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1 MEDIN Standards Breakout M. Charlesworth and the MEDIN Standards Working Group
2 Breakout Discovery Metadata Standard - presentation Discovery metadata creation tool – demonstration Discussion/Questions Data Guidelines – slides/examples Controlled Vocabularies – slides/demonstration Questions/Discussion
3 Discovery Metadata Standard
4 Used to describe datasets so that a user can easily discover them using a portal and find details to where he/she can access them Standard composed of ‘elements’ (e.g. title, begin date, contact, access conditions) XML is used to encode the record so that it becomes machine readable. MEDIN has produced a guidance document, validation tool (schematron) and tools to create and test metadata records Discovery Metadata Standard
5 Discovery Metadata Standard - Guidance Compliant with the ISO19115 (Geographic information – Metadata), INSPIRE and UK GEMINI2 and uses the ISO 19139 schema set for encoding xml Currently undergoing minor revisions due to changes in UK GEMINI2 standard
6 Standard specifies use of certain vocabularies (term lists) to make it ‘marine flavoured’ Keywords: SeaDataNet parameter discovery vocab (e.g. Fish taxonomy related counts; temperature of the water column) Keywords: SeaDataNet vertical coverage terms (e.g. epipelagic; benthic boundary layer) Spatial Reference System: European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) geodetic parameters (e.g. EPSG::4326) Data format: MEDIN (e.g. delimited; image; GIS) Organisations: SeaDataNet European Directory of Marine Organisations (EDMO) Discovery Metadata Standard - Marine
7 P021 SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocab (~380 terms) P231 MEDIN Parameter Disciplines (12 terms) P031 SeaDataNet Parameter Groups (~54 terms) ISO Topic Categories GCMD Keywords INSPIRE themes Submit once use many times! Discovery Metadata Standard - Parameters
8 Important to be able to test the structure and content of the xml records once produced to ensure that they comply with the standard. A Schematron has been developed (compliant with ISO 19757 (Part 3) Information technology -- Document Schema Definition Languages (DSDL) -- Part 3: Rule-based validation – Schematron). Used in many different circumstances and tools so that if the standard changes it only requires one update rather than various validation methods for different applications This schematron ‘sits’ at the end of the discovery metadata editor tool in a validation step. Most users will not know it exists. Can be used by organisations to test transfer between metadata holdings. Discovery Metadata Standard - Validation
9 Guidance document on the schematron – technical Guidance document on using the schematron in software ‘Oxygen’ - aimed at more lay user. Discovery Metadata Standard - Schematron
10 Updating the MEDIN discovery standard Standards evolve! MEDIN has placed itself to be close to, and feed into, any changes in standard that could influence our own. Members of the MEDIN standards WG also are represented on various Location Programme, INSPIRE and BSI groups. The XML encoding of GEMINI2 is being undertaken by a MEDIN Standards Group member who did it for the MEDIN Standard. Submitting the standard to a joint oceanographic/meterological commission
11 1.Specific tools for GIS users: Stylesheet for transforming ArcCat ESRI ISO standard metadata to MEDIN standard 2.a tool which will assist in transforming already populated metadata databases into MEDIN format XML metadata. 3.On-line metadata generation/editing tool 4.Desktop tool? Discovery Metadata Standard - Tools
12 Metadata creation tools – GIS Stylesheet Specifically aimed at GIS users. Guidance document and files available to download and use from MEDIN website – Step 1 – In ArcGIS select ISO wizard as metadata editor and complete the mandatory elements using the tabs
13 Step 2: Transform from ISO to MEDIN metadata using toolbox translator and MEDIN Stylesheet Metadata creation tools – GIS Stylesheet
14 Step 3: Check MEDIN metadata: stylesheet also provides a view of the metadata Metadata creation tools – GIS Stylesheet
15 Metadata creation tools – own holdings COLUMN NAMEDATATYPECOMMENTS METADATAIDNUMBER(10) Local primary key used as Foreign key in other tables TITLEVARCHAR2(500) Used to populate MEDIN Element 1 (Resource Title) ABSTRACTVARCHAR2(4000) Used to populate MEDIN Element 3 (Resource Abstract) RESTYP_IDNUMBER(10) Used to populate MEDIN Element 4 (Resource Type) using ISOCODEID in the Tool-managed table ISO_CODE which have a THESAURUSID = 12 RESLOCVARCHAR2(200) Pointer into the ONLINERS field in the CITATION table used to populate MEDIN Element 5.1 (Resource Locator url) concatenate with PUBTITLE field in the CITATION table used to populate MEDIN Element 5.2 (Resource Locator Name). IDENTIFIERVARCHAR2(255) Used to populate MEDIN Element 6.1 (Unique Resource Identifier Code) Designed so that organisations who hold their own metadata can transfer their data into this structure from which a tool can be applied to produce xml records. Guidance document available.
16 Metadata Creation Tool Demo
17 Website
18 What is a dataset? All metadata records can be harvested (and produced primarily for) by the portal. It is important that the portal is not swamped with records or not rich enough to be useful to the user. MEDIN guidance on website
19 What is a dataset? the correct level for a dataset is a cruise, survey or a set of repeat observations with a common purpose, a data set usually constitutes a specifically-funded piece of work, the dataset should be easily extractable from a database for a 3rd party, if you are searching for a data set using a portal and get the result every time you search by different combinations of time, location and parameter then it is probably too coarse.
20 Data Guidelines
21 Data Guidelines Specific data types Not as detailed as INSPIRE data specifications but where relevant ones are drafted we will ensure compatibility
Outcomes: Instil good practice amongst organisations Improve interoperability by organisations being able to import, export using this format Aid ingestion into DACs Be used in contracts Data Guidelines
24 Data Guideline Structure Survey X 2. Survey Data 3. Fixed Station 4. Sample Event Technique = Trawl and Tow 1. Project Offshore Litter 5. Data Production Tools 6. Sample Data Fish Abundance and Biomass 5. Data Production Tools 6. Sample Data 4. Sample Event Technique = Oceanographic Profile etc Oceanographic Vertical Profile 5. Data Production Tools 6. Sample Data
25 Data Guidelines
26 All guidelines are reviewed internally and by the relevant Data Archive Centre before publication In field testing and review work underway Further guidelines on noise, geology and bathymetry (inc Multibeam) under draft. Data Guidelines - developments
27 Controlled Vocabs (Term Lists)
28 Controlled Vocabs Promoting use of vocabs in specific themes via data guidelines and deriving new vocabs where required Vocabs are available through 3 rd parties or alternatively ‘served’ using the NERC vocab server developed in coordination with the european project SeaDataNet. An API returning XML documents conforming to a standard schema (SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organisation system)) allowing interaction with generic tools Governance and application follows the guiding principles of ISO19135 (Geographic information -- Procedures for item registration)
29 Vocab Service: Controlled Vocabs
30 Vocab theasurus: Controlled Vocabs
31 Website
32 Questions/Discussion? General Comments and Questions Discussion: How to we promote the use of the standards further? Are their other standards that require developing/adopting? Are the tools provided sufficient to produce discovery metadata?
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