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GIS Customization I. Binaural recording + reconstructing performances Holophonics - Virtual Barber Shop John Q. Walker: Re-creating great performances.

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Presentation on theme: "GIS Customization I. Binaural recording + reconstructing performances Holophonics - Virtual Barber Shop John Q. Walker: Re-creating great performances."— Presentation transcript:

1 GIS Customization I

2 Binaural recording + reconstructing performances Holophonics - Virtual Barber Shop John Q. Walker: Re-creating great performances

3 Algonquin ArcGIS Customization Courses GIS Customization I = ArcPy (Python Package for ArcGIS) +.NET, Visual Studio, C# Essentials + Intro to ArcObjects GIS Customzation II = ArcGIS.NET templates + Extending ArcGIS + Add-ins

4 GIS Customization I Course overview Before study break Python & ArcGIS 10 (ArcPy) arcpy.mapping After study break Intro to.NET, Visual Studio, & C# Code modules, functions, strings, file I/O, OOP Class libraries, console & Windows apps Intro to ArcObjects

5 Marking Quizzes – 4 x 20% Exercises/participation 50% for working during lab period & providing zip of progress Submitting “completed” exercises before next class +25% if not completed but progress was made since lab period +25% for completing exercises (working code)

6 Working in pairs, or not Benefits of working in pairs to you 1 + 1 = 3 One brain working on details (syntax) + Other brain working on solution and next steps Ability to work in pairs or groups is an essential attribute for the work force – standard question for reference calls, letters of support, etc Marks-based pairs (highest with highest, lowest with lowest) Easier for me/better for you to help/mark 10 pairs vs 20 singles I am asked to be a reference for students (even if the student doesn’t ask me) FYI, I don’t lie. Send me an e-mail if you want to opt out

7 References What would you want someone to say about you?

8 Why customize ArcGIS? Avoid repetition. Software does exactly what you want but you don’t want to do it manually dozens or thousands of times. Example: Clip 30 feature classes with 6 AOI’s 180 times OR < 20 lines of Python code.

9 Python, ArcGIS, ArcPy, & Geoprocessing ArcPy is a site-package that builds on (and is a successor to) the successful 9.3 arcgisscripting module Provides access to Geoprocessing tools in ArcGIS Input Dataset(s) Output Dataset(s) Custom toolboxes

10 Why customize ArcGIS ? Workflow. Software does not do EXACTLY what you want to do “out-of-the-box” but has the programming infrastructure required to allow you to customize it to do exactly what you want

11 Extending ArcGIS, Add-ins, C#, & ArcObjects Adding toolbars, buttons, tools, etc. Python could not do this until ArcGIS 10.1 … Python will never be able to extend ArcGIS like C# and C# may never be able to extend it like C++ GIS Customization II (GIS4307) will cover extending ArcGIS with C#

12 Dev options with ArcGIS

13 Open Source GIS components

14 GIS Customization Business

15 esriDC R&D Center

16 What can you do with customization?

17 Python at 2014 Dev Summit

18 Good talk from 2011 … 2 hrs

19 GIS Customization I starts here … Brief intro to ArcPy & the Geoprocessing Framework

20 ArcGIS – Python integration ArcGIS 8.x – 9.x ArcGIS 10.x Python interpreter/ interactive window IN ArcGIS Python ? – 2.5Python 2.6 - ?

21 Python in ArcGIS 9.x vs 10.x ArcGIS 10 ArcGIS 9.3

22 Python Interactive window in ArcGIS Options to Save As … / Load Clear All / Clear selected

23 Python, ArcGIS, ArcPy, & Geoprocessing ArcPy introduced at ArcGIS 10

24 ArcPy site-package A Python package is a folder containing Python modules, e.g. mapping, ga (Geostatistical Analyst) & possibly sub-packages, e.g. sa – (Spatial Analyst)

25 Quick tour of ArcPy Geoprocessing tool access arcpy.Clip_analysis(…*) arcpy.Buffer_analysis(…*) Functions arcpy.ListFeatureClasses() arcpy.Describe(…*) Classes arcpy.SpatialReference(prjFile) arcpy.Point({X},{Y},{Z},{M},{ID}) Modules & Packages arcpy.mapping * “…” used instead multiple parameters

26 Tools vs Functions ToolsFunctions DocumentationTool documentationArcPy documentation Returnsresult objectLists, numbers, etc. Messaging Tools produce messages … arcpy.GetMessages() No messaging Availability Availability depends on licensing (ArcView, ArcEditor, ArcInfo) Availability does not depend on license level CaSe SeNsiTive in ArcGIS 10

27 result returned from a Tool

28 Environment settings in ArcGIS 10 / ArcPy Environment settings affect analysis performed by tools (workspace, extent, cell size, etc.)

29 Environment settings in Python using ArcPy import arcpy from arcpy import env # Print the passed-down current workspace environment setting # arcpy.AddMessage("The passed-down current workspace is: %s" % env.workspace) # Set a new workspace, overriding the passed-down workspace # env.workspace = "e:/data/script.gdb" arcpy.AddMessage("The new current workspace is: %s" % env.workspace)

30 Done

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