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Parking Pal Presentation #4 Team M1: Anna Kochalko Chris Moody Hong Tuck Liew John Wu September 24, 2007 Behavioral & Floorplan Your digital parking meter.

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Presentation on theme: "Parking Pal Presentation #4 Team M1: Anna Kochalko Chris Moody Hong Tuck Liew John Wu September 24, 2007 Behavioral & Floorplan Your digital parking meter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parking Pal Presentation #4 Team M1: Anna Kochalko Chris Moody Hong Tuck Liew John Wu September 24, 2007 Behavioral & Floorplan Your digital parking meter of the future!

2 Status Project Chosen Options explored and eliminated Specification defined Behavioral Verilog Test Benches  Combinational Verilog  Test Benches  Schematic Design  Layout  Simulations

3 Block Diagrams MULT MUX ADD MUX currentTime[10:6] (hrs) 60 currentTime[5:0] (Min) 1 timeInMin hourToMin start swipeIn = 1 only when the card swipes in, then it goes low Start = (swipeIn || carArrive)

4 UserID R_19R_18R_1R_0I_19I_18I_1I_0 ID NUMBER (20 bits) getID 00001111 noCar10Min swipeOut noCar

5 adder addresses F(currentdate) Reg (address) SRAM Reg (rate) Reg (time) FSM charge getCharge DECREMENT 10 noCar10Min FSM 10

6 Mult/adder noCar ~rate 60currentTime min hrs Tea Encryption Binary to BCD Main Mux (MM) AdderSubtractor Compare (max) (realTimeIn) /11 /6 /7 MM ticketTime /11 getTicket ID # 0 0 realTimeIn timeLimit timeInMin 0 7SegmentDisplay FlashMemory Charge rate TimeLeft /11 /1 /20 /1 /11 /7 BLOCK DIAGRAM startTime timeIn reg Car swipeIn getID Write_en timeInMin Charge getCharge start /1 /12 rate 0 TL2 TL2[10] 10 F(currentdate) addresses

7 Size/Transistor Count ComponentSize Multiplier3500(120x80) 2 x MUX (7 Bits)300(30x5) 5 x MUX (11 Bits)750(40x5) 2 x Subtractor (11 Bits)550(55x10) 2 x Adder (11 Bits)500(55x10) FSM1000 2 x Compare (11 Bits)500 Encryption5000(150x100) Binary to BCD2000 (90x15) Total Transistor Count14250

8 Floorplan – 250x225

9 Test Benches Verified working:  Swipe/Car triggering  Rate lookup table  Charge accumulation  TEA Encryption (64-bit key, 16 round) Verified using 2 C instances against Verilog

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