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Lib 150 Section 13 Lloyd Chittenden How is the world ruled and how do wars start? Diplomats tell lies to journalists and then believe what they read. --

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Presentation on theme: "Lib 150 Section 13 Lloyd Chittenden How is the world ruled and how do wars start? Diplomats tell lies to journalists and then believe what they read. --"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lib 150 Section 13 Lloyd Chittenden How is the world ruled and how do wars start? Diplomats tell lies to journalists and then believe what they read. -- Karl Kraus 1909 Please turn off cell phones

2 Quiz 2 Anyone who missed Quiz 1 can make it up after class

3 Scholarly vs. Popular Popular Written by journalists, not subject specialists Scholarly Written by scientists and subject experts

4 Scholarly vs. Popular Popular Written for the general public Scholarly Written for specialists in the field

5 Scholarly vs. Popular Popular Do not have citations or references Scholarly Do have citations or references

6 Scholarly vs. Popular Popular Articles are short Scholarly Articles may be long

7 Scholarly vs. Popular Popular Have general advertising Scholarly Advertising specific to the field, or none

8 Scholarly vs. Popular Popular Colorful, glossy paper Scholarly Little color, plain paper

9 Scholarly vs. Popular Popular Pages each issue separately Scholarly May use continuous pagination

10 Scholarly vs. Popular Popular Articles only reviewed by editor Scholarly Articles reviewed by other experts Check Ulrich’s to be sure

11 Scholarly vs. Popular Exercise

12 For next week Assignment 3 -- due next week Citing Periodical Sources in MLA Style Evaluating Periodical Sources Sample evaluation for periodical articles Reading: The Internet -- A Tool for Academic Research Internet Searching Evaluating Web Sources Media Services

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