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Preventive Medicine: An Educated Patient is Our Best Customer Health Care Information Systems Project 1 March 22, 2000 Dan Baker Dan Schreiber.

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Presentation on theme: "Preventive Medicine: An Educated Patient is Our Best Customer Health Care Information Systems Project 1 March 22, 2000 Dan Baker Dan Schreiber."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preventive Medicine: An Educated Patient is Our Best Customer Health Care Information Systems Project 1 March 22, 2000 Dan Baker Dan Schreiber

2 1.Introduction to Preventive Care 2.Costs of Chronic Conditions and Risky Behaviors 3.Changing Factors Associated with Prospective Medicine Part 1: Background of Preventive Care Part 2: Solution Requirements 1.Health Risk Assessment 2.Access to Information Technology 3.Access to Medical Information Part 3: Vendor Identification - WellMed 1.WellMed Background 2.HRA Tool – HealthQuotient Part 4: Gaps in Current Solutions 1.Increased Interaction between HRA’s, Patients, and Physicians 2.Improving Quality of Information Provided 3.Increasing Consumer/Patient Utilization Part 5: Conclusions

3 Part 1: Background

4 Introduction to Preventive Care Major Focus of Preventive Care Participants Disease and Condition Targets

5 Economic Cost of Various Diseases Disease Direct CostsIndirect CostsTotal Costs Hypertension 1 $24.5$8.8$33.3 Stroke 1 $29.5 $15.8$45.3 Total Cardiovascular 1 $178.2$107.3 $286.5 Depression 2 $44 $19.9$24.1 Obesity 3 $238 $47 $285 Smoking 4 $50 $47$97 1: American Heart Association, 19992: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998 3: American Obesity Association, The Lewin Group,1999. Note: The costs for obesity results from the costs associated with treating 15 other diseases including diabetes, hypertension and stroke. $102B from treating those diseases and $136B more based on chances of getting other ailments (arthritis, liver/gallbladder/kidney disease, various cancers, etc.) 4: Centers for Disease Control, 1999

6 Changing Factors in Preventive Medicine Benefits of Improved Preventive Care Services Employer and Physician Participation Access to Accurate Medical Information

7 Part 2: Solution Components

8 Components of the Solution HRA: Background, Purpose, and Benefits Information Exchange: The Web, E-mail, PC’s Online Medical Information

9 Part 3: WellMed Inc.

10 Vendor Identification: WellMed Inc. Company Background Mission Statement “To design and develop ethical, educational tools that empower our client’s constituents to make informed decisions about their health and well- being.”

11 HRA Tool - WellQuotient HealthQuotient and PopulationQuotient Advanced HQ’s Functionality and Design Analysis and Output

12 Part 4: Current Gaps

13 Gaps in Current HRA Offerings and Proposed Solutions Problem: Lack on Ongoing Interaction with HRA Solution: Allow HRA to regularly communicate with both physicians and patients Problem: Limited Usefulness of Information Provided Solution: Improve Information Quality to Increase Patient’s Involvement in Health Decisions Problem: Lack of Patient Utilization Solution: Add Incentives for Consumers to Submit HRA’s

14 Part 5: Conclusions

15 Future of HRA’s and Preventive Care Services Acknowledging the Usefulness and Limitations of the HRA Ability of Preventive Medicine to Affect Change Continuum of Preventive Care Components

16 Preventive Care Medicine ‘Wired’ Consumers Consumer Patient Record ‘Wired’ Physician Office Clinical Guidelines & Protocols Health Risk Assessment Disease State Management Online Medical Information Preventive Care Components

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