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Rossella Lau Lecture 9, DCO20105, Semester A,2005-6 DCO 20105 Data structures and algorithms  Lecture 9: More on BST  Removal of a BST  Some advanced.

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2 Rossella Lau Lecture 9, DCO20105, Semester A,2005-6 DCO 20105 Data structures and algorithms  Lecture 9: More on BST  Removal of a BST  Some advanced balanced BST trees (AVL trees): 234 tree, Red-Black tree -- By Rossella Lau

3 Rossella Lau Lecture 9, DCO20105, Semester A,2005-6 Re-visit on BST  A BST is a tree where all the values of the left sub-tree are less than the root and all the values of the right sub-tree are greater than the root  It supports O(log n) execution time for both search and insert in optimal cases when the BST has high density  The worst execution time may be O(n) when the BST is sparse

4 Rossella Lau Lecture 9, DCO20105, Semester A,2005-6 Some facts of a BST  A binary search tree’s in-order traversal sequence is a sort order  insertion to a BST can also be treated as a tree sort method and this is another O(n log n) sort algorithm  The minimum value of a BST is on the left most leaf  BSTNode cur = root; // assume size()>=1  while (cur->left) cur = cur->left;  Return cur->item;  The maximum value of a BST is on the right most leaf

5 Rossella Lau Lecture 9, DCO20105, Semester A,2005-6 BST removal  Removing a node from a BST should maintain the resulting tree to be a tree as a BST  It cannot have three children  left sub-tree < root < right sub-tree  Should consider different situations of a node (or a sub-tree)  A leaf  A node with a single child  A full node, which has two children

6 Rossella Lau Lecture 9, DCO20105, Semester A,2005-6 Deletion of an item which is a leaf  Delete 22: When the item is found, delete it! 879535 22 50 28 40 75 90 879535 50 28 40 75 90

7 Rossella Lau Lecture 9, DCO20105, Semester A,2005-6 The algorithm for deletion of a leaf bool BSTree ::remove (T const & target) { BSTNode *& contentAt (find (target)); if (! contentAt ) return false; BSTNode *forDelete (contenAt); if (contentAt->isLeaf()) contentAt = 0; forDelete->left = forDelete->right = 0; delete forDelete; countNodes--; return true; } bool BSTNode ::isLeaf(void) {return !left && !right;}

8 Rossella Lau Lecture 9, DCO20105, Semester A,2005-6 Deletion of an item which has one child  Delete 75: When the item is found, put its only child at its place 879535 50 28 40 75 90 8795 35 50 28 40 90

9 Rossella Lau Lecture 9, DCO20105, Semester A,2005-6 The algorithm for deletion of single child node bool BSTree ::remove (T const & target) { BSTNode *& contentAt (find (target)); if (! contentAt ) return false; BSTNode *forDelete (contenAt); if (!contentAt->isLeaf() && // with single !contentAt->isFull() ) // child contentAt = contentAt->left ? contentAt->left : contentAt->right; forDelete->left = forDelete->right = 0; delete forDelete; countNodes--; return true; } bool BSTNode ::isFull(void) {return left && right; }

10 Rossella Lau Lecture 9, DCO20105, Semester A,2005-6 8795 35 40 28 50 90 Deletion of an item which has two children  Delete 50:  Theory: The inorder successor/predecessor of an internal node at most has one child at its right/left hand side  When the item is found at node n, replace n's data with n's inorder successor s or predecessor p, then deletion goes to s or p -- s or p is either a leaf or a node with single child! 8795 35 50 28 40 90 or 95 35 87 28 40 90 50 35

11 Rossella Lau Lecture 9, DCO20105, Semester A,2005-6 The algorithm for deletion of an internal node bool BSTree ::remove (T const & target) {BSTNode *& contentAt (find (target)); if (! contentAt ) return false; BSTNode *& forDelete(prepareRemoval(contentAt)); BSTNode *realDelete (forDelete); …… // deletion of a leaf or a single child’s parent } BSTNode *& BSTree ::prepareRemoval( BSTNode *& contentAt) { if (contentAt->isFull()) { BSTNode *& succ ( successor ( contentAt) ); swap ( succ->getItem(), contentAt->getItem() ); return succ; } else return contentAt; }

12 Rossella Lau Lecture 9, DCO20105, Semester A,2005-6 The algorithm for finding an inorder successor BSTNode *& BSTree ::successor (BSTNode const *p) { // Assume that the input node (p) has two children BSTNode *it (const_cast *> (p)); if (it->right->left) { // successor at the // left-most right subTree it = it->right; while (it->left->left) it= it->left; return it->left; } else //successor is the right child return it->right; }

13 Rossella Lau Lecture 9, DCO20105, Semester A,2005-6 Notes on const_cast  C++ supports the following type cast operators:  const_cast to cast away constant attribute In the previous example, p is passed as a pointer pointing to a constant object. However, it tries to traverse p’s children and the compiler would not allow it to have updated operation it=it  next; To allow it to traverse its children, const_cast is needed to temporarily cast away the constant attributes of p  static_cast the new way to do former type cast Former way: doubleResult = (double) intA / intB; C++: doubleResult = static_cast (intA) / intB;  Other two which are not encouraged: dynamic_cast, reinterpret_cast

