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Lesson Seven Reliability. Contents  Definition of reliability Definition of reliability  Indication of reliability: Reliability coefficient Reliability.

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1 Lesson Seven Reliability

2 Contents  Definition of reliability Definition of reliability  Indication of reliability: Reliability coefficient Reliability coefficient  Ways of obtaining reliability coefficient: Alternate/Parallel forms Test, retest Split-half  (Inter-) rater (or scorer) reliability (Inter-) rater (or scorer) reliability  Two ways of testing reliability Two ways of testing reliability  How to make sure the test is reliable How to make sure the test is reliable

3 Definition of Reliability  “ The consistency of measures across different times, test forms, raters, and other characteristics of the measurement context ” (Bachman, 1990, p. 24).  The accuracy or precision with which a test measures something; consistency, dependability, or stability of test results.

4 Reliability coefficient (r)  To quantify the reliability of a test  allow us to compare the reliability of different tests.  0 ≤ r ≤ 1 (ideal r= 1, which means the test gives precisely the same results for particular testees regardless of when it happened to be administered).  If r = 1 : 100% reliable  A good achievement test: r>=.90

5 Alternate/Parallel forms: the most stringent form  Two forms, two administrations Equivalent forms (i.e., different items testing the same topic) taken by the same test taker on different days If r is high, this test is said to have good reliability. Test plan Form AForm B

6 Test, retest  The same test is administered to the same testees with a short time lag, and then calculate r.  Appropriate for highly speeded test Test A Trial 1Trial 2  One form, two administrations

7 Split-half (Spearman-Brown Procedure)  One test, one administration  Split the test into halves (i.e., odd questions vs even questions) to form two sets of scores.  Internal consistency (also: KR-21, KR-20) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 First Half Second Half

8 (Inter-) rater (or scorer) reliability  Needed for subjective tests (e.g., writing, oral tests) when two or more independent raters are involved in scoring.  Raters should be trained before scoring.  Compare the scores of the same testee given by different raters. If r= high, there ’ s inter-rater reliability.

9 Ways of testing reliability  Examine the amount of variation Standard Error of Measurement (SEM) The smaller the better  Calculate “ reliability coefficient ” “ r ” The bigger the better

10 How to make sure the test is reliable for teachers  Take enough samples of behavior  Try to avoid ambiguous items  Provide clear and explicit instructions  Well layout  Provide uniform and undistracted condition  Try to use objective tests  Try to use direct tests  Have independent, trained raters  Try to identify the test takers by number, not by names  Try to have more multiple independent scoring in subjective tests (Hughes, 1989, pp. 36-41).

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