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Blair Ratcliff, SLACSLUO Meeting, Sept. 18, 2008 Blair Ratcliff SLAC SuperB Detector Opportunities Overview Project Status Towards a TDR R&D Opportunities Summary
Blair Ratcliff, SLACSLUO Meeting, Sept. 18, 2008 Physics Opportunities at a High Luminosity Flavor Factory New Physics (NP) at the TeV scale may be found directly at LHC. Alternatively, NP can be observed indirectly (using QM) through precision measurement of processes involving loop diagrams Rare decays forbidden or suppressed in SM potentially large NP effects. Different NP Different patterns of SM breaking effects. Searches for LFV in decays and CPV in lepton sector with polarized electron beam. Compelling discovery potential. Samples of O(75 ab -1 >~ 75x10 9 B-Bbar events) are essential to reach the appropriate levels of precision on CP asymmetries, and searches for rare branching fractions of quarks and leptons. A collider luminosity = 10 36 cm -2 s -1 will produce such samples in ~5 years of running. A Flavor Factory Physics is a discovery machine whose reach is complementary to LHC If NP observed in LHC, indirect searches provide important additional information in understanding the fundamental theory behind the observations. If NP not observed in LCH, indirect searches potentially sensitive to much higher mass scales (>>10 TeV in some models). 2
Blair Ratcliff, SLACSLUO Meeting, Sept. 18, 2008 SuperB is a very high luminosity (1 to 4 x 10 36 cm -2 s −1 ) asymmetric e + e − Flavour Factory. Innovative, low current, high specific-luminosity design. Polarized e- beam. Experimental backgrounds and wall plug power are similar to PEP-II. International collaboration hosted by INFN Italy. Proposed site is on the campus of the University of Rome Tor Vergata, near the INFN Frascati National Laboratory. SuperB Project Overview
SPARX 1 st stage SuperB LINAC SPARX future SuperB footprint on Tor Vergata site 600 m 500 m
Blair Ratcliff, SLACSLUO Meeting, Sept. 18, 2008 A Conceptual Design Report was published in 2007 and very positively reviewed (emphasizing the physics goals) by an International Review Committee, chaired by J. Dainton (UK). “The step change in luminosity, which SuperB brings, makes possible measurements that are crucial to our comphrehension of the physics which is behind the standard model. In some case, e.g., if dynamic issues are at the multi-TeV energy scale, measurements at SuperB may provide the only window on this physics.” “So far there has been no ‘showstopper’; rather there have emerged a number of innovative and noteworthy developments at the cutting-edge of contemporary technique in accelerator physics and detector technology…”. “We recommend strongly that work towards the realization of a SuperB continues”. Ongoing tests of the innovative Crab Waist concept have shown exciting experimental evidence for significant specific lumniosity increases at Daphne as expected. Tests continue. A Mini-MAC, chaired by J. Dorfan (SLAC), is scrutinizing the accelerator design. Some comments from the first meeting in July Project Status (Some Highlights)
Blair Ratcliff, SLACSLUO Meeting, Sept. 18, 2008 ECFA Sept. (Closed Meeting): Nakada Subcommittee report to be presented Nov. (Open Meeting): Recomendation to CSG. Expect a positive report. CERN Strategy Group (CSG) CSG in place (Secretary (Steinar Stapness), ECFA Chair, SPC Chair, Lab director reps., working closely with CERN DG) now in discussions with SuperB. Emphasizes the European and Italian political context, funding, and management. Meetings in Sept./Dec & Mar 2009, where a positive decision is hoped for/expected. 2009 Project Submission to Italian Government The SuperB TDR is aimed for 2010 Project Status (Major Next Steps)
Blair Ratcliff, SLACSLUO Meeting, Sept. 18, 2008 CDR Detector Layout – Based on Babar BASELINE OPTION 7 New detector elements
Blair Ratcliff, SLACSLUO Meeting, Sept. 18, 2008 BaBar SuperB Machine and Environment: Smaller Boost (7x4 GeV; =0.28) Smaller radius beam-pipe to retain adequate vertex resolution. Larger barrel acceptance. More particles backward in detector with somewhat softer spectrum forward. Different IR constraints. No support tube or B1 magnets. Some (especially Lumi term) components of machine background components will be substantially larger than BaBar. Improve detector segmentation Improve detector speed Improve radiation hardness and machine monitoring oPhysics goals, which emphasize rare decays, LFV in physics, and recoil () physics Would like best possible hermeticity, with good subsystem efficiency and performance. ~x100 Luminosity Improved trigger, DAQ, & computing (~15 years later) Last, but not least, must replace aging components and technologies. 8
Blair Ratcliff, SLACSLUO Meeting, Sept. 18, 2008 Examples of Decisions needed for TDR Subsystems: What is the SVT layer 0 technology? How is the beam pipe constructed? What is the technology for the forward/backward EMC? What is the DCH cell configuration/endplates? What is DIRC Barrel SOB Design? General Detector: Will there be forward PID in SuperB? Where does the SVT/DCH boundary occur? What is the effect of material on EC EMC? What is the front end data volume? Where is the interaction point? Where do the on-detector electronics reside? Many crucial decisions need resolution before the TDR. These decisions need support from R&D.