14 Rossella Lau Lecture 9, DCO20105, Semester A,2005-6 Exercises on BST removal  BST removal:  Ford’s exercise: 10:26: delete 30, 80, 25; 10:32  Other BST removal related functions  find a predecessor

15 Rossella Lau Lecture 9, DCO20105, Semester A,2005-6 Complexity for remove()  The main logic for delete() is still find(). However, it requires a function successor() to search an in-order successor. successor() should have a complexity less than or equal to find(), therefore, the big O function of delete() is still the same as find()  remove() is similar to find() and has the same complexity as find()

16 Rossella Lau Lecture 9, DCO20105, Semester A,2005-6 Balanced Binary Tree  To solve the problem of a "linear" BST and maintain an optimal complexity, the problem becomes how to maintain a balanced binary tree  A balanced binary tree is also called an AVL tree  It was discovered by two Russian mathematicians: Adel'son-Vel'skii and Landis  First, the height is defined as the depth of the tree  Then, a balanced binary tree is a binary tree in which the heights of the two sub-trees of every node never differ by more than 1.

17 Rossella Lau Lecture 9, DCO20105, Semester A,2005-6 Examples of AVL BST and non-AVL BST A C F GH B E D AVL tree J L P S O K N QR M T Non AVL tree

18 Rossella Lau Lecture 9, DCO20105, Semester A,2005-6 Efficiency concerns on an AVL BST  There are efficient algorithms to maintain a binary tree as an AVL tree  Insert/remove a node into/from an AVL tree and resulting an AVL tree at O(1) (without searching)  Fords: Supplementary in the book web site  Goodrich et al.: Chapter 9  Collins: Chapter 9  It requires more information, the height of a node  With an AVL BST, it can always have an optimal search process on a BST

19 Rossella Lau Lecture 9, DCO20105, Semester A,2005-6 B-Tree  A node storing only one item is not efficient especially considering I/O is based on “blocks” and a block usually stores about 512 bytes  B-Tree is an extension of a balanced binary tree  When saying a binary tree of order n, it means that the tree allows a node to have n children and stores n-1 items  Searching on a B-tree involves only the number of level block I/O when treating each node as an I/O block and searching within a node which has items stored in a vector that can apply binary search

20 Rossella Lau Lecture 9, DCO20105, Semester A,2005-6 A sample B-Tree of Order 5 367 103 218 492 661815912 17 87119 165 198245 272 330408 435524 602686 770 799956 968 975 991832 871 A BC DEFGHIJK

21 Rossella Lau Lecture 9, DCO20105, Semester A,2005-6 Searching on a B-Tree  Search for 832 1. Getting block A, linear or binary search on the key values, 815 > 367  go to block C along the right pointer of 367 2. Getting block C, 832 is in between 815 and 912  go to block J along the pointer between 815 and 912 3. Getting block J, search for 832  found!  Search for 65 Getting block A, then B, and D, 65 does not exist in D  not found!

22 Rossella Lau Lecture 9, DCO20105, Semester A,2005-6 2-3-4 Tree  A special case of a B-Tree is 2-3-4 tree, B-tree of order 4, in which a node can have up to four children and stores 3 items  Ford’s slides: Chapter 12: 10-15  Ford’s exercises: Chapter 12: 26(b)  Draw the 2-3-4 tree built when you insert the keys from E A S Y Q U T I O N into an initially empty tree.

23 Rossella Lau Lecture 9, DCO20105, Semester A,2005-6 Red-Black Tree  To implement a B-Tree is complicated and to implement a 2-3-4 tree is easier but still complicated  Using a Red-black tree to implement (represent) a 2- 3-4 tree is easier  Red-black tree is a binary tree The root is BLACK A RED parent never has a RED child Every path from the root to an empty sub-tree has the same number of BLACK nodes  It is closed to a balanced tree and easier to be constructed  Ford’s slides: 12:16-17; exercises: 12:26(c)

24 Rossella Lau Lecture 9, DCO20105, Semester A,2005-6 Summary  Construction of a BST is also a sorting method which is at O(n logn) for optimal cases  The in-order successor/predecessor of an interior node must be either a leaf or a node with single child  To erase a node from a BST can be categorized as two cases: to delete a leaf and a node with single child  To solve the worst case of a BST, constructing a BST should assure that it is a balanced BST (AVL)  An extension of a BST is a B-Tree and a special case is 2-3-4 tree  Using a Red-Black tree to implement/represent a 2-3-4 tree greatly reduces the complexity

25 Rossella Lau Lecture 9, DCO20105, Semester A,2005-6 Reference  Ford: 10.5-6, 12.6-7  Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ by Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, David M. Mount : Chapter 9 -- END --

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