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Chapter 2 Atomic Structure Chemical Bonds Chemical Reactions

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1 Chapter 2 Atomic Structure Chemical Bonds Chemical Reactions
Carbohydrates – Lipids Proteins Amino Acids Enzymes DNA

2 Matter The “stuff” of the universe
Anything that has mass and takes up space States of matter Solid – has definite shape and volume Liquid – has definite volume, changeable shape Gas – has changeable shape and volume

3 Energy The capacity to do work (put matter into motion)
Types of energy Kinetic – energy in action Potential – energy of position; stored (inactive) energy PLAY Energy Concepts

4 Forms of Energy Chemical – stored in the bonds of chemical substances
Electrical – results from the movement of charged particles Mechanical – directly involved in moving matter Radiant or electromagnetic – energy traveling in waves (i.e., visible light, ultraviolet light, and X-rays)

5 Energy Form Conversions
Energy is easily converted from one form to another During conversion, some energy is “lost” as heat

6 Composition of Matter Elements – unique substances that cannot be broken down by ordinary chemical means Atoms – more-or-less identical building blocks for each element Atomic symbol – one- or two-letter chemical shorthand for each element

7 Properties of Elements
Each element has unique physical and chemical properties Physical properties – those detected with our senses Chemical properties – pertain to the way atoms interact with one another

8 Major Elements of the Human Body
Oxygen (O) Carbon (C) Hydrogen (H) Nitrogen (N)

9 Lesser and Trace Elements of the Human Body
Lesser elements make up 3.9% of the body and include: Calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), sulfur (S), sodium (Na), chlorine (Cl), magnesium (Mg), iodine (I), and iron (Fe)

10 Lesser and Trace Elements of the Human Body
Trace elements make up less than 0.01% of the body They are required in minute amounts, and are found as part of enzymes

11 Atomic Structure The nucleus consists of neutrons and protons
Neutrons – have no charge and a mass of one atomic mass unit (amu) Protons – have a positive charge and a mass of 1 amu Electrons are found orbiting the nucleus Electrons – have a negative charge and 1/2000 the mass of a proton (0 amu)

12 Models of the Atom Planetary Model – electrons move around the nucleus in fixed, circular orbits Orbital Model – regions around the nucleus in which electrons are most likely to be found


14 Identification of Elements
Atomic number – equal to the number of protons Mass number – equal to the mass of the protons and neutrons Atomic weight – average of the mass numbers of all isotopes

15 Identification of Elements
Isotope – atoms with same number of protons but a different number of neutrons Radioisotopes – atoms that undergo spontaneous decay called radioactivity

16 Identification of Elements: Atomic Structure
Figure 2.2

17 Identification of Elements: Isotopes of Hydrogen
Figure 2.3

18 Molecules and Compounds
Molecule – two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds Compound – two or more different kinds of atoms chemically bonded together

19 Mixtures and Solutions
Mixtures – two or more components physically intermixed (not chemically bonded) Solutions – homogeneous mixtures of components Solvent – substance present in greatest amount Solute – substance(s) present in smaller amounts

20 Concentration of Solutions
Percent, or parts per 100 parts Molarity, or moles per liter (M) A mole of an element or compound is equal to its atomic or molecular weight (sum of atomic weights) in grams

21 Colloids and Suspensions
Colloids (emulsions) – heterogeneous mixtures whose solutes do not settle out Suspensions – heterogeneous mixtures with visible solutes that tend to settle out

22 Mixtures Compared with Compounds
No chemical bonding takes place in mixtures Most mixtures can be separated by physical means Mixtures can be heterogeneous or homogeneous Compounds cannot be separated by physical means All compounds are homogeneous

23 Chemical Bonds Electron shells, or energy levels, surround the nucleus of an atom Bonds are formed using the electrons in the outermost energy level Valence shell – outermost energy level containing chemically active electrons Octet rule – except for the first shell which is full with two electrons, atoms interact in a manner to have eight electrons in their valence shell

24 Chemically Inert Elements
Inert elements have their outermost energy level fully occupied by electrons Figure 2.4a

25 Chemically Reactive Elements
Reactive elements do not have their outermost energy level fully occupied by electrons Figure 2.4b

