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The Monitoring and Early Detection of Internet Worms Cliff C. Zou, Weibo Gong, Don Towsley, and Lixin Gao IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking, Oct. 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "The Monitoring and Early Detection of Internet Worms Cliff C. Zou, Weibo Gong, Don Towsley, and Lixin Gao IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking, Oct. 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Monitoring and Early Detection of Internet Worms Cliff C. Zou, Weibo Gong, Don Towsley, and Lixin Gao IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking, Oct. 2005

2 Virus / Worm / Trojan Horse Virus: 寄生在已存在的檔案中。 一段電腦程式碼,它會「將自身附加到程式或檔案」,在電腦之間 傳佈,並在旅行途中感染電腦。 系統漏洞(不需使用者操作) Worm: 以新檔案的形式安裝到電腦上。 蠕蟲通常不需要使用者的動作即可散佈,而且它會將它本身的完整 複本 ( 可能已修改 ) 透過網路發佈。 系統漏洞(不需使用者操作) Trojan Horse: 看似有用,但實際上卻會造成損害的電腦程式。 後門程式 (Backdoor) 以偽裝欺騙使用者(需使用者操作)

3 Outline Worm propagation models Worm monitoring system Kalman filter estimation Code Red simulation Blaster-like worm simulation

4 Summary of worm models Scan mode Uniform-scan (random) (as default) Code Red Imperfect uniform-scan Slammer Sequential-scan Blaster Subnet-scan Code Red II Worm propagation models Simple epidemic model Discrete-time version Exponential model (for slow start phase) AR discrete-time model Transformed linear model

5 Notations

6 Worm propagation model

7 Propagation models Simple epidemic model (*) Discrete-time version (*) Exponential model (slow start phase: N - I t  N ) AR discrete-time model Transformed linear model * D.J. Daley and J. Gani, Epidemic Modeling: An Introduction. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1999. where

8 Generic worm monitoring system

9 Components Ingress scan monitor Listen to the global traffic in the Internet. Scan traffic Incoming traffic to unused local IP addresses Egress scan monitor Monitor the outgoing traffic from a network to infer the scan behavior of a potential worm. Scan rate Scan distribution Data mixer Reduce the traffic for sending observation data to the MWC

10 The data that MWC obtains The number of scans monitored in a monitoring interval from discrete time ( t -1) to t, denoted by Z t. The cumulative number of infected hosts observed by the discrete time t, denoted by C t. A worm ’ s scan distribution A worm ’ s average scan rate η

11 Correction of biased observation C t (1/2) For a uniform-scan worm, each worm scan has a small probability p of being observed by a monitoring system, thus an infected host will send out many scans before one of them is observed. C t is not proportional to I t In a monitoring interval Δ, a worm send out on average scans, thus the monitoring system has the probability to observe at least on scan from an infected host in a monitoring interval.

12 Correction of biased observation C t (2/2) remove the conditioning on C t-1 replace E[C t ] by C t unobserved infected hosts

13 Estimated I t (2 17 IP space)

14 Estimated I t (2 14 IP space) noisier

15 Kalman filter estimation (simple epidemic model) System state:  The system is described as ( y 1, y 2, …, y t are the measurement data, e.g., Z t or I t ) ( υ t is the noise) (α and β are derived from I t )

16 How to detect a worm? For each TCP or UDP port, MWC has an alarm threshold for monitored illegitimate scan traffic Z t. If the monitored scan traffic is over the alarm threshold for several consecutive monitoring intervals, the Kalman filter will be activated. The MWC begins to record C t and calculates the average worm scan rate η from the report of egress scan monitors. The Kalman filter can either use C t or Z t to estimate all the parameters of a worm. The three discrete-time models are used to detect the worm. Once an estimated value of α stabilizes and oscillates slightly around a positive constant value, we have detected the presence of a worm.

17 Code Red simulation Uniform-scan Can be accurately modeled by the simple epidemic model The alarm threshold for Z t Set to be two times as large as the mean value of the background noise (*) * D. Goldsmith. Incidents Maillist: Possible Codered Connection Attempts. [Online]. Available:

18 Code Red propagation and its variability

19 Kalman filter estimation of Code Red infection rate α (1/3) epidemic model

20 Kalman filter estimation of Code Red infection rate α (2/3) AR exponential model

21 Kalman filter estimation of Code Red infection rate α (3/3) transformed linear model 0.3% infected

22 Long-term Kalman filter estimation In fast spread phrase

23 Estimate of the vulnerable population size N of Code Red In fast spread phrase

24 Blaster-like worm simulation Sequential-scan Still can be accurately modeled by the simple epidemic model 16-block monitor Monitor 16 “ /16 ” networks 1024-block monitor Monitor 1024 “ /22 ” networks IP Space monitored IP space A C B So for sequential-scan worms, the monitors should cover as distributed as possible. 16*2 32-16 = 1024*2 32-22

25 Worm propagation comparison between Code Red and Blaster-like worm

26 Blaster-like worm ( I t )

27 Blaster-like worm ( Z t )

28 Blaster-like worm ( Z t after using a low pass filter)

29 Kalman filter estimation of α for the Blaster-like worm 1.3% infected Transformed linear model

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