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Geographic Information Systems and Modeling Andrew Mckenna- Foster.

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Presentation on theme: "Geographic Information Systems and Modeling Andrew Mckenna- Foster."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geographic Information Systems and Modeling Andrew Mckenna- Foster

2 Outline What are Geographic Information Systems? Modeling with GIS Septic Suitability Model Erosion Potential Model

3 Geographic Information Systems Visualization of geographic features and the corresponding physical attributes –Road map –Land use type –Soil map –Contour map Modeling of natural processes using Arc GIS™ Spatial Analyst

4 Modeling with GIS Several input maps Simulate factors that affect water quality Septic suitability Erosion potential

5 Septic Suitability Model What makes land suitable for septic systems? –Gentle slopes –Soil containing loam, sand, and gravel Input maps: –Soil –Slope

6 Soil Map Digitized polygons of the 17 soil types in the watershed Septic suitability description

7 Septic Suitability of Soils Soil seriesSeptic suitabilitySeptic rating Marlow-stonyNot Suitable9 LymanNot Suitable9 PeruNot Suitable9 BuxtonNot Suitable9 MarlowModerate5 ColtonSuitable1

8 Slope Map Ranked for suitability on a 1 to 9 scale: –Steep slope = 9 –Gentle slope = 1 Range = 0 o to 28 o Created from digital elevation maps

9 Weighted Overlay =+ 66% 34% Soil Slope Suitable Moderate Unsuitable Septic Suitability

10 Septic Suitability Results 84% of watershed suitable <1% unsuitable Uses: –Guidance for proper system installation –Focus remediation efforts Septic Suitability Suitable Moderate Unsuitable

11 Erosion Potential Model Displays –Erodibility of land in watershed –Potential effect erosion has on water quality Accounts for proximity to the lakes and streams 5 Input maps –Soil –Slope –Land Use Type –Proximity to lakes –Proximity to streams

12 Slope and Soil Maps Same slope map The soils were ranked for erodibility on a 1 to 9 scale based on K values Soil seriesK valueErosion rating Marlow- stony 0.24 Lyman0.286 Peru0.20-0.245 Buxton0.326 Marlow0.245 Colton0.184

13 Land Use TypeErosion Value Wetlands1 Mature Forest1 Transitional Forest3 Reverting Land4 Pasture7 Residential8 Cleared Land9 Crop Land9 Commercial/Municipal9 1998 Land Use Map

14 Proximity Maps 8 Lake proximity zones –200 ft –1,200 ft Stream proximity zones –200 ft 4 6 5 3 2 1 7 8 9 6 7 8 8 5

15 Weighted Overlay SlopeSoilLand Use 30%20% + + + Lake ProximityStream Proximity 30% = + 15%

16 Erosion Potential Results Northeast corner has high impact Wetlands are light gray Useful for focusing remediation and erosion control efforts Erosion Potential Low Moderate High

17 Summary of GIS Models Septic suitability model –Functioning septic systems = better water quality –Guidance for proper septic placement and installation Erosion potential model –Locates areas that contribute high erosion runoff –Focus remediation and control efforts for maximum increase in water quality

18 Buffer Strip and Septic Surveys: Results and Remediation Elizabeth Turnbull

19 - Shoreline Zoning Regulations - Development Survey - Buffer Strip Survey and Remediation - Septic Systems - Septic Remediation Outline

20 Maine’s Residential Shoreline Zoning Regulations MAXIMUM: –Structure height MINIMUM: –Setback –Shore frontage –Area (ft 2 ) –Total area of impervious surface

21 Development Assessment 560 total houses 203 shoreline 357 non-shoreline 142 seasonal 418 year-round 5 Farms 2 Gas Stations Car Wash Car Repair Garage Motel 2 Sand and Gravel Pits

22 Buffer Strips

23 Poorly buffered property little vegetation artificial beach lawn mowed to shore no deep root systems Well- buffered property full lakeshore coverage plants cover the entire area between the lake and the house thick, diverse vegetation riprap

24 Results show a large quantity of poor and failing buffers

25 Arrows indicate high concentrations of poor and failing buffer strips

26 Buffer Remediation Avoid mowing to the shore Native species Duff layer Riprap Winding paths Any buffer is better than nothing

27 Wastewater Disposal in Threemile Pond Mostly septic systems Common problems: –Too near the shore –Old –Grandfathered –Leaky

28 Septic Health Compost- No Disposal Conserve water- spread out use Pump regularly Replace when expanding and winterizing Avoid dumping bleach or antibacterial substances Avoid driving on leach field Native plants Low phosphate detergents and soaps New development?

