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A Primer on SZ Surveys Gil Holder Institute for Advanced Study.

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Presentation on theme: "A Primer on SZ Surveys Gil Holder Institute for Advanced Study."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Primer on SZ Surveys Gil Holder Institute for Advanced Study

2 Outline Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect Upcoming surveys What’s next?

3 Optical Image of Cl 0016+16 (Clowe et al. 2000) ~ 7’~ 2 h -1 Mpc

4 kT ~ 7.5 keV Hot Gas in Cl 0016+16 (Reese)

5 Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect CMB Hot electrons CMB+ I Optical depth: τ ~ 0.01 Fractional energy gain per scatter: ~ 0.01

6 SZ Observables I Along a line of sight : DEPENDS ONLY ON CLUSTER PROPERTIES !!!! Independent of redshift Temperature weighted electron column density Unique spectral signature

7 Non-Thermal Spectrum Abell 2163 Data from 3 experiments

8 SZ Observables II Integrated effect from cluster:  proportional to total thermal energy of electrons  Temperature weighted electron inventory  angular diameter distance, not luminosity distance

9 SZ Observables III In reasonable units ( i.e., 1/h): Assume a virial relation: uncertainties come in mass limit as ^(0.6)

10 Central decrement vs Mass – 40% scatter Average SZ flux vs Mass – 10% scatter Metzler ; astro-ph/9812295 SZE Regularity dT o

11 Searching for Galaxy Clusters Small area; very deep - AMI, AMIBA, BOLOCAM, SZA Large area; relatively shallow - ACBAR, PLANCK Large area; very deep - ACT, SPT

12 Mass Limits Fluxes at 30 GHz PLANCK SZA

13 Foregrounds CMB – need good angular resolution and/or good spectral resolution; problem at all SZ frequencies Radio point sources – need good angular resolution for frequencies <90 GHz Dusty point sources – need good angular resolution and/or spectral resolution at frequencies >200 GHz Radio halos and ghosts – could be a problem at frequencies < 15 GHz

14 SZA Survey 10 square degrees to a few uK at resolution of 2-3 arcminutes at 30 GHz Expected mass limit ~ Follow up catalog at 90 GHz for high resolution (<20”) 100 – 500 clusters expected

15 Example: RXJ1347-1145 X-ray (colours) SZ (contours) SZ only Reese

16 CMB contamination?? clusters are clearly at a different spatial scale close amplitudes means beam dilution catches up fast !!! Roughly 1 deg x 1deg – labels are uK

17 Cosmology With the SZA Holder, Haiman & Mohr 2001

18 Dark Energy With the SZA 12 square degrees assume NO systematic errors assume redshifts measured to z=2

19 PLANCK Survey the full sky to a few uK at resolution of 5-10 arcminutes at many frequencies Expected mass limit ~ Cluster detections will be unresolved – point sources with SZE-like spectra 1000 – 50000 clusters expected

20 Cosmology With Planck Black: all z Red: z<0.5 only Holder, Haiman & Mohr 2001

21 SPT/ACT/??? Survey ~1000 square degrees to a few uK at resolution of 1-2 arcminutes at several frequencies Expected mass limit ~ Most powerful for cosmology 5000 – 200000 clusters expected

22 Cosmology with the SPT Holder, Haiman & Mohr 2001

23 dN/dz for SPT

24 Dark Energy With the SPT Also sensitive to time dependent equation of state (Weller, Battye & Kneissl 2001)

25 Possible Plan of Action 1)Use AMI/AMIBA/BOLOCAM/SZA to define a significant SZE-selected sample 2)Follow up at many wavelengths: optical, X-ray, radio, cm, mm (including SZA!) 3)Do a very large, deep survey for precise measurements of cosmological parameters

26 On the Horizon uK imaging between 30-400 GHz with arcminute resolution -- SPT, ACT, dedicated interferometers, ALMA, etc. New science opportunities & challenges -- peculiar velocities, -- spectral SZ -- CMB lensing

27 Peculiar Velocities (Kinetic SZ) Pure redshift, blueshift => thermal spectrum Arcminutes scales => CMB ~ 1 uK -- CMB noise contribution = 10 km/s (0.01/ τ) Other contamination: 50 km/s ? (Fischer & Lange 1993)

28 Relativistic Corrections

29 Lensing of the CMB Typical CMB gradient -- 15 uK/arcmin Typical deflection angle -- ~ 0.1-1 arcmin (Seljak and Zaldarriaga )

30 Summary New cluster surveys coming soon Detailed follow-up will be required of some sample of SZE-selected clusters Ambitious survey machines in proposal stages could be extremely powerful

31 Gallery of SZ Images Z=0.83 Z=0.14



34 Holder & Carlstrom 2001 Green: shift in matter density by 10%

35 Counting Galaxy Clusters Mass function Volume element (Jenkins, Press-Schechter) Mass limit

36 Self-Similar Evolution Holder & Carlstrom 2001

37 Effects of Gas Evolution Holder & Carlstrom 2001

38 Angular Power Spectrum of SZ Sources Holder & Carlstrom 2001

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