26 Types of Chemical Bonds
Ionic Covalent Hydrogen

27 Ionic Bonds Ions are charged atoms resulting from the gain or loss of electrons Anions have gained one or more electrons Cations have lost one or more electrons

28 Formation of an Ionic Bond
Ionic bonds form between atoms by the transfer of one or more electrons Ionic compounds form crystals instead of individual molecules Example: NaCl (sodium chloride)

29 Formation of an Ionic Bond
Figure 2.5a

30 Formation of an Ionic Bond
Figure 2.5b

31 Covalent Bonds Covalent bonds are formed by the sharing of two or more electrons Electron sharing produces molecules

32 Single Covalent Bonds Figure 2.7a

33 Double Covalent Bonds Figure 2.7b

34 Triple Covalent Bonds Figure 2.7c

35 Polar and Nonpolar Molecules
Electrons shared equally between atoms produce nonpolar molecules Unequal sharing of electrons produces polar molecules Atoms with six or seven valence shell electrons are electronegative Atoms with one or two valence shell electrons are electropositive

36 Comparison of Ionic, Polar Covalent, and Nonpolar Covalent Bonds
Figure 2.9

37 Hydrogen Bonds Too weak to bind atoms together
Common in dipoles such as water Responsible for surface tension in water Important as intramolecular bonds, giving the molecule a three-dimensional shape PLAY Hydrogen Bonds

38 Hydrogen Bonds Figure 2.10a

39 Chemical Reactions Occur when chemical bonds are formed, rearranged, or broken Written in symbolic form using chemical equations Chemical equations contain: Number and type of reacting substances, and products produced Relative amounts of reactants and products

40 Examples of Chemical Reactions

41 Patterns of Chemical Reactions
Combination reactions: Synthesis reactions which always involve bond formation A + B  AB

42 Patterns of Chemical Reactions
Decomposition reactions: Molecules are broken down into smaller molecules AB  A + B

43 Patterns of Chemical Reactions
Exchange reactions: Bonds are both made and broken AB + C  AC + B

44 Oxidation-Reduction (Redox) Reactions
Reactants losing electrons are electron donors and are oxidized Reactants taking up electrons are electron acceptors and become reduced

45 Energy Flow in Chemical Reactions
Exergonic reactions – reactions that release energy Endergonic reactions – reactions whose products contain more potential energy than did its reactants

46 Reversibility in Chemical Reactions
All chemical reactions are theoretically reversible A + B  AB AB  A + B If neither a forward nor reverse reaction is dominant, chemical equilibrium is reached

47 Factors Influencing Rate of Chemical Reactions
Temperature – chemical reactions proceed quicker at higher temperatures Particle size – the smaller the particle the faster the chemical reaction Concentration – higher reacting particle concentrations produce faster reactions

48 Factors Influencing Rate of Chemical Reactions
Catalysts – increase the rate of a reaction without being chemically changed Enzymes – biological catalysts

49 Biochemistry Organic compounds Inorganic compounds
Contain carbon, are covalently bonded, and are often large Inorganic compounds Do not contain carbon Water, salts, and many acids and bases

50 Properties of Water High heat capacity – absorbs and releases large amounts of heat before changing temperature High heat of vaporization – changing from a liquid to a gas requires large amounts of heat Polar solvent properties – dissolves ionic substances, forms hydration layers around large charged molecules, and serves as the body’s major transport medium

51 Properties of Water Reactivity – is an important part of hydrolysis and dehydration synthesis reactions Cushioning – resilient cushion around certain body organs PLAY InterActive Physiology®: Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid/Base Balance: Introduction to Body Fluids

52 Salts Inorganic compounds
Contain cations other than H+ and anions other than OH– Are electrolytes; they conduct electrical currents

53 Acids and Bases Acids release H+ and are therefore proton donors
HCl  H+ + Cl – Bases release OH– and are proton acceptors NaOH  Na+ + OH–

54 Acid-Base Concentration (pH)
Acidic solutions have higher H+ concentration and therefore a lower pH Alkaline solutions have lower H+ concentration and therefore a higher pH Neutral solutions have equal H+ and OH– concentrations

