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Centre for Research and Restoration of the Museums in France Ormylia Art Diagnosis Centre 21st-22nd May 2004 EROS : European Research Open System.

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Presentation on theme: "Centre for Research and Restoration of the Museums in France Ormylia Art Diagnosis Centre 21st-22nd May 2004 EROS : European Research Open System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Centre for Research and Restoration of the Museums in France Ormylia Art Diagnosis Centre 21st-22nd May 2004 EROS : European Research Open System

2 Les Apôtres de Georges de La Tour Phases of the speech - Research and Development Program - the EROS database query - the mapping of four databases - Research and Development Program - the EROS database query - the mapping of four databases at C2RMF

3 Research and Development Programs European Union and CNRS Aims : terminology, translation, database management software, archiving, image viewer, image indexing, networking (watermarking and encryption ), multispectral digitisation, 3D modelling, compression, ontology, full-text research engine (semantic), image recognition and image classifying with feature vectors, image analysis,

4 View of the underground structure the C2RMF the Louvre museum

5 Documenting and Information Technology are essential in research activities for Information Survey

6 Inventory: what to manage? Software : how to manage data? (Open Source Software) Architecture : how to classify data (table of content and relation)? Indexing : how to retrieve objects? (vocabulary, translation, definition) Standard : image format (TIFF, JPEG), language format (XML), compression, Hardware : storage and archiving Functionality's : interface, dynamic links, page editing, data or image exportation Viewer : how to see? (2D, 2D panoramic and 3D models) Research engine : full-text content retrieval (with semantic layer) PERTIMM Feature vector : image content retrieval, ordering by similarity and clustering Interoperability : ontology CIDIC-CRM (Coherent Reference Model) Networking Security : watermarking, encryption on the fly Content Analysis : Image and text statistical exploitation (ColorSpace) Database Management Research and Developments the main aims

7 Inventory: what to manage? Database Management Activities

8 “Computer Objects” Identification and Inventory at C2RMF Works of Art Photographic and X ray Archives Reports Publications Analysis Digital Images Books Papers

9 C2RMF, a research Centre with a unique and huge documentation on works of art produced in 70 years : 1931-2004 17.400 paintings et 34.000 objects conserved in 1.200 museums in France, 250.000 photographs large and medium format, 100.000 X rays, 70.000 physical, chemical, structural, isotopic, mineral analysis and dating 7.500 reports made after studies or restoration, 16.500 files for painting survey 8.000 survey reports, 1.000 commission reports on control meeting, 600 state of conservation reports 2.000 articles, thesis etc. 10.000 books 2.500 papers published

10 Inventory: what to manage? Software : how to manage data? (Open Source Software) Database Management Development and Research

11 E R O S European Research Open System a freeware and open sources RDBMS Relational Data Base Management System

12 Ruven Pillay the EROS system developer

13 Standards : XML, (X)HTML, JPEG, TIFF, IIP. Open Source software based on powerful and industry- leading free software such as - Linux  OS (Kernel 2.4.x), - Debian 3 Distribution, - the Web server APACHE (2.x), - the database management system MySQL (4.x), - PHP (4.x) as applet language, - scripts in PERL for the system administration, - OpenMosix as process distribution, - secured management with XFS, - the Web navigator Mozilla (1.4x) W3C compatible, - JAVA (1.4.x) as the viewer language, Standard and Software selection

14 Image Digital Archive Database Server (MySQL) Oeuvre FilmReport Analytical results Database Management/ Administration Client: (Web Browser) and PERTIMM interface SQL Generator Results Analyser HTML Generator XML Generator DTD CSS XSLT ARTISTE and SCULPTEUR feature vectors Server Middleware (PHP) Web Server (Apache) Restoration control files State of conservation survey Work control and location survey

15 Inventory: what to manage? Software : how to manage data? (Open Source Software) Architecture : how to classify (table content and relation)? Database Management Development and Research

16 From NARCISSE - to EROS - the conservation survey of museums - the conservation survey of works - the analysis - the workflow From NARCISSE - the work - the images - the reports - the ancient painting survey files to EROS - the conservation survey of museums - the conservation survey of works - the analysis - the workflow

17 Information classification Museological (inventory number, title, place of conservation ) Historical (dates, artiste, place of discovery, ) Material (state of conservation, restoration, support, ) Technical (equipment, experimental conditions, analytical results) Management (reference number, location, etc.)

