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DAML+OIL HTML XHTML XML SMILRDF(S) DCPICS. DAML+OIL Language A DAML+OIL ontology consist of –Headers –Class elements –Property elements –Instances.

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2 DAML+OIL Language A DAML+OIL ontology consist of –Headers –Class elements –Property elements –Instances

3 Header Version, String - e.g. RCS/CVS information Comments Imports, fetches resource, transitive $Id: foo.html,v 1.6 2001 An example ontology

4 Objects and Datatypes Universe divided disjointly –Datatype domain, e.g. classes –Object domain, e.g. instances Objects –Instances of classes that are subclasses of rdfs:Class Datatypes –Elements of daml:Datatype (XMLS)

5 Class Elements Defines a class named with URI daml:class element contains –rdfs:subClassOf class expr –daml:disjointWith class expr –daml:disjointUnionOf class expr –daml:sameClassAs class expr (def. i.t.o subClassOf) –daml:equivalentTo class expr –Boolean combinations –Enumerations

6 Example Class Elements

7 Class Expressions Class name (URI) Enumeration … Property restriction (Datatype or Object) Boolean combination of class expressions

8 Pre Defined Classes daml:Thing –All classes are subclasses to and – all objects are member of daml:Nothing –Nothing is a subclass of and –No object belongs to

9 Property restriction Defines anonymous class All objects that satisfy restriction Daml:Restriction contains daml:onProperty which has property name + –daml:toClass element(Universal Quantifier, for-all) –daml:hasValue element –daml:hasClass element (Existential Quantifier, there-exist) –daml:cardinality element –daml:maxCardinality element –daml:cardinalityQ element –daml:maxCardinalityQ element –daml:minCardinalityQ element N distinct values AND is an instance of expr given by daml:hasClassQ

10 Example Property restriction

11 Boolean combinations on Class Expressions daml:intersectionOf –Class that consist of all common objects from the list of class expressions daml:unionOf –Class that consist of all objects that belongs to at least one of the classes in the list of class expressions daml:complementOf –Class that consist of all objects that do not belong to the single class expression

12 Property Elements Name (URI) rdfs:domain rdfs:range daml:samePropertyAs (def. i.t.o subPropertyOf) equivalentTo daml:inverseOf daml:TransitiveProperty (a->b,b->c => a->c) daml:UniqueProperty (x->y1,x->y2 not allowed) daml:UnambigousProperty (x1->y, x2->y not allowed ) Use with care! Global!

13 Instances Instance of –Classes Adam Adam is a person –Properties

14 Tools Protégé (RDFS) (~pelab/pub/pkg/protege/) OilEd (DAML+OIL) –Reasoner included –

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