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MICE tracker meeting 2005.3 Prototype TOF test for tracker KEK Osaka university Atsushi Horikoshi.

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Presentation on theme: "MICE tracker meeting 2005.3 Prototype TOF test for tracker KEK Osaka university Atsushi Horikoshi."— Presentation transcript:

1 MICE tracker meeting 2005.3 Prototype TOF test for tracker test @ KEK Osaka university Atsushi Horikoshi

2 contents magnetic field of Super Jacee shape of TOF timing resolution test @KEK-PS pi2 Analysis calibration for Phase Ⅱ

3 Phase Ⅱ setup (KEK-PS pi2) perpose measurement of momentum emittance reconstruction

4 super conducting magnet Super JACEE, 1T 2.1m φ 850 mm vessel for ballon experiment front veiw side view

5 requirement of TOF π/μ PID 3σresolution momentum scan measurement of absolute value resolution of momentum keep high timing resolution in magnetic field

6 π/μPID momentum of Phase Ⅱ 300 ~ 600Mev/c timing resolution for 3σPID upstream 50ps down strean 50ps 3σPID

7 momentum timing resolution upstream 50ps downstream 50ps momentum resolution p<600MeV Δp/p<5.6% 7 0 0.25 0.6

8 shape of TOF to avoid reduction of timing resolution fine mesh PMT (used BESS experiment) R6504S (hamamatsu, 19DY) PMT is parallel to magnetic field long light guide

9 magnetic field 1500Gauss,almost parallel satisfies the condition コイル

10 effect of the ground of iron @PMT 1T thanks for Arimoto san TOSCA

11 magnetic field of PMT the effect of iron is small iron y 0 geometry magnetic filed first second third

12 prototype test ( KEK-PS pi2,2005 Feb ) guide7 simulation timing resolution47ps setup of beamline

13 analysis σ(tof- ref1) =64ps ⇒ σ ( tof ) =49ps

14 position scan,timing resolution timing resolution [ ps ] ● : PMTR 〇: PMTL under ● weighted mean distance from center [ cm ] 9090 timing resolution is 50ps @ all position 5050 0 020 satisfied condition of PID

15 position scan 2, npe npe 600~800 very high npe attenuation length 118cm

16 effective velocity Veff=15.3cm/ns not good linearity

17 calibration for Phase Ⅱ we can ’ t determine hit position from external tracker in Phase Ⅱ calculation from tdc mean Veff=15.3cm/ns t(hitR)=tr-(20-z)/Veff t(hitL)=tl-(20-z)/Veff z=(tr-tl)xVeff/2

18 timing resolution using tdc mean position is calculated from tdc, tofrt-toflt timing resoluiton 50~57ps 48~52ps (using ref1 position) position spread -0.5~0.4cm

19 summary timing resolution 50ps @ all position npe=600~800 Veff=15.3cm/ns calibration using tdc mean 53ps @ all position, stability is not good

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