55 Acid-Base Concentration (pH)
Acidic: pH 0–6.99 Basic: pH 7.01–14 Neutral: pH 7.00 Figure 2.13

56 Buffers Systems that resist abrupt and large swings in the pH of body fluids Carbonic acid-bicarbonate system Carbonic acid dissociates, reversibly releasing bicarbonate ions and protons The chemical equilibrium between carbonic acid and bicarbonate resists pH changes in the blood PLAY InterActive Physiology®: Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid/Base Balance: Acid/Base Homeostasis

57 Organic Compounds Molecules unique to living systems contain carbon and hence are organic compounds They include: Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Nucleic Acids

58 Carbohydrates Contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
Their major function is to supply a source of cellular food Examples: Monosaccharides or simple sugars Figure 2.14a

59 Carbohydrates Disaccharides or double sugars PLAY Disaccharides
Figure 2.14b

60 Carbohydrates Polysaccharides or polymers of simple sugars PLAY
Figure 2.14c

61 Lipids Contain C, H, and O, but the proportion of oxygen in lipids is less than in carbohydrates Examples: Neutral fats or triglycerides Phospholipids Steroids Eicosanoids PLAY Fats

62 Neutral Fats (Triglycerides)
Composed of three fatty acids bonded to a glycerol molecule Figure 2.15a

63 Representative Lipids Found in the Body
Neutral fats – found in subcutaneous tissue and around organs Phospholipids – chief component of cell membranes Steroids – cholesterol, bile salts, vitamin D, sex hormones, and adrenal cortical hormones

64 Other Lipids Phospholipids – modified triglycerides with two fatty acid groups and a phosphorus group Figure 2.15b

65 Representative Lipids Found in the Body
Fat-soluble vitamins – vitamins A, E, and K Eicosanoids – prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and thromboxanes Lipoproteins – transport fatty acids and cholesterol in the bloodstream

66 Other Lipids Steroids – flat molecules with four interlocking hydrocarbon rings Eicosanoids – 20-carbon fatty acids found in cell membranes Figure 2.15c

67 Amino Acids Building blocks of protein, containing an amino group and a carboxyl group Amino group NH2 Carboxyl groups COOH

68 Amino Acids Figure 2.16a–c

69 Amino Acids Figure 2.16d, e

70 Protein Macromolecules composed of combinations of 20 types of amino acids bound together with peptide bonds Figure 2.17

71 Protein Macromolecules composed of combinations of 20 types of amino acids bound together with peptide bonds Amino acid Dehydration synthesis Hydrolysis Dipeptide Peptide bond + N H C R O H2O OH Figure 2.17

72 Protein Macromolecules composed of combinations of 20 types of amino acids bound together with peptide bonds Amino acid + N H C R O OH Figure 2.17

73 Protein Macromolecules composed of combinations of 20 types of amino acids bound together with peptide bonds Amino acid Dehydration synthesis + N H C R O H2O OH Figure 2.17

74 Protein Macromolecules composed of combinations of 20 types of amino acids bound together with peptide bonds Amino acid Dehydration synthesis Dipeptide Peptide bond + N H C R O H2O OH Figure 2.17

75 Protein Macromolecules composed of combinations of 20 types of amino acids bound together with peptide bonds Dipeptide Peptide bond N H C R O OH Figure 2.17

76 Protein Macromolecules composed of combinations of 20 types of amino acids bound together with peptide bonds Hydrolysis Dipeptide Peptide bond H2O N H C R O OH Figure 2.17

77 Protein Macromolecules composed of combinations of 20 types of amino acids bound together with peptide bonds Amino acid Hydrolysis Dipeptide Peptide bond + N H C R O H2O OH Figure 2.17

78 Protein Macromolecules composed of combinations of 20 types of amino acids bound together with peptide bonds Amino acid Dehydration synthesis Hydrolysis Dipeptide Peptide bond + N H C R O H2O OH Figure 2.17

79 Structural Levels of Proteins
Primary – amino acid sequence Secondary – alpha helices or beta pleated sheets Tertiary – superimposed folding of secondary structures Quaternary – polypeptide chains linked together in a specific manner PLAY PLAY PLAY

