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Deep Sequencing Introduction to Bioinformatics Seminar

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1 Deep Sequencing Introduction to Bioinformatics Seminar
November 9th, 2009 Angela Benton, Samuel Darko, Prakriti Mudvari and Prisca Takundwa

2 History of Sequencing ”Sanger Sequencing” developed by Fred Sanger et al in the mid 1970’s Uses dideoxynucleotides for ”chain termination”, generating fragments of different lengths ending in ddATP, ddGTP, ddCTP or ddTTP

3 History of Sequencing Cont.
A schematic of Sanger sequencing

4 History of Sequencing Cont.
DNA fragments are separated by size by gel electrophoresis From the gel, the DNA sequence can be determined Can produce DNA fragments bp long (good), but it’s slow (bad) Lots of other problems including clone library generation and low throughput The Human Genome Project used Sanger sequencing, completion took over 10 years

5 Next Generation Sequencers
Next (or 3rd) generation sequencers came onto the scene in the early 2000’s General characteristics include: Amplification of genetic material by PCR Ligation of amplified material to a solid surface Sequence of the target genetic material is determined using Sequence-by-Synthesis (using labelled nucleotides or pyrosequencing for detection) or Sequence by ligation Sequencing done in a massively parallel fashion and sequence information is captured by a computer

6 Next Gen. Sequencers Cont.
Sequencing platform ABI3730xl Genome Analyzer Roche (454) FLX Illumina Genome Analyzer ABI SOLiD HeliScope Sequencing chemistry Automated Sanger sequencing Pyrosequencing on solid support Sequencing-by-synthesis with reversible terminators Sequencing by ligation Sequencing-by-synthesis with virtual terminators Template amplification method In vivo amplification via cloning Emulsion PCR Bridge PCR None (single molecule) Read length 700–900 bp 200–300 bp 32–40 bp 35 bp 25–35 bp Sequencing throughput 0.03–0.07 Mb/h 13 Mb/h 25 Mb/h 21–28 Mb/h 83 Mb/h

7 Next Gen. Sequencers Cont.

8 Next Gen. Sequencers Cont.
4/17/2017 Next Gen. Sequencers Cont. Position Cycle: G TEMPLATES C A G T C A 1 2 3 G - - C A - - G Actual tSMS Image from 1/4 images from a single FOV. Each image uses a CCD camera in the HeliScope (~7,500 strands) T - - C A Provided to author courtesy of Helicos representative 8 8

9 Next Gen. Sequencers Cont.
Sequencing-by-ligation on SOLiD

10 Illumina Genome Analyzer Time to sequence (days)
Next Gen vs Sanger Let’s think about the domesticated silkworm genome The reference genome is about 432Mb large It was assembled from approximately 8.5 fold coverage Platform ABI3730xl Genome Analyzer Roche (454) FLX Illumina Genome Analyzer ABI SOLiD Helicos Heliscope Sequencing Speed Mb/h 13 Mb/h 25 Mb/h 21–28 Mb/h 83 Mb/h Time to sequence (days) 2185.7 11.8 6.1 5.5 1.8

11 Bioinformatics Because of the massively parallel nature of next gen sequencers, huge amounts of data are produced quickly requiring terabytes of storage New bioinformatics tools were developed to utilize the huge number of much shorter reads (~35bp vs ~800bp) Bowtie - Ultrafast, memory-efficient short read aligner SOAPdenovo - Part of the SOAP suite, used to build reference genome TopHat - TopHat is a fast splice junction mapper for RNA- Seq reads

12 Applications Novel whole genome sequencing Whole genome resequencing
The Sorcerer II Global Ocean Sampling Expedition: Northwest Atlantic through Eastern Tropical Pacific Whole genome resequencing Complete Resequencing of 40 Genomes Reveals Domestication Events and Genes in Silkworm (Bombyx) RNA-Seq (transcriptomics) A Global View of Gene Activity and Alternative Splicing by Deep Sequencing of the Human Transcriptome


14 APPLICATIONS The potential applications platform for next- generation sequencing is enormous. Some examples that will be discussed include application in Cellular Genomes using WGS Metagenomics Genomic Medicine Other novel applications

15 Cellular Genomes The advent of automation in Sequencing initiated by Craig Venter et al gave rise to sequencing beyond viruses and organelles. In 1995 Venter’s group at TIGR reported complete sequences of two bacteria, Haemophilus influenzae and Mycoplasma genitalium.

