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World Regional Geography March 8, 2010 Reading: Marston Chapter 6 pages 272-283, 286-300 306-319 (beginning with Rural Poverty) Goode’s World Atlas pages.

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Presentation on theme: "World Regional Geography March 8, 2010 Reading: Marston Chapter 6 pages 272-283, 286-300 306-319 (beginning with Rural Poverty) Goode’s World Atlas pages."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Regional Geography March 8, 2010 Reading: Marston Chapter 6 pages 272-283, 286-300 306-319 (beginning with Rural Poverty) Goode’s World Atlas pages 67-69, 88-89 Next Week: Map Quiz #3 North America Alert, Nunavut – The World’s Northernmost inhabited place.

2 Mean: 76% Median: 77.5% Mode: 85%

3 The United States & Canada 1.Political Boundaries 2.Physical Geography A.Physical Features & Topography B.Climate Characteristics C.Vegetation & Land Use D.Physiographic Regions E.Environmental Issues 3.Human Geography A.Population Characteristics B.Culture C.Economies 4.Key Concepts A.Migration a.Internal / International b.Factors Affecting Migration c.Major Population Shifts

4 Political Boundaries


6 Topography

7 Temperature JanuaryJuly

8 Rainfall

9 Vegetation

10 Extreme Variations Cold arctic air mass Hot, moist air (Gulf of Mexico) Moderation of the Coasts Maritime climates Large interior land mass Continental climate Great Lakes and their effects Rainfall higher in the east and declining westward Jet Stream – mixing of air masses - stormsClimate

11 Land Cover & Use

12 Physiographic Regions

13 Environmental History & Issues Different attitudes towards land use Native Americans vs. Europeans Shorter history of environmental degradation. Industrial Pollution Factory clean up Acid rain Automobile emissions Superfund sites High rate of resource consumption

14 Population Density

15 U.S. – 306.8 million Northeast – Megalopolis Rust-belt Sun-belt West Coast Canada – 33.7 million 90% within 100 miles of US border U.S. Canadian Core Pacific Coast - Vancouver

16 Population Characteristics RegionPopulation(Millions) Birth Rate Death Rate Natural Increase (%) Net Migration Rate Projected Pop. Change (2050) USA306.81480.63+43% Canada33.71170.48+24% RegionIMRTFR % Pop <15 % Pop >65 Life Expectancy MaleFemaleUSA6.62.12013787883 Canada5.01.61714817580 Region HIV/AIDS % % Urban GNI PPP (US$)USA0.67946.970 Canada0.48136,220

17 Wednesday Culture & Ethnicity Economics Migration

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