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The CHIANTI database Assessing Atomic Models for Forbidden Transitions Dr Peter Young CCLRC/Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK and the CHIANTI team The.

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Presentation on theme: "The CHIANTI database Assessing Atomic Models for Forbidden Transitions Dr Peter Young CCLRC/Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK and the CHIANTI team The."— Presentation transcript:

1 The CHIANTI database Assessing Atomic Models for Forbidden Transitions Dr Peter Young CCLRC/Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK and the CHIANTI team The CHIANTI database

2 Background Astrophysical applications now account for around 1/3 of citations to the CHIANTI papers B. Ercolano (UCL) expressed interest in including CHIANTI data in the MOCASSIN photoionization code CHIANTI has been optimized for the study of electron-ionized plasmas Do we have the best data for forbidden transitions at low temperatures?

3 The CHIANTI database MOCASSIN Comparison

4 The CHIANTI database CHIANTI data CHIANTI has been optimised for electron-ionized plasmas CHIANTI does not contain the original upsilon data, only fits to the Burgess & Tully scaled upsilons Up to version 4, five point splines were fit to the data

5 The CHIANTI database 9 point splines Up to version 4 of CHIANTI, only 5 point splines were allowed to fit the collision data With version 4, the option of 9 point splines was allowed for “hard to fit” collision strengths Some early data have been re-fit with the 9-point splines to yield better accuracy at low temperatures

6 The CHIANTI database Example: Mg VII Currently DW data of Bhatia & Doschek (1995) in CHIANTI IP data available for ground transitions (Lennon & Burke 1994) –only goes up to 10 5 K –Mg VII formed at 6 x 10 5 K in electron ionized plasma

7 The CHIANTI database Summary A number of CHIANTI forbidden transitions have to be re- assessed to ensure full temperature range of upsilons is represented Also have to ensure the best R-matrix calculations are being used, even if this means merging with other data-sets Improved forbidden transitions will go into v.6 of CHIANTI

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