16 Cellular Genomes Significance ;
1st glimpse of the complete instruction set for a living organism an approximation of the minimal set of genes required for cellular life Insight into the methods used to come up with these cellular genomes

17 Cellular Genomes Significance
Paved the way for other cellular genomes such as E.coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila melanogoster Human Genome Project Next-generation appeal

18 Metagenomics Getting rid of cultures
Introduces diversity, includes all genes and potentially all members contributing to a given environment Typically use 16S rRNA gene to identify different species and strains Advantages : Closes the huge gap in sequence data in non-model species. Many prokaryotes are human pathogens

19 Metagenomics Some examples
Breitbart et al showed that 2000 liters of sea water contained >5000 different viruses. >1000 of these were found in human stool and majority of these were new species. Craig Venter’s Global Ocean Voyage

20 Genomic Medicine Sequencing and how it lends itself to medicine
Implications in diagnosis, treatment and prevention Personalized medicine $1000 genome Some examples include Cancer and HIV applications

21 Other Novel Applications
Resequencing Plants – Sugar beet and Tropical Evergreen Fagaceae Junk DNA Drug discovery

22 Transcriptomics Angela Benton

23 Background Transcriptome – the complete set of coding and non-coding RNA molecules in a cell at a particular time Varies between cell types Transcriptomics – the study of the transcripts in a cell, cell type, organism, etc.

24 Candidate Gene Analysis
Northern blot analysis Separation of RNA molecules by size Hybridization of a complementary radioactively- labeled probe Detection method Reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) RNA molecules reverse transcribed into cDNA PCR amplified Quantification method

25 Microarray Technology
High-throughput gene expression profiling Hybridization of labeled cDNAs to an array of complementary DNA probes Measurement of expression levels based on hybridization intensity

26 Sequencing-Based Approaches
Full-length cDNA (FLcDNA) sequencing Complete sequencing of cDNA clone Expressed sequence tag (EST) sequencing Single-pass sequencing of cDNA clone Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE) Short sequence tags at 3’ end of transcript Tags concatenated and sequenced

27 RNA-Seq Alternative to Sanger sequencing
RNA molecules converted into library of cDNA fragments Adaptors attached to one/both ends Short sequence reads obtained Aligned to reference genome and classified as: Exons Junctions Poly-A ends Can be used to assemble de novo sequences

28 Next Generation Sequencing Applications
Protein-coding gene annotation Transcriptome sequences can be aligned: To genome of same species To genome of related species Discovery of novel exons and introns Long read lengths – de novo analyses Short read lengths – novel splicing events

29 Next Generation Sequencing Applications
Gene expression profiling SAGE method 5’-RATE method (454 sequencing) 3’-UTR method (454 sequencing)

30 Next Generation Sequencing Applications
Noncoding RNA (ncRNA) discovery ncRNA not translated into protein product Role in regulation of development and cell fate determination Three kinds: Micro RNAs (miRNAs) Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) Piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs)

31 Next Generation Sequencing Applications
Transcript rearrangement discovery Genome rearrangements common in human cancers Includes: Translocations Inversions Indels Copy number variants Paired-end sequencing Infers presence of rearrangement

32 Bioinformatic Implications
Large amounts of data generated Tools are needed to aid in: Storage Retrieval Processing Interpretation Integration

33 Bioinformatics of Deep Sequencing
Prakriti Mudvari

34 Bioinformatics of Deep Sequencing

35 The Basics.

36 Creating a Paired End Tag

37 Paired End vs. Unpaired Reads
Millions of reads are generated. Repetitive regions within the genome cause the reads to be mapped to multiple locations. Polymorphism in a read can cause it to be mapped to a wrong location. Discarding ambiguous reads can reduce coverage

38 Illumina Genome Analyzer
Comparison of Output ABI Genome Analyzer 454 Illumina Genome Analyzer ABI SOLiD HeliScope Read Length bp bp 32-40 bp 35 bp 25-35 bp Sequencing throughput Mb/h 13 Mb/h 25 Mb/h 21-28 Mb/h 83 Mb/h

39 Challenges Quality of data Storage Cross Platform Analysis
Data Annotation Assembly SNP/Mutation Detection

40 Bioinformatics Tools Alignment of reads to reference genome
Assembly of de novo sequence Quality Control & Base Calling Polymorphism detection Genome browsing and annotation

41 Alignment of reads Reads generated from sequencing is mapped to a reference genome Conventional tools like Blast or Blat do not work well with short sequence reads. Modification of existing alignment algorithms to handle short reads.

