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Creating a Shared Library How you can create and use your own object-code libraries within the Linux environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating a Shared Library How you can create and use your own object-code libraries within the Linux environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating a Shared Library How you can create and use your own object-code libraries within the Linux environment

2 Building an executable file source text compiler object code linker executable file Translates programming language statements into cpu’s machine-language instructions Adjusts any memory references to fit the Operating Sytem’s memory model

3 Example: source text in msg:string“ Hello \n”.text main:movl$4, %eax movl$1, %ebx movl$msg, %ecx movl$8, %edx int$0x80 ret.globlmain

4 Compiling the source text $gcc –c hello.s; compile $ ld hello.o –o hello; link

5 Normally need a runtime library source text object file object code library executable file compiler linker A previously compiled collection of standard program functions

6 How to build/use an archive file $ gcc –c func1.c $ gcc –c func2.c $ ar cr myarchive.a func1.o func.o $ g++ myapp.cpp myarchive.a –o myapp

7 Static versus Dynamic Linking $ gcc –c hello.s $ ld –static hello.o –o hello or $ ld –shared hello.o –o hello

8 Smaller is more efficient objject file function library object file pointer static linking object file function library dynamic linking object file pointer shared function library executable files

9 Building a ‘Shared Library’ Functions must be ‘reentrant’ –This implies: No global variables Code must be ‘position-independent’ –Can’t jump or call to fixed addresses –Can’t access data at fixed locations

10 Command-formats For building the shared library: $ gcc –c –fPIC func.c $ gcc –shared –fPIC func.o –o For linking application with shared library: $ g++ app.cpp -oapp –L. –lfunc –Wl,-rpath,.

11 Command-line options You need the -L. option to tell the linker where to search the for your files You need the -l option to tell the linker which shared object files to link with first You need the -Wl option to tell gcc/g++ compilers to pass options on to the linker See the man pages for additional details

12 Class Exercise Compile the files ‘comb.c’ and ‘other.c’ Build a shared library containing both Compile the ‘uselib.cpp’ demo-program so it will be linked with your shared library Run the ‘uselib’ demo-program and turn in a printout that shows its output

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