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COMMUNICATION NETWORKS. The Communication Networks Line aims to provide students with knowledge and understanding of modern communication systems analysis.

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2 The Communication Networks Line aims to provide students with knowledge and understanding of modern communication systems analysis and design and to provide students with the ability to apply classical as well as advanced methodologies and theories in the analysis, design, implementation validation and test of modern communication systems.

3 COMMUNICATION NETWORKS Background: Developers in telecom. and datacom. either strong in SW or communication protocols – seldomly both. AAU does not support network planning with candidates. Requesting parties: Sonofon, TDC, Nokia, Siemens, public institutions..

4 COMMUNICATION NETWORKS The Communication Networks Line comprises two semesters covering basic wireless and wired communication technology. The Line supports specialisations within Distributed Application Engineering as well as Network Planning and Management.


6 COMMUNICATION NETWORKS The specializations on top of Communication Networks point towards career opportunities within a broad spectrum of businesses ranging from proces control over mobile telephony development and internet and telecom. provision to public service within network planning consultancy.


8 COMMUNICATION NETWORKS 6. Sem. 6. semester theme is Basic Wireless Communication and combines areas from the Telecommunication line, the Informatics line and newly developed elements such as Wireless communication protocols & technology and Embedded systems design and tools

9 PE course list 6. Sem. Wireless communication protocols & technology (1M) Embedded systems design and tools (1M) FP-6-1: Informationsteori (1M) TE6-1: Kommunikationsteori 1 (1M) TE6-2: Digital modulation og signaltransmission (1M) E5-3 : Modulation Theory (2M) Formal Languages (2M)

10 Project examples 6. Sem. ISDN/Bluetooth bridge. Mobile IP Testbed WAP based M-commerce system.

11 ISDN/Bluetooth bridge ISDN modem ISDN router TCP IP ISDN L2C BT-rad. L2C BT-rad ISDN TCP IP ISDN ??

12 ISDN/Bluetooth bridge TCP IP TCP IP ISDN L2C BT-rad L2C BT-rad IP ISDN BT piconet Interface Mess. Processor (IMP)

13 COMMUNICATION NETWORKS 7. Sem. 7. semester theme is Basic Wired Communication combines areas from Informatics and Procescontrol as well as newly developed elements such as SW testing and validation

14 PE course list 7. Sem. D5-12: Netværk og datakommunikation) (2M) Wired network protocols and technology (PSTN, ISDN, ATM, Ipv4/6., RTP, VoIP, routers, switches, cabelling) (FP7-6: Avancerede netværk) (1M) Distributed Systems (PR7-1) (2M) Software Validation and Testing Techniques (1M) IN7-3: Objektorienteret netværkskommunikation (1M)

15 Project examples 7. Sem. VoIP på ADSL og CATV VoIP in IPv6 and ATM transmission techniques IP Video on demand

16 VoIP on SHDSL with ATM

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