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Siftables. by: Mohamad Alhamada.. Table of Contents. What are Siftables? General Informations. The Uses of Siftables. Special features. Bibliography.

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Presentation on theme: "Siftables. by: Mohamad Alhamada.. Table of Contents. What are Siftables? General Informations. The Uses of Siftables. Special features. Bibliography."— Presentation transcript:

1 Siftables. by: Mohamad Alhamada.

2 Table of Contents. What are Siftables? General Informations. The Uses of Siftables. Special features. Bibliography.

3 What are Siftables? It is a independent cookie-sized computers with motion sensing, neighbor detection, graphical display, and wireless communication. Siftables was created by David Merrill and Jeevan Kalanithi at the MIT Media Lab.

4 What are Siftables? The Siftable devices include: LCD display A microcontroller. Accelerometer. Wireless radio. Four Infrared Data Association (IrDA) transceivers for networking.

5 General Informations. Inspiration came from children's blocks and legos. It is a Tangible User Interface (TUI) in which a person interacts with digital information through the physical environment. There are different ways to configure a Siftable, either by putting the computing power into the block itself, or by feeding each Siftable information from a computer equipped with Bluetooth It is not commercial yet.

6 The Uses of Siftables. Learning-aid Math problems: work as calculators Present different colors Demo tools during boardroom meetings. Play media. Show pictures. Connect with a bluetooth.

7 Special features. A cool piece of the learning side of Siftables is you can learn spelling. The Siftables will be spread on a table and you have 30 seconds to make words out of the blocks. After 30 seconds a sound will chime and new letters will appear on your blocks.

8 Special features. Interactive. Creative. Small and easy to hold and to use. Does not serve only one purpose. Fun and easy way to learn.

9 Bibliography. 1. The official site of Siftables.  2.MIT Media Lab Home Page.  3.The Home Page of David Merrill (The creater of Siftables).  4.The Home Page of Jeevan Kalanithi(The creater of Siftables). 

10 Bibliography. 5. An article in gizmag about Siftables.  learning/11053/ learning/11053/ 6.The wikipedia page of Siftables.  7.YouTube video about Siftables.  wU wU

11 Bibliography. 8.An article in Wired magazine about Siftables.  d-siftable-co/ d-siftable-co/ 9.Siftables on the IEEE Web Site.  tingnow/archive/news012 tingnow/archive/news012 10. An article on Softpedia web site about Siftables.  Siftables-the-Domino-Like-Computer- 81186.shtml Siftables-the-Domino-Like-Computer- 81186.shtml

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