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SPICE: Short overview Madrid, TSOA Workshop, 25.06.2008.

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1 SPICE: Short overview Madrid, TSOA Workshop, 25.06.2008

2 Madrid, TSOA Workshop, 25.06.20072 SPICE project overview  SPICE (Service Platform for Innovative Communication Environment)  IST-FP6 Integrated Projet (part of Wireless World Initiative)  Coordinator: France Telecom  Technical manager: Alcatel  Duration: 01/2006 – 06/2008 (30 months)  Budget: 22 M€  Vision: to design, develop, evaluate and prototype an extendable overlay architecture and framework that supports :  Easy and quick service creation of intelligent and ambient-aware services  Cooperation of multiple heterogeneous execution environments  Pan-European seamless delivery of services across operator domains, networks and terminals  Consortium composition: 24 partners  7 Operators, 7 Manufacturers, 7 Research Centers / Universities, 2 SMEs  1 consultancy company

3 Madrid, TSOA Workshop, 25.06.20073 SPICE Consortium

4 Madrid, TSOA Workshop, 25.06.20074 SPICE High-Level Objectives  Provide a unified and seamless way to deliver services over heterogeneous execution platforms, networks and terminals  Put the end-user at the central place of Service Provider’s concerns  Enrich the service landscape (increase service intelligence)  Create a trusted and open platform that will simplify the use of services and devices through personalization and customization  Open-up to new business models and value chains  Allow for Pan-European service provisioning and Service Oriented Architecture in a Telco-IT converged platform environment

5 Madrid, TSOA Workshop, 25.06.20075 SPICE Architecture Terminal Platform Value Added Services Knowledge Layer Component Services Capability & Enabler SPICE 3 rd Party Service Execution Knowledge Layer Value Added Services Component Services Capability & Enablers 3 rd Party Service Platform Exposure & Mediation Layer OMA / IMS SCE

6 Madrid, TSOA Workshop, 25.06.20076 Collaborations with other projects  WWI projects: Ambient Networks, E2R II, WINNER  WWI cross-issues: System Interfaces, Business Models, Validation  WWI Operator workshop (June 2007)  WWI Cross-Issues workshop (September 2007)  WWI Validation cross-issue report available  MAGNET Beyond  User-centricity  Context management  Service execution (reuse by MAGNET of SPICE SEE)  EU-TSOA collaboration  Projects involved: OPUCE, SMS, LOMS, MAGNET  Topics: service creation/execution, Ontology, context management  Tools: mailing list, forum, Wiki, regular meetings  Joint dissemination event in preparation

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