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1 An Exploration of the MPEG Algorithm Using Latency Insensitive Design EE249 Presentation (12/04/1999) Trevor Meyerowitz Mentored by: Luca Carloni.

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Presentation on theme: "1 An Exploration of the MPEG Algorithm Using Latency Insensitive Design EE249 Presentation (12/04/1999) Trevor Meyerowitz Mentored by: Luca Carloni."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 An Exploration of the MPEG Algorithm Using Latency Insensitive Design EE249 Presentation (12/04/1999) Trevor Meyerowitz Mentored by: Luca Carloni

2 2 Outline n Motivation n Explanation of Latency Insensitive Design n Why MPEG is interesting? n Current Implementation n Conclusions and Future work

3 3 Motivation: Doomsday for IC design? n Die Size, Design complexity, and Clock speed are all increasing. n Clock propagation is an increasing problem. –Multiple clock cycles to cross a chip –Verification becomes harder –Buffering the clock isn’t enough

4 4 The Current Situation n Traditional design flow uses direct connections between individual blocks n The wires might be too long. n Blocks are highly coupled. –Difficult to connect independent IP’s

5 5 Solution: Latency Insensitive Design Remove wires and put shells around blocks RS Remove wires and put shells around blocks Connect shells with an arbitrary number of relay stations Data coherency is preserved

6 6 Latency Insensitive Design: The Relay Station n Data- the signal n Void- whether the signal is legitimate data n Stop- tells previous relay station whether it’s ready or not to receive data control Data_in, Void_in Data_out, Void_out Stop_OutStop_In Source: A Methodology for Correct by Construction Latency Insensitive Design (carloni et al)

7 7 Current Status: n Proof of concept (Carloni, McMillan, Sangiovanni-Vincentelli 1999) n Functional Example n Case Study: The PDLX micro-processor n Different examples are required –Demonstrate SOC feasibility –Especially Multimedia

8 8 Sample SOC idea MPEG Decode & Wireless Comm Chip HDTV (picture from High MHz High Power and Bandwidth Cell Phone (picture from Low MHz Low Power and Bandwidth

9 9 Why MPEG Decode is Good n Complicated & Highly Data Dependant –Different resolutions, encoding techniques n Not as arbitrary or complicated as Encode n Real Time Constraints n Great Target for HW/SW Partitioning/Co-Design n Relevant for SOC today

10 10 Description of MPEG Decode n Aside from headers can be classified as 4 types of blocks –D-Block - (control information) –I-Block - Full Picture –P-Block - Picture Dependant on prior picture –B-Block - Picture Dependant on future picture n Each non-D-Block is split up into 8x8 chunks

11 11 Description of MPEG Decode Header Decode VLC/RLC Decode Inverse Quantize Inverse DCT Inverse ZigZag Add Picture Input Stream Picture Store (I)Picture Store (P) Forward Predictor Backward Predictor Decoded Picture Memory Bus Source: MPEG-2 John Watkinson hardware software ?

12 12 Current Implementation n Have translated hardware portions from MPEG-2 Decoder C file to Verilog n Hooked up them up using relay stations n Verified Functionality Inverse Quantize Inverse ZigZag Inverse DCT Relay Station

13 13 Results: n Relay Stations do add a startup delay similar to pipelining –Basic Simulation confirms 4.5* cycle delay n Software-ish portions are a nightmare to translate to Verilog –Memory access and pointers –Software is sequential, HW isn’t usually

14 14 Conclusion n What Remains to be Done: –More thorough verification –Further exploration of results –Perhaps add VLC/RLC to hardware –Possibly interface with PLI n Possible Future Work: –Exploration of interfacing with software –Further Performance Analysis –Automatic Shell Synthesis –Instantiation of Multiple Execution Units

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