29 Some Watershed Remediation Techniques Sarah Goodwin

30 Overview of Selected Watershed Management Sources Road Survey Agriculture Household remediation

31 Phosphorus Budget Determines the sources of phosphorus within the watershed Starts with estimations and is adapted to findings Determines the amount of phosphorus that each land type contributes Influenced by area of each land use type

32 All Inputs Cultural Inputs Phosphorus Inputs

33 Road Survey Importance of road maintenance, camp roads in particular Assessed all roads in watershed

34 Crowning and Grading Smooth surface and a crown that rises 1/2 inch for each foot of road width Remove berms Grade when appropriate

35 Ditches Collect and store storm water Trapezoidal or parabolic Vegetation

36 Water Diversions Water bars Culverts

37 Road Assessment Results 22 acres of camp roads 74 acres of municipal or state roads Camp roads in worst condition Implications for Threemile Pond

38 Problem Areas Problem Areas and Suggested Improvements

39 Other Forms of Remediation Agriculture Household impacts

40 Agriculture Potential impacts Limit excessive use of fertilizers Contour cultivation Stubble mulching Minimizing tillage

41 Other Remediation Techniques Fertilizer use Household products Boat ramp

42 Some Watershed Remediation Techniques Maintain integrity of roads Practice agriculture techniques that minimize phosphorus entering lakes Be aware of household impacts Importance of managing a watershed before looking to in lake remediation techniques

43 Lake Remediation Aubris Pfeiffer

44 Overview of Remediation Remediation of Threemile Pond Review of nonapplicable remediation techniques Recommendations Implementation in Threemile Pond

45 Definition of Lake Remediation “the manipulation of a lake ecosystem to effect an in-lake improvement in degraded or undesirable conditions” ~Dunst, et al. 1974

46 Challenges for Threemile Pond Remediation Multiple Towns Non-point Sources Nature of a lake system Cost/benefit analysis

47 Application to Threemile Pond Important to consider: Technique requirements Costs/benefits How it specifically applies to Threemile Pond and its demands

48 Common Remediation Techniques Dredging Water removal techniques: –Hypolimnetic Withdrawal –Dilution –Drawdown

49 Additional techniques Algicides –Temporary, toxic, expensive Aquatic Plant Harvesting –Not enough phosphorus in biomass Physical Liners –Application is difficult & expensive, lake size

50 Potential Techniques for Threemile Pond Wetland Maintenance Alum Treatment Hypolimnetic Aeration Biological control through fish stock manipulation

51 ALUM TREATMENT Chemically inactivates phosphorus Learn from previous treatment –Inadequate application –Buffering agent More advanced technology –GPS and GIS to map areas of lake for specific application

52 Ideal tool for determining alum treatment application Bathymetry map Anoxic depth & alum treated area map

53 Hypolimnetic aeration Prevents anoxic/anaerobic conditions by aerating the hypolimnion Destratification vs. layer technique

54 Biological Control: Fish Stock Manipulation Decrease planktivorous fish –Discontinue stocking of alewives Increase piscivorous fish –Continue/Increase stocking of brown trout –Stock small & large mouth bass Inexpensive and less ecologically damaging

55 Implementation in Threemile Pond Alum treatment, hypolimnetic aeration, and fish stock manipulation are promising Methods worth further consideration and study Consider implementation for improvement

56 Emily Arell Future Predictions and Recommendations for Threemile Pond

57 Historic Population Trends

58 Future Population Trends Town Population in 2000 Projected Population in 2020 Percent Increase China4,1065,50034% Vassalboro4,0474,80018% Windsor2,2042,80027%

59 Historic and Future Development Trends Agriculture will continue to decline Demand for housing and development will continue to rise –Shoreline property –Subdividing of existing lots

60 Prediction of Land Use Changes by 2040 Cleared land Transitional forest Residential Municipal Cropland Pasture Mature forest Reverting Wetlands Increase Decrease

61 Watershed Management Maintenance of septic systems Create Buffer strips Follow shoreline zoning regulations Maintain integrity of roads Practice agriculture techniques that minimize phosphorus entering lakes Be aware of household impacts

62 In-lake Remediation Techniques External phosphorus loading must be addressed prior to in-lake treatment for successful remediation Possible Techniques for Threemile Pond: 1) Biological control through fish stock manipulation 2) Alum treatment 3) Hypolimnetic aeration

63 Threemile Pond Remediation Summary Assess lakes individually Small changes can have a BIG effect Address as many problems as possible Establish a balance –Social –Economic –Environmental

64 Water Quality Monitoring Water monitoring throughout summer-Characterization sites: 1, 2, 3 –Transparency: bi-weekly –Dissolved Oxygen: bi-weekly –Phosphorus: test surface and epicore monthly Community volunteers

65 Community Awareness and Education Work closely with the China Region Lakes Alliance and Threemile Pond Association Distribute fact sheets and brochures Provide information in town offices and schools Involve local schools in monitoring Threemile Pond

66 Grants and Funding Maine DEP website –Non-point source Water Pollution Control Grants –Non-governmental funding sources –Watershed Protection Grant Maine Natural Resource Protection Act

67 General Summary The primary problem in Threemile Pond is cultural eutrophication –Remediation must consider all sources of phosphorus runoff Water quality will improve with: –Reduction of external phosphorus loading –Reduction of sediment release of phosphorus

68 Threemile Pond Remediation means the preservation of: –Environmental Health –Economic Viability –Cultural History

69 Special Acknowledgments Roy Bouchard Dave Halliwell Rebecca Manthy Jenna Richardson Nate Sylvester Dan Dubord George Gunning Bill Woodward Russell Cole Dave Firmage Dan Tierney The staff at the China Town Office The staff at the Vassalboro Town Office The staff at the Windsor Town Office

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