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11 October HTML: Links and Forms. Agenda News: William Knight Review of HTML Pages Meeting sheet passed HTML Links Networking and the Internet HTML Forms.

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Presentation on theme: "11 October HTML: Links and Forms. Agenda News: William Knight Review of HTML Pages Meeting sheet passed HTML Links Networking and the Internet HTML Forms."— Presentation transcript:

1 11 October HTML: Links and Forms

2 Agenda News: William Knight Review of HTML Pages Meeting sheet passed HTML Links Networking and the Internet HTML Forms

3 HTML Internal Links Internal points are called anchors To create an anchor point To move to an anchor point Link text What differences do you observe? Two items Anchor is a point, not a piece of text Anchor points have a “#” pre-pended to the name

4 HTML Local Links Other pages that are always kept with the current one Not only the same machine, but the same folder All pages are automatically defined as access points Connect with the same access tag Link text

5 The Internet What is it? The infrastructure that connects identified computers Links = the wires Routers = the boxes that connect them World Wide Web Subset of the identified computers that contain information to be shared Servers

6 How Do You Get to the Servers? Computers are connected through a network Network requires protocol to work Definitions of protocol a code prescribing strict adherence to correct etiquette and precedence a set of conventions governing the treatment and especially the formatting of data in an electronic communications system a detailed plan of a scientific or medical experiment, treatment, or procedure The one that is used here is called IP (Internet Protocol)

7 How Networking Works How do you pass a note to someone? Need to know Who it is going to Which way to pass it Computers need the same thing Who identified by IP address Command Prompt Routers know how to get there But IP addresses aren’t user friendly Give names instead Domain Name Server does the mapping

8 Anatomy of a URL Protocol: server-name/file-to-display Protocol: usually http Have you ever seen others? https? Server-name The computer’s name Usually begins with www Usually ends with 3 characters that define the kind of site However, there are no rules: as long as its registered, you can get there File-to-display Can be a whole path (just like Windows)

9 HTML Remote Links Other locations on the Internet Any URL Connect with the same access tag Link text Now need to use full URL e.g.,

10 Forms Simplest way to create inputs on a web site Form is primarily a grouping mechanism … controls to be included as part of the form … The id field used to name the form Controls used to define the input elements 5 key types of controls: Button: let’s the user click on the button. a binary input: on or off Text: allows the user to type text two forms single line multiple lines Radio buttons: allows the user to select just one of a list of items Checkbox: allows the user to select as many as wanted Select: provides a list for the user to choose from. Can let the user choose one or more than one.

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