18 Inventory: what to manage? Software : how to manage data? (Open Source Software) Architecture : how to classify (table content and relation)? Indexing : how to retrieve objects? (vocabulary, translation, definition) Database Management Development and Research

19 Terminology What for ?

20 In the right definition of names lies the first use of speech; which is the acquisition of Science. And in wrong or no definitions, lies the first abuse. Thomas Hobbes English philosopher XVII century

21 N.A.R.C.I.S.S.E. Network of Art Research Computer Image SystemS in Europe Luxembourg - DGXIII - IMPACT 1 1990-1994 A Relational Database Management System INFLUX a RDBMS developed with EMPRESS on UNIX

22 NARCISSE an indexing vocabulary of scientific images and reports made on canvas paintings painting technique, ageing, restoration

23 The NARCISSE reports and images management - 1993

24 The NARCISSE CD Rom a multilingual electronic glossary

25 The CRISTAL European project 1999-2000 Indexing vocabulary of scientific images and reports - ceramic - metal - sculpture - mural painting technique, degradation, restoration

26 Inventory: what to manage? Software : how to manage data? (Open Source Software) Architecture : how to classify (table content and relation)? Indexing : how to retrieve objects? (vocabulary, translation, definition) Standard : image format (TIFF, JPEG), language format (XML), JPEG compression, Database Management Development and Research

27 Standards : XML, (X)HTML, Dublin Core JPEG, TIFF, IIP VRML.tri GIS

28 Image Format multi-resolution from 64 to 12.000x30.000 pixels tiled RGB Lab for multispectral images

29 Inventory: what to manage? Software : how to manage data? (Open Source Software) Architecture : how to classify (table content and relation)? Indexing : how to retrieve objects? (vocabulary, translation, definition) Standard : image format (TIFF, JPEG), language format (XML), compression, Hardware : storage and archiving Database Management Development and Research

30 - - 3 Hewlett-Packard Ultra-SCSI RAID5 dual 700MHz serving a total of 10 TeraBytes. - 1 Hewlett-Packard 6000 quad 550MHz server, - 3 GB RAM on each machine - 1 Gbps ethernet switch linking the servers - LTO archiving system with 40 tapes each of 200 GB - 1 DLT recording tape of 80 GBytes The server and web software is installed on the quad-server, while the images and databases are distributed across each of the two dual processor RAID servers containing 10 TBytes. Digital Data Archiving and Management the HP servers configuration

31 In less than 3 years the servers moved 3 times for protection raison against flood

32 the 2001 Hewlett-Packard Servers configuration containing 2 terabytes of Raid disks for image and data storage and 20x80 GB DLT for archiving

33 the 2003 Hewlett-Packard Servers configuration 10 terabytes of Raid disks for archiving a new server for image signature, 3D modelling and multi-spectral images calculation

34 Computer Hardware Components are more and more cheaper but have no durability Optical disk : DON (10 GB), CDR (650 MB, DVDR (5GB), Magnetic tapes : DAT (2GB), DLT(40GB), LTO (100 GB) Hard disk : Raid disks, (36GB, 72GB, 144GB) Attention has to be paid also for the management of the repository ?

35 CNRS contribution the C2RMF servers are now connected to the RENATER University Network for Research on Images 100Megabits/s

36 Inventory: what to manage? Software : how to manage data? (Open Source Software) Architecture : how to classify (table content and relation)? Indexing : how to retrieve objects? (vocabulary, translation, definition) Standard : image format (TIFF, JPEG), language format (XML), compression, Hardware : storage and archiving Functionality's : interface, dynamic links, page editing, data or image exportation Database Management Development and Research

37 Inventory: what to manage? Software : how to manage data? (Open Source Software) Architecture : how to classify (table content and relation)? Indexing : how to retrieve objects? (vocabulary, translation, definition) Standard : image format (TIFF, JPEG), language format (XML), compression, Functionality's : interface, dynamic links, page editing, data or image exportation Viewer : how to see? (2D 2D-R and 3D images) Database Management Development and Research

