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Figure 6: Contour plot of light curve for fixed inclination of 54 o and the full range of azimuthal viewing angles starting again at 180 o from apastron at the bottom. The dashed line marks the azimuthal angle of φ=36 o that is found to give closest match to the X-ray light curve observed by RXTE. X-Ray Light Curve of η Carinae from 3D SPH Simulations Chris Russell & Stan Owocki University of Delaware Atsuo Okazaki Hokkai-Gakuen University Abstract Figure 5: Contour plot of light curve as a function of viewing angles within the orbital plane (inclination i=90 o ). From bottom to top, the view ranges from 180 o from apastron through apastron and back. The dark horizontal sequences represent the passage of the secondary star through the line of sight. SPH Simulation Need 3D dynamical model- cannot model periastron with 2D Eulerian grid-based methods too computationally expensive So use SPH code to model density & absorption in full 3D (see Figure 2) But SPH method cannot resolve shocks that produce X-rays So assume simple model for X-ray emission: point-source at head of shock cone I x ~ 1/D, where D=Binary Separation Distance X-rays form in wind-wind interaction region high-speed secondary wind slams into dense primary wind ram balance depends on momentum ratio ≈4 head located ≈ D/3 from secondary star Model X-ray emission as point source near head of cone To reduce noise, use 3/4 distance from secondary to head Compute mass column density from source to observer, m o = (Figure 3, top) Assume b-f absorption opacity x =5 cm 2 /g (Antokhin 2004) to compute X-ray attenuation exp(- x m o ) (Figure 3, middle) Since shock from secondary wind is nearly adiabatic, assume X-ray emission scales inversely with distance, I x ~ 1/D Derive resulting X-ray light curve as L x ~ exp(- x m o )/D (Figure 3, bottom) X-Ray Model A key question regarding η Carinae is observer’s position in relation to binary orbit Move observer to test how light curve depends on line of sight φ: prograde angle from apastron in the orbital plane i: inclination angle from the orbital axis (see Figure 1). (A third possible angle, rotating the system about the line of sight, has no effect on the light curve and thus was not explored.) Vary φ and i to match key features of RXTE light curve steep rise approaching periastron (from L x ~1/D) sharp drop near periastron (primary wind eclipse) eclipse length of ~5% orbit less steep climb out of eclipse (tail absorption vs. emission) Optimal line of sight is φ=36 o and i=54 o (see Figure 4) Line of SightResults Figure 3: Column mass (top panel), attenuation (middle panel), and light curve (bottom panel) as a function of orbital phase for the derived optimal viewing angle 36 o prograde from apastron and inclined 54 o from the orbital axis. Figure 4: Comparison of RXTE data (black and gray; see Corcoran 2005) with the closest match model light curve (red). The light gray curve shows the first cycle of RXTE data shifted by one period. Mike Corcoran NASA/GSFC We model the RXTE X-ray light curve for η Carinae (Corcoran 2005) using a 3-D smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulation of the collision of the strong wind from the primary star with a weaker but faster wind of an assumed secondary star. For a reasonable choice of stellar, wind, and orbital parameters (see Table 1), the SPH simulations provide a dynamical model of the relatively low-density cavity carved out by the secondary wind, and how this varies with orbital phase. Assuming the main X-ray emission occurs near the head of the wind-wind interaction cone and varies in intensity with the inverse of the binary separation at any given orbital phase, we generate trial X-ray light curves by computing the phase variation of absorption to observers at various lines of sight. Comparisons with the RXTE light curve suggest an optimal viewing angle approximately 36 o from apastron in the prograde direction and inclined approximately 54 o. Such a viewing angle is consistent with the orbit being in roughly the same plane as the equatorial skirt. Our derived synthetic light curve naturally reproduces many of the key features of the RXTE light curve, namely the increase in X-rays approaching periastron, the sudden decline into the X-ray eclipse, the appropriate duration of the X-ray eclipse, and the less sharp incline out of the eclipse. The naturalness of the fit provides strong evidence in favor of the basic wind-wind binary interaction model, and with further analysis of, e.g., X-ray and UV spectra, it should be possible to place further constraints on the basic stellar, wind, and orbital parameters. Full 3D dynamical model of η Carinae colliding wind density compute X-ray absorption from source at head of shock cone Study how line of sight affects light curve (see Figures 5 and 6) RXTE light curve very well-fit, with optimal viewing angle: φ = 36 o -- prograde from apastron i = 54 o -- inclination from orbital axis Orbit is roughly co-planar with equatorial skirt inclination angle i = 54 o vs. skirt inclination ~45 o (Gull 2005) References Antokhin, I. I., Owocki, S. P., and Brown, J. C. 2004, ApJ, 611, 434 Corcoran, M. 2005, AJ 129, 2018 Gull, T. R. et al. 2005, BAAS 37, 1348 Figure 2: Density in the orbital plane for a 3D SPH binary colliding wind, from apastron to periastron (upper left to right), then post- periastron through recovery toward apastron (lower left to right). Through most of the orbit around apastron, the secondary’s wind (blue) carves out a nearly axisymmetric 2D cone in the denser but slower primary wind (red). But near and after periastron this cavity becomes embedded in the primary wind, giving rise to a "wind eclipse" of X-rays produced in the wind bow shock. Eventually this cavity is blown away and the conical form resumes. Table 1. Assumed stellar, wind, and orbital parameters. 2.3x10 14 cm Semi-major Axis 2.24 days Period 0.9 Eccentricity 10 -5 M /yr 2.5x10 -4 M /yr Mass Loss Rate 3000 km/s 500 km/s Wind Speed 30 R 90 R Radius 30 M 90 M Mass Secondary Star Primary Star Figure 1: Cutaways showing relationship between the observer and the orbital geometry (pictured at apastron). Counter- clockwise is the prograde direction. orbital axis semi-major axis parallel to semi-major axis origin of X-ray emission observer i φ
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