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Inuit and the Human Impact of Climate Change. INUIT TAPIRIIT KANATAMI Incorporated in 1972Incorporated in 1972 Represents the interests of Inuit of Canada.

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Presentation on theme: "Inuit and the Human Impact of Climate Change. INUIT TAPIRIIT KANATAMI Incorporated in 1972Incorporated in 1972 Represents the interests of Inuit of Canada."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inuit and the Human Impact of Climate Change

2 INUIT TAPIRIIT KANATAMI Incorporated in 1972Incorporated in 1972 Represents the interests of Inuit of Canada at the national levelRepresents the interests of Inuit of Canada at the national level Primarily an advocacy organization to ensure Inuit rights and interests are protected & promotedPrimarily an advocacy organization to ensure Inuit rights and interests are protected & promoted


4 Survival depends on the environment – from the air we breathe, to the water we drink and the food we eat.... When any of these components are threatened, health is compromised. Survival depends on the environment – from the air we breathe, to the water we drink and the food we eat.... When any of these components are threatened, health is compromised.

5 AREAS OF CONCERN: Climate Change impacts on Inuit healthClimate Change impacts on Inuit health Food Insecurities IssuesFood Insecurities Issues HousingHousing Environment ContaminantsEnvironment Contaminants Coastal ErosionCoastal Erosion Northwest PassageNorthwest Passage Arctic SovereigntyArctic Sovereignty Sea Level RiseSea Level Rise Wildlife & DietWildlife & Diet Culture, language, and traditional knowledgeCulture, language, and traditional knowledge Invasive SpeciesInvasive Species Community InfrastructureCommunity Infrastructure Hunter safetyHunter safety New DiseasesNew Diseases Changing daylight/nightChanging daylight/night Changing seasonsChanging seasons More…More…

6 Health Effects of Climate Change Increased risk of infectious diseasesIncreased risk of infectious diseases Quality freshwater sources are increasingly rareQuality freshwater sources are increasingly rare –Increase in biological organisms found in freshwater sources Heat and cold related stressesHeat and cold related stresses More intense sunlight means increased sunburns, potential for increases in skin cancersMore intense sunlight means increased sunburns, potential for increases in skin cancers –As a result, Inuit are spending less time outdoors, leading to Vitamin D deficiencies and afflictions like Rickets Insects (including invasive species) are more active, leading to risks of increased/new transmissions of diseasesInsects (including invasive species) are more active, leading to risks of increased/new transmissions of diseases Problems associated with changes in diet (including Diabetes, Cardiovascular diseases, and reduction of intake of nutrients and vitamins)Problems associated with changes in diet (including Diabetes, Cardiovascular diseases, and reduction of intake of nutrients and vitamins)

7 “The sun gives us a tan and it goes deeper in children now. We are getting sunburns, and our lips get cracked. We have to go to the health centre to get treatment for these burns” (Repulse Bay, Nunavut)

8 Environmental Concerns Weather patterns are becoming unpredictableWeather patterns are becoming unpredictable –This makes hunting and camping increasingly dangerous Experienced hunters are encountering dangerous, even life- threatening situations in areas that should have been safeExperienced hunters are encountering dangerous, even life- threatening situations in areas that should have been safe Occurrences of hunters falling through sea-ice is increasingOccurrences of hunters falling through sea-ice is increasing Winter comes later, spring comes earlier, and temperature extremes are increasingWinter comes later, spring comes earlier, and temperature extremes are increasing Along with increasingly intense sunlight, sunrise and sunsets are occurring at strange timesAlong with increasingly intense sunlight, sunrise and sunsets are occurring at strange times –Sunrise even occurs earlier in the season in the high arctic, thereby ending “winter darkness” on earlier calendar dates Intensity of storms has increased, with people noticing faster weather transitionsIntensity of storms has increased, with people noticing faster weather transitions Unseasonably warm winter weather is leading to rain or melting snow, which then freezes when temperatures return to normalUnseasonably warm winter weather is leading to rain or melting snow, which then freezes when temperatures return to normal

9 “It is more difficult to predict the weather now. It is changing” (Arctic Bay, Nunavut). “Weather forecasting is difficult now. Elders are not predicting the weather because they do not feel that the prediction will be reliable” (Nunatsiavut).

10 Culture, Language, and Traditional Knowledge Inuit culture centers on the environment and the wildlife it providedInuit culture centers on the environment and the wildlife it provided Inuit today work jobs and have careers, but continue to spend time hunting and campingInuit today work jobs and have careers, but continue to spend time hunting and camping –Many Inuit still rely on traditional foods for a significant portion of their diet People are becoming reluctant to spend time on the land, because conditions are changingPeople are becoming reluctant to spend time on the land, because conditions are changing Inuit languages contain much environment or wildlife-specific terminologyInuit languages contain much environment or wildlife-specific terminology –With a changing environment, certain linguistic terms and expressions are at risk of dying out A majority of Inuit Traditional Knowledge centers on the environmentA majority of Inuit Traditional Knowledge centers on the environment –The transmission of this knowledge from generation to generation is threatened

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