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Podcasting: An Introduction Douglas Borcoman-Instructional Design—Academic Technology 310-243-2105

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1 Podcasting: An Introduction Douglas Borcoman-Instructional Design—Academic Technology 310-243-2105

2  The significance of "pod" refers to the Apple iPod, for which the first podcasting scripts were developed  The “scripts”, such as XML allow the podcasts to become accessible via the Internet

3  podcast is a digital media file, or a series of such files, that is distributed over the Internet using syndication feeds for playback on portable media players and personal media Internetsyndicationfeedsportable media players personal computers  CSUDH Example ore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=252587760&s =143441 ore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=252587760&s =143441

4 iPods……

5 Educational Advantages of Podcasting  Podcasts provide several advantages to teachers, students and parents. The points made above all support the list of advantages below, which is certainly not all inclusive and is growing as Podcasts become more prevalent in our educational systems.  Meet the needs of more students with varying learning styles and aptitudes.  Provide ‘make up lectures’ to students who were absent.  Supplement existing material and resources with a portable and remotely accessible source of information.  Audio benefits vision impaired students and non-native speakers.

6 Advantages-cont’d  Ability to replay and review information helps to embed lessons in memory.  Asynchronous consumption allows for convenient access and multi-tasking (riding the bus, walking, working out, etc…).  Flexible curriculum pathways to encourage student participation and facilitate success.  Most appropriate presentation of spoken/audio material— e.g. native language, foreign language, speech therapy, music, reading assistance.

7 What Do You Need? The Easy Way:  Get a video camera or audio recorder from CTL or IMS with a tripod  Get an external Microphone—like a wireless  Record your presentation in class

8 A Slightly More Difficult way  Use Camtasia and record a narrated Powerpoint on your Desktop or Laptop Computer  A microphone or Webcam

9 Uploading Files  Academic Technology will do that for you  Bring the recorded material in and we will convert to mp3 and place it on the server.  I will create the XML for the RSS feed for CSUDH iTunes University

10 Wish List  Digital Recorder with High Quality audio  Media Cart with hardware and software—this is being designed right now

11 Educational Podcasts  Apple, Inc: Podcasts in Education d/podcasting.html dcastingvideos/ d/podcasting.html dcastingvideos/  Education Podcast Network  Podcast Directory for Educators, Schools and Colleges  Berwick Secondary College  Podcasts for Teachers

12 Links  st/index.html st/index.html 

13 Contact Us  Doug Borcoman ext 2105  Academic Technology Website Request htm htm

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