Blair Ratcliff, SLACSLUO Meeting, Sept. 18, 2008 A few R&D Examples
Blair Ratcliff, SLACSLUO Meeting, Sept. 18, 2008 Test Beam Run Now at CERN On the Monolithic Active Pixel (MAPS) Array Option for Layer 0 Led by INFN PISA CMOS MAPS chip with sparsified readout received and tested (G.Rizzo) Beam telescope and striplets module in preparation (L. Vitale) DAQ system under test (M. Villa) Reco Software under development (N.Neri) Main goals: DNW MAPS matrix resolution & efficiency Thin (200 um) striplets module with FSSR2 readout chips (baseline option in the CDR) Demonstrate LV1 capability with tracker information sent to Associative Memories New DAQ system developed for data push architecture beam T-1,2,3,4 :reference telescope modules S1 S2S2 S3 T-2,1 T-4,3 Striplets-1 Striplets-2 MAPS-1 MAPS-2
Blair Ratcliff, SLACSLUO Meeting, Sept. 18, 2008 Forward EMC Replacement
Blair Ratcliff, SLACSLUO Meeting, Sept. 18, 2008 PID R&D Substantial physics simulation work is required to make a clear case for EC PID (either forward or backward). Forward PID may use very fast (Cherenkov based) TOF or Aerogel RICH. Adequate backward PID may be obtained in a fast backward EMC instead of a separate detector. Ongoing R & D includes work on Photon detectors, fast timing, and Aerogel radiators Even without the EC PID devices, major effort is required to design and construct the new SOB and DIRC photon detection system. Recent Results from prototype test beam run of Fast TOF at Fermilab by Va’vra et. al.
Blair Ratcliff, SLACSLUO Meeting, Sept. 18, 2008 FastSim Dave Brown (LBNL) 9/4/08 Need system involvement
Blair Ratcliff, SLACSLUO Meeting, Sept. 18, 2008 Possible MDI & Beam Diagnostic R&D Opportunities Many R&D opportunities (both software and hardware) for University Detector Physicist involvement either with machine itself or with the MDI at the IR, e.g., Fast Zero Angle Luminosity Monitor Small Angle Tagger Background monitor and protection system Fast dither feedback to maintain collisions. Xray beam size monitors Laser Wire Scanner with um resolution Polarimeters Different constraints in IR region also imply new detector opportunities no support tube different optimization of Si versus wire tracking? no B1 magnets possible space for a very small angle calorimeter? less boost small beam pipe, layer 0, and rethinking of forward and backward EC Diamond detectors could be applicable to the first 3 items (OSU/Carleton).
Blair Ratcliff, SLACSLUO Meeting, Sept. 18, 2008 Organization of Detector R&D System-SubsystemConveners-Contacts Vertex Detector (SVT)Rizzo Drift Chamber (DCH)Finocchiaro Particle Identification (PID)Leith Electromagnetic Calorimeter (EMC)Hitlin Instrumented Flux Return (IFR)Calabrese Electronics,Trigger,DAQBreton/Dubois-Felsmann Computing Rama/Morandin MDIPaoloni/Biagini IntegrationWisniewski Machine InstrumentationWienands/Sullivan Detector R&D Coordinators Forti/Ratcliff All of these areas welcome/need additional physicists General Detector R&D Meeting Thurs, Mornings at 8:30 biweekly. Next meeting is Sept. 25
Blair Ratcliff, SLACSLUO Meeting, Sept. 18, 2008 Summary The SuperB is progressing well. International committee reviews of the physics potential, detector, and accelerator approach have been uniformly positive. No showstoppers have been identified. The review and approval processes continue. The detector physicists involved are proceeding from the conceptual design (as presented in the SuperB CDR) to a TDR design for a SuperB detector, based on BaBar. Substantial R&D is required to build and utilize the software tools necessary to develop an optimized design. Initial systems are nearly ready. There is impressive progress on software and simulation tools, but there are many challenges and much more work are required. The individual detector subsystems need further R&D (including prototypes and test beams) and appropriate software tools to develop the best detector components. The interface between the machine and detector is crucial. Several areas for exp. physicist involvement in MDI and beam instrumentation. We hope to obtain initial project approval in ~ 1 year with a TDR in ~ 2 years. All areas need & welcome many more people. Many opportunities exist to get involved in R&D for the detector and machine, including subsystem R&D; general detector systems, software, physics simulation, and overall design; and MDI and Accelerator. 17
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