80 Structural Levels of Proteins
Figure 2.18a–c

81 Structural Levels of Proteins
Figure 2.18b,d,e

82 Fibrous and Globular Proteins
Fibrous proteins (a.k.a. structural proteins) Extended and strand-like proteins – usually only secondary structure Rope-like side by side fibers make then great “building materials” Insoluble in water Examples: keratin, elastin, collagen, and certain contractile fibers of muscle

83 Fibrous and Globular Proteins
Globular proteins (a.k.a. functional proteins) Compact, spherical proteins with tertiary and quaternary structures Examples: antibodies, hormones, and enzymes

84 Protein Denuaturation
Reversible unfolding of proteins due to drops in pH and/or increased temperature Figure 2.19a

85 Protein Denuaturation
Irreversibly denatured proteins cannot refold and are formed by extreme pH or temperature changes Figure 2.19b

86 Molecular Chaperones (Chaperonins)
Help other proteins to achieve their functional three-dimensional shape Maintain folding integrity Assist in translocation of proteins and some metal ions (Cu, Fe, Zn) across membranes Promote the breakdown of damaged or denatured proteins

87 Characteristics of Enzymes
Most are globular proteins that act as biological catalysts – they don’t make reactions happen, they only increase the speed. Holoenzymes consist of an apoenzyme (protein) and a cofactor (usually an ion Cu, Fe, B-Vits, etc.) Enzymes are chemically specific

88 Characteristics of Enzymes
Frequently named for the type of reaction they catalyze (e.g. hydrolases – add water hydolysis) Enzyme names usually end in -ase Lower activation energy

89 Characteristics of Enzymes
Figure 2.20

90 Mechanism of Enzyme Action
Enzyme binds with substrate Product is formed at a lower activation energy Product is released PLAY How Enzymes Work

91 + Active site Amino acids Enzyme (E) Enzyme-substrate complex (E-S)
Internal rearrangements leading to catalysis Dipeptide product (P) Free enzyme (E) Substrates (S) Peptide bond H2O + Figure 2.21

92 + Active site Amino acids Enzyme (E) Enzyme-substrate complex (E-S)
Substrates (S) H2O + Figure 2.21

93 + Active site Amino acids Enzyme (E) Enzyme-substrate complex (E-S)
Internal rearrangements leading to catalysis Substrates (S) H2O + Figure 2.21

94 + Active site Amino acids Enzyme (E) Enzyme-substrate complex (E-S)
Internal rearrangements leading to catalysis Dipeptide product (P) Free enzyme (E) Substrates (S) Peptide bond H2O + Figure 2.21

95 Nucleic Acids Composed of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and phosphorus Their structural unit, the nucleotide, is composed of N-containing base, a pentose sugar, and a phosphate group

96 Nucleic Acids Five nitrogen bases contribute to nucleotide structure – adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), thymine (T), and uracil (U) Two major classes – DNA and RNA

97 Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)
Double-stranded helical molecule found in the nucleus of the cell Replicates itself before the cell divides, ensuring genetic continuity Provides instructions for protein synthesis

98 Complimentary Bases/Structure of DNA
Figure 2.22a

99 Structure of DNA Figure 2.22b

100 Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)
Single-stranded molecule found in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm of a cell Uses the nitrogenous base uracil instead of thymine Three varieties of RNA: messenger RNA, transfer RNA, and ribosomal RNA Viral RNA is unique

101 Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
Figure 2.23

102 Solute Solute transported Contracted smooth muscle cell Product made Relaxed smooth Reactants Membrane protein P Pi ATP X Y + (a) Transport work (b) Mechanical work (c) Chemical work ADP Figure 2.24

103 Solute Membrane protein P ATP (a) Transport work Figure 2.24

104 Solute Solute transported Membrane protein P Pi ATP (a) Transport work + ADP Figure 2.24

105 Relaxed smooth muscle cell ATP (b) Mechanical work Figure 2.24

106 Contracted smooth muscle cell Relaxed smooth ATP (b) Mechanical work Pi + ADP Figure 2.24

107 Reactants ATP P X Y + (c) Chemical work Figure 2.24

108 Product made Reactants ATP P X Y + (c) Chemical work Pi ADP Figure 2.24

109 Solute Solute transported Contracted smooth muscle cell Product made Relaxed smooth Reactants Membrane protein P Pi ATP X Y + (a) Transport work (b) Mechanical work (c) Chemical work ADP Figure 2.24





















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