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20061031 Annemieke, Michelle en Nicky. Questions about Europe a questionaire about Europe, democracy and the European Union made by Annemieke, Michelle.

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2 20061031 Annemieke, Michelle en Nicky. Questions about Europe a questionaire about Europe, democracy and the European Union made by Annemieke, Michelle and Nicky

3 Questions about Europe What kind of influence has Europe on our society? Do you think that Europe is a good system? What do you know about Europe? How do you feel about Turkey being part of Europe?

4 Questions about the European Union. How do you feel about the European Union? Can you mention some pros and cons about the European Union? Do you know how many countries are part of the European Union? How do you feel about the Euro?

5 Questions about the democrasy What is democrasy? Do you feel that the European Union has a good democratic system? Is the European Union a good example of democrasy? Should a country that is not a real democrasy be part of the European Union?

6 Answers of Europe; Pauline G5A. I think the European cooperation has a very good effect on our society because people can work anywhere they want and can travel free between the countries. Europe has a great system and I think the Euro gives more union between the countries. I know that 27 countries are part of Europe, and as money we have the Euro. I don’t know, it’s maybe easier for Turkey but maybe not for us.

7 Answers about the EU; Pauline G5A Great coopenation. If you’re travelling they check not your stuff, you can travel free, and the cons.. I don’t know at the moment. 27 The Euro is easy to pay, specially in Europe.

8 The answers about Democrasy; Pauline G4A That there is not just one person who makes the decisions, but that the people can vote. I think they have a good system, yes. Yes, i think so. They could. But maybe they can be a democratic country if they be part of our European Union.

9 Questions about Europe; Sigwela A1F A good one, I just like to live in Europe. Yes, I like Europe, so there is noting wrong with the system. Many countries, the Euro.. I don’t know..

10 The answers about the EU; Sigwela A1F. Good. I do know, but not at the moment. Euh, 25, 26 ? I like the Euro, you can pay with it in every country of Europe.

11 The answers about Democrasy; Sigwela A1F I don’t know sure, that the people in a country can vote as wel and not that one person has everything to say. Yes, we are democratic, and we can vote and stuff, so yes. A good example for the other countries, shure. If they’re going to be a democratic country, then yes.

12 The answers about Europe; Peter van Weerd I think the European Union has a great influence on our society because it opes a lot of possibilly’s for young people to live and work beyond the dutch borlers. I think it’s a good system, yes, because we have good rules and we’re living together good as well. About Europe, we have 27 countries who are part of, we have the Euro, Turkey wants to be part of Europe. If Turkey hold at the rules, than maybe.

13 The answers about Democrasy; Peter van Weerd. Democrasy is that not one person makes the decisions, but that the people who live in the country,can make decisions too, they can vote. Yes. Yes, we are democratic, so I think that we’re a good example for the other countries. No, then it’s different then the outher countries.

14 Conclusion After this questionaire we can draw the conclusion that people know a lot about Europe, democracy and the European Union. People are postive about Europe.

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