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Presentation on theme: " From IPUMS-USA (1989-) & PAU-Aging (1992-) From IPUMS-USA (1989-) & PAU-Aging (1992-) to IPUMS-International (1999-)"— Presentation transcript:

1 From IPUMS-USA (1989-) & PAU-Aging (1992-) From IPUMS-USA (1989-) & PAU-Aging (1992-) to IPUMS-International (1999-) and beyond to IPUMS-International (1999-), Latin America (2003-), Europe (2004?) and beyond

2 IPUMS-International means Restricted access, Anonymized microdata » Should be “IRAMS” not IPUMS » Who are IPUMS-International users? Those who: » Have a demonstrated need for the data (project abstract) » Agree to abide by the restrictions of use » Place themselves under the jurisdiction of Institutional Review Boards Place themselves under the jurisdiction of Institutional Review Boards Place themselves under the jurisdiction of Institutional Review Boards

3 A N O N Y M I Z E S IPUMSiIPUMSiIPUMSiIPUMSi » Suppress geographical detail (NUTS2/3?) » Corrupt the data! (just a little…) » Blur/aggregate sensitive codes » Convert dates to ages (blur key vars.) » Swap cases between districts! (just a few…) » Scramble order of unit records Using the most demanding standards: legal & administrative legaladministrativelegaladministrative as well as technical:

4 » 1. Suppress geographical variables below commune » 2. Convert » Dates of birth, marriage, immigration to ages » Band small groups » 3. Suppress sensitive codes for small groups: » Citizenship » Year of immigration to Italy » Commune of work/study Anonymization example: Italy, 1991 First assessment Note: population uniques are anonymized after integration Italy, 1991Italy, 1991

5 EUROSTAT statistical anonymity standards (Thorogood, 1999) --all accepted by IPUMS-International » 1. small sample size » 2. limited geographical detail » 3. top and bottom coding of unique categories » 4. signed non-disclosure agreement » 5. prohibit redistribution of datasets to third parties » 6. prohibit attempts to identify individuals or the making of any claim to that affect » 7. require users to provide copies of publications

6 EUROSTAT statistical anonymity standards (Thorogood, 1999) --all accepted by IPUMS i and more » 8. Age (constructed from birth date, where necessary) » 9. Never identify date of birth » 10. Never identify place of birth » 11. Migration: timing and place not identified in detail » 12. Place of residence identified by major civil division (pop>60k, 120k, 250k, 1 million--national rule) » 13. Sensitivity analysis of variables by national experts » 14. Confidentiality assessment by national experts

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