42 Alignment Tools Cross_match ELAND Exonerate MAQ Mosaik SHRiMP SOAP

43 Short Oligonucleotide Alignment Program (SOAP)
Maps short oligonucleotides to reference sequence in a gapped or ungapped alignment. Can be used for single as well as paired end alignments. Allows at most two mismatches per read or one continuous gap of size 1-3bp when aligning. No mismatches allowed in the flanking region. Best hit is the one with least number of mismatches or smallest gap. Iteratively trims the several basepairs at 3’ end, that have highest number of sequencing errors and realigns. Uses seed and hash-lookup algorithm to accelerate alignment. Loads reference sequence into memory instead of reads. Written in C++.

44 Assembly De novo sequencing involves assembling overlapping reads to form contiguous sequence of DNA. Done in cases where there’s no genomic information available.


46 Assembly By Short Sequence (ABySS)
Originally developed for de novo assembly of large genomes using short reads. Is a distributed representation of a de Bruijn graph that allows parallel computation of algorithm across a network of computers. Assembly is done in two steps. First possible substrings of a specific length of sequence reads are first generated. Substring dataset are then processed to remove errors and contiguous sequences are built without using paired end information. Mate pair information is then used to extend the contigs.

47 Assembly By Short Sequence (ABySS)
Use of paired end reads reduces the ambiguity of repetitive regions. Written in C++ and uses Message Parsing Interface to communicate between nodes.

48 Basecalling Determination of nucleotide base depending on signal on the trace file produced by a sequencer

49 Basecalling PyroBayes Alta-Cyclic BayesCall

50 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP) Detection
Sequence variation caused when a single nucleotide base differs between different members of species or between two chromosomes of an individual.

51 SNP Detection PbShort ssahaSNP

52 Other Tools TagDust: Program for identifying and eliminating artifacts from next generation sequencing data. ShortRead: Package for input, quality assessment and exploration of high-throughput sequence data.

53 The End Thank you! Questions?

54 References O. Morozova, et al. Applications of New Sequencing Technologies for Transcriptome Analysis. Annu. Rev. Genomics Hum. Genet. 2009 J.C. Vera, et al Rapid transcriptome characterization for a nonmodel organism using 454 pyrosequencing. Mol. Ecol. 17: N. Cloonan, et al Stem cell transcriptome profiling via massive-scale mRNA sequencing. Nat. Methods. 5: R.D. Morin, et al Application massively parallel sequencing to microRNA profiling and discovery in human embryonic stem cells. Genome Res. 18(4):610-21 R.K. Thomas, et al High-throughput oncogene mutation profiling in human cancer. Nat. Genet. 39: Z. Wang, et al RNA-Seq: a revolutionary tool for transcriptomics. Nature Review Genetics. 10(1):57-63. T.A. Brown Genomics. Garland Science Publishing. Chapter 6.

55 References cont. Venter, C et al: The Sorcerer II Global Ocean Sampling Expedition: Northwest Atlantic through Eastern Tropical Pacific. PLoS Biology, 2007. Sultan, M et al: A Global View of Gene Activity and Alternative Splicing by Deep Sequencing of the Human Transcriptome. Science, 2008. Xia, Q et al: Complete Resequencing of 40 Genomes Reveals Domestication Events and Genes in Silkworm (Bombyx). Science, 2009. Genome Res November; 18(11): 1851– , Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory PressMapping short DNA sequencing reads and calling variants using mapping quality scoresHeng Li,1 Jue Ruan,2 and Richard Durbin1,3 Multiplex parallel pair-end-ditag sequencing approaches in system biologyYijun Ruan, Chia-Lin Wei * Genome Technology & Biology Group, Genome Institute of Singapore, 60 Biopolis Street, Singapore "SOAP: short oligonucleotide alignment program" (2008) BIOINFORMATICS,Vol. 24 no , pages 713–714 doi: /bioinformatics/btn025

56 References cont. Hutchinson, Clyde A. DNA Sequencing : bench to bedside and beyond. Nucleid Acids Research,2007 Vol 35, No Breitbart, M; Salamon P, Andresen B, Mahaffy JM, Segall AM, Mead D, Azam F, Rohwer F (2002). "Genomic analysis of uncultured marine viral communities". Proceedings of the National Academy USA 99: 14250–14255. Himmelbauer et al, Plant Genomics in the era of high throughput sequencing: The case of the sugar beet, Next Generation Sequencing, 2009 Kua, CS and Cannon, CH, Comparative genomics of Tropical Evergreen Fagaceae, Next Generation Sequencing, 2009 Liu George, Applications and Case Studies of the Next- Generation Sequencing Technologies in Food, Nutrition and Agriculture, Recent Patents on Food, Nutrition & Agriculture, 2009,1,75-79

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