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FIRMS Edit Changes FY 2004-05 Fyle Cabagnot Financial Management Services May 23, 2004.

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1 FIRMS Edit Changes FY 2004-05 Fyle Cabagnot Financial Management Services May 23, 2004

2 F inancial M anagement S ervices The California State University Changes from Warning to Error l Current year equity balances must equal prior year post-closing balance for FIRMS objects 305001/305002/305020/305021 l Governmental Funds. FIRMS data must Not include "Reverted" appropriation accounts for the current Budget year. l State Fund 0001. General Fund transfers (FIRMS Object 690004) between appropriation years must equal "0". Object code 690004 must only be used in General Fund.

3 F inancial M anagement S ervices The California State University Changes from Warning to Error l State Funds 0001/0498. Campuses must record GF and HEFI expenditure transfers in FIRMS Object 690003. Object 690003 must only be used in General Fund and Higher Education Fees and Income Fund. l State Fund 0498. Sum of Revenue and Expenditure Transfers in State Fund 085 must equal "0". (3 rd & 4 th qtr) l CSUFund 001, Budget submissions. Campus Final Budget Data (Activity Period "XXXX08", Record Type "02") must be rounded to the nearest dollar by FIRMS Object

4 F inancial M anagement S ervices The California State University New Automated FIRMS Edits l No expenditure object codes should be recorded in State fund 0498 except 690003-GF Transfers and 690002-Prior year expenditure adjustments. l Object codes 503201-SEOG should only be recorded in CSU fund 421and 503202-SUG in CSU fund 422. l Sum of total receivables must be equal or greater than sum of allowances plus deferred receivables l Fund Balance Clearing Reconciliation (1st & 2nd Qtr)

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