smallpox epidemic Smallpox epidemic

4 Aztec Culture  Language of N’ahuatl Alphabet of pictures Alphabet of pictures  Music/Dance Closely linked to religion Closely linked to religion Polytheism (Quetzacoatl) Polytheism (Quetzacoatl)  Art Stoneworkers, scribes, feather workers Stoneworkers, scribes, feather workers

5 Aztec Architecture  Capital City of Tenochtitlan On Island with Causeways On Island with Causeways  Mexico City was built on top of the ruins

6 Maya  Yucutan Peninsula region Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador  Already in downfall before Conquest Soil exhaustion Soil exhaustion Peasant revolts Peasant revolts  North was stronger than the South No unity; Spaniards easily defeated them No unity; Spaniards easily defeated them

7 Mayan Culture  Mayan calender Heightened understanding of math/time Heightened understanding of math/time Cyclical calender; understanding of astronomy Cyclical calender; understanding of astronomy Understood concept of zero Understood concept of zero  Records Hieroglyphics in deerskin books Hieroglyphics in deerskin books Sacred book of Popul Vuh written post conquest Sacred book of Popul Vuh written post conquest Oral history/ culture written down Oral history/ culture written down

8 Mayan Architecture  Tikal Ceremonial Center Ceremonial Center Located in Guatemala Located in Guatemala

9 Inca  Located on W. strip of South America Most of fighting in conquest took place in Peru Most of fighting in conquest took place in Peru Valley of Cuzco in Peru was center Valley of Cuzco in Peru was center  Inca revolted most against Conquest Manco Inca organized rebellion Manco Inca organized rebellion  Francisco Pizarro Arrived 1532 Arrived 1532 Finally defeated Incans in 1540’s Finally defeated Incans in 1540’s

10 Incan Culture  No written language; oral tradition  No formal mathematics system  Built temples and palaces 10,000 miles of road 10,000 miles of road  Art Jewelry and Statuettes Jewelry and Statuettes Religious purposesReligious purposes

11 Incan Architecture  Machu Picchu Sacred temple Sacred temple Religious retreat Religious retreat Never conquered Never conquered By Spanish b/c They never Found it. --Located in Andes in Peru

12 General  Holy Inquisition European Friars tortured Indians into accepting Christian God European Friars tortured Indians into accepting Christian God A lot of transculturation A lot of transculturation  Race Extensive racial mixing Extensive racial mixing Resulted in mestizos, mulattos, and the creole class Resulted in mestizos, mulattos, and the creole class Determined social class Determined social class

13 Sources     Personal notes: History 141: Colonial Latin American History (F 2005)

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