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FeSEM MRC Workshop
MRC SEM Workshop Introduce the FESEM microscope
Familiarize and Train experienced persons to use the Hitachi S4700 FESEM Obtain a better understanding on how to utilize the FESEM
Workshop Outline Introduction to the FESEM Sample Contamination
Low Voltage SEM High Resolution Imaging X-ray Microanalysis Sample Preparation MRC Lab Procedures Operation of the S4700 FESEM Hands-on labs and testing for users
Introduction to the FEGSEM
The FEG SEM offers high performance not just high resolution This means large probe currents (up to a few nanoamps), and small diameter electron probes (from 1 to 3nm), over a wide energy range (1-30keV) The FEG SEM package involves both the gun and the probe forming lens
The Electron Gun The device which provides the electron beam is the called the ‘gun’ This is the single most important component of the SEM because it determines the level of performance that can be achieved Electrons can be produced in several different ways ....
Electron Sources W hairpin - 50µm diameter LaB6 - 5µm
Thermal FEG - 250Å Cold FEG - 50Å Nano-FEG - 5Å
Nano tips - atom sized FEG
Nano-tips are field emitters in which the effective size of the tip has shrunk to a single atom. They can be made by processing normal tungsten FE tips or from Pt-Ir, or from carbon nanotubes They have exciting properties and may be part of upcoming SEMS but now they are still only a laboratory curiosity Etched tungsten tip Cut Pt-Ir tip
Comparing emitters The various types of electron emitters can be compared by looking at three parameters - brightness, source size, energy spread Other quantities are also important - e.g vacuum required, lifetime, cost, expected mode of use of SEM
Source Size …is the apparent size of the disc from which the electrons come Small is good - for high resolution SEM less demagnification Big is sometimes good - e.g. for large probe sizes and high beam currents The physical size of the tip is not necessarily the same as the source size
Energy Spread W hairpin 2.5eV LaB6 1.0eV Schottky 0.75eV
Electrons leave guns with an energy spread that depends on the cathode type Lens focus varies with energy (chromatic aberration) so energy spread spoils high resolution, and low energy, images W hairpin 2.5eV LaB eV Schottky eV Cold FEG eV colder
Summary of Electron Guns
The cold FEG offers the best performance parameters in all three categories for most purposes FEGs are best for high resolution, and low voltage operation Thermionic emitters have advantages when very high beam currents and large spot sizes are required.
Brightness At a typical imaging current FEG SEM spot size is set only by lens quality Lower brightness guns must use bigger spots to give same beam - this is brightness limited imaging
S4700 Resolution Performance
The best resolution is always obtained at the smallest working distance (WD) ..but the minimum WD value varies with beam energy At the eucentric/EDS WD of 12mm high quality imaging + analysis is possible on the 4700
Sharpness, Contrast, Depth of Field
These are dependent upon the three major electron-beam parameters: Electron Probe Size dp Electron Probe Current ip Electron Probe convergence angle ap ap ip dp
Beam Performance For the highest resolution beam diameter , dp , must be as small as possible For the best image quality and x-ray analysis, emission current, ip, must be as large as possible For the best depth of field convergence angle, ap, must be as small as possible When dp and ap are made small, ip is also reduced
Imaging modes On the S4700 the convergence angle a is set by the operating mode of the microscope No manual adjustment to the condenser aperture strip is required Don’t change the aperture!
Gun behavior The tip must be atomically clean to perform properly as a field emitter Even at 10-7 torr a monolayer of gas forms in just 1 sec so the tip must be cleaned periodically It is cleaned by ‘flashing’ - heating the tip to white heat for a few seconds. This burns off (desorbs) the gas
Flashing The flash condition is set up at the factory
Each tip should show a consistent emission current when it is flashed Compare the tip current with its own usual value not with that from other tips Excessive flashing may blunt the tip
Gas production The tip gets dirty...
Gas molecules are desorbed from 1st anode by electrons Some of these stick on the tip making it less sharp This causes the emission current to fall over time
The life cycle of an FEG tip
Typical characteristics
The tip is usually covered with a mono- layer of gas after 5-10 minutes of use The emission then stabilizes for a period of from 2 hours (new machine) to 8 hours (mature machine). On this S4700 the tip must be re-flashed after 92 hours of operation (the software gives a warning) On the plateau, or stable, region the total noise + drift is only a few percent over any period of a few minutes
The secret of successful Field Emission Microscopy
Run the tip for at least a few hours every day even when the microscope is not otherwise in use This keeps the first anode - which is the main source of gas - clean, reducing noise and drift.
Other care Bake the system often - at least every six months - and on public holidays, long weekends If tip noise is increasing and a bake is not possible raise the emission current to 20 or 30µA with the beam in the ‘freeze’ position for a couple of hours or more for Field Emission bombard
Drift in microanalysis
For normal EDS analysis drift is not a problem For quantitative analysis using standards, and for line scans and X-ray maps which take significant time to record Drift can be an issue, this is a reason to sue a thermonic SEM for quantitative analysis
Hidden benefits of FEGSEM
Reliability and reproducibility - no need to change tips or break vacuum. Control by computer ensures reset table values Ease of use - one button operation, memory alignment settings Longevity - with reasonable care time between tip changes 3-5 years (even with students operating) We are on the NINTH year
What isn’t good? The range of beam currents available is limited when compared to that from a thermionic emitter so an FEG is not ideally suited to such tasks as WDS where high currents are needed
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