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5a Planetary Interiors. 5a Minerals 5a 5a Isostacy.

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Presentation on theme: "5a Planetary Interiors. 5a Minerals 5a 5a Isostacy."— Presentation transcript:

1 5a Planetary Interiors

2 5a Minerals

3 5a

4 5a Isostacy

5 5a

6 5a

7 5a Mass Wasting Slump Slide Creep Flow

8 5a Tectonics

9 5a

10 5a

11 5a

12 5a

13 5a Plate Tectonics

14 5a Volcanoes

15 5a

16 5a Landforms Shield Volcano (Hawaii) Cinder Cone (Lassen National Park) Stratovolcano (Mt. Shasta, California

17 5a Hot features Fumaroles Hot springs Geysers

18 5a

19 5a Wind

20 5a Dunes

21 5a Alluvial Fan

22 5a Impact Craters

23 5a Terrestrial Impact Craters Meteor Crater, AZ Manicouagan, Canada Chicxulub, Yucatan, Mexico

24 5a Impact Frequency

25 5a Surface Geology of Individual Bodies Remote Sensing –Imaging –Photometry –Thermal and reflectance spectra –Radar and radio observations

26 5a Moon No atmosphere Two primary terrains –Highlands Old, highly cratered –Maria Younger, darker Volcanism –Maria Tectonism –rilles

27 5a Mercury Primarily covered with impact craters –Caloris Basin No obvious volcanism Tectonism –Long, sub-linear scarps –Likely produced by planetwide contraction –Decrease in Mercury’s radius by 1-2 km

28 5a Venus Bulk properties similar to Earth Features dominated by Volcanism Also see –Impact craters –Tectonism –Erosion

29 5a Volcanism

30 5a Craters, Tectonics, & Wind

31 5a Mars Crustal Dichotomy –Southern cratered highlands –Northern lowlands All surface processes have visible features No obvious active volcanism and tectonism –Dead world? Most new research

32 5a Water Channels Teardrop islands Fluidized ejecta blankets

33 5a Aeolian Features

34 5a Io Few impact craters Most volcanically active body in solar system Tectonics, erosion

35 5a Largest Volcano Olympus Mons –27 km high –550 km across –102 km diameter caldera Loki –200 km diameter

36 5a Europa Icy surface Processes –Tectonics –Volcanism/erosion –Cratering

37 5a

38 5a Cassini at Saturn

39 5a More Titan

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