38 Inventory: what to manage? Software : how to manage data? (Open Source Software) Architecture : how to classify (table content and relation)? Indexing : how to retrieve objects? (vocabulary, translation, definition) Standard : image format (TIFF, JPEG), language format (XML), compression, Functionality's : interface, dynamic links, page editing, data or image exportation Viewer : how to see? (2D 2D-R and 3D images) Research engine : full-text content retrieval (with semantic layer) PERTIMM Database Management Development and Research

39 Inventory: what to manage? Software : how to manage data? (Open Source Software) Architecture : how to classify (table content and relation)? Indexing : how to retrieve objects? (vocabulary, translation, definition) Standard : image format (TIFF, JPEG), language format (XML), compression, Functionality's : interface, dynamic links, page editing, data or image exportation Viewer : how to see? (2D 2D-R and 3D images) Research engine : full-text content retrieval (with semantic layer) Feature vector : image content retrieval for ordering by similarity or clustering RETIN Database Management Development and Research

40 Image content recognition Eleven recognition algorithms were developed at the University of Southampton and at ENST feature vectors are progressively accessible by the EROS system. -Colour Histogram, -Mono-Histogram -Colour Coherent Vector, -Colour Picker, Multi-Scale-Colour-Coherent Vector, MCCV -Multi-Scalar-Mono-Histogram, Pyramid Wavelet Transform, PWT -Query By Fax, ShapeD2, CordHistogram, Area Volume,

41 Inventory: what to manage? Software : how to manage data? (Open Source Software) Architecture : how to classify (table content and relation)? Indexing : how to retrieve objects? (vocabulary, translation, definition) Standard : image format (TIFF, JPEG), language format (XML), compression, Functionality's : interface, dynamic links, page editing, data or image exportation Viewer : how to see? (2D 2D-R and 3D images) Research engine : full-text content retrieval (with semantic layer) Feature vector : image content retrieval for ordering by similarity or clustering Interoperability : ontology PICTEUR Database Management Development and Research

42 Interoperability and Ontology ICOM CIDOC : Comité International pour la DOCumentation the CIDOC - CRM the Coherent Reference Model

43 Inventory: what to manage? Software : how to manage data? (Open Source Software) Architecture : how to classify (table content and relation)? Indexing : how to retrieve objects? (vocabulary, translation, definition) Standard : image format (TIFF, JPEG), language format (XML), compression, Hardware : storage and archiving Functionality's : interface, dynamic links, page editing, data or image exportation Viewer : how to see? (2D 2D-R and 3D images) Research engine : full-text content retrieval (with semantic layer) Feature vector : image content retrieval for ordering by similarity or clustering Interoperability : ontology Networking Security : watermarking, encryption on the fly (TSAR project) Database Management Development and Research

44 Inventory: what to manage? Software : how to manage data? (Open Source Software) Architecture : how to classify (table content and relation)? Indexing : how to retrieve objects? (vocabulary, translation, definition) Standard : image format (TIFF, JPEG), language format (XML), compression, Functionality's : interface, dynamic links, page editing, data or image exportation Viewer : how to see? (2D 2D-R and 3D images) Research engine : full-text content retrieval (with semantic layer) Feature vector : image content retrieval for ordering by similarity or clustering Interoperability : ontology Hardware : storage and archiving Networking Security : watermarking, encryption on the fly (TSAR project) Content Analysis : Image and text statistical exploitation (Jean Monnet University collaboraton) Database Management Development and Research

45 Next Research and Development Program - Cartography representation to answer a query - EROS viewer compatible with 48 bits images (CRISATEL project) - MySQL full text engine integration - multimedia glossary on conservation-restoration multilingual terms (sounds and images) (Métamorphose project) - Web crawler (SCULPTEUR project) - vocabulary translation in Greek, Russian and Arabic) (ICOM-CC) - Ontology set up at C2RMF (SCULPTEUR project) the EROS and the Library databases simultaneous query (BNF collaboration) - RETIN a software for expert clustering (ENSEA)

46 - EROS Demonstration

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