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Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 1 C-band Scatterometers From ERS to ASCAT and Beyond

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Presentation on theme: "Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 1 C-band Scatterometers From ERS to ASCAT and Beyond"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 1 C-band Scatterometers From ERS to ASCAT and Beyond

2 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 2 Continuity of C-band scatterometers?

3 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 3 Outline ERS scatterometer (SCAT) Advanced SCAT (ASCAT) Satellite Application Facilities (SAF) / Products Rotating Fan-beam SCATterometer (RFSCAT) Summary and references

4 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 4 Scatterometers Improved forecasts of cyclones and storms (no rain gaps) Isaksen & Stoffelen, 2000

5 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 5 Local revived real-time ERS scatterometer service ERSMonday 6 Sep 04

6 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 6 ERSMonday 6 Sep 04 Mouse click

7 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 7 ERSMonday 6 Sep 04 Mouse click  Remnence of Frances

8 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 8 Fast developing low over the ocean missed by HiRLAM ESA press release “Nowcasting”

9 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 9 The METOP Instrument Payload IASI HIRS-4 AVHRR-3 AMSU-A1 AMSU-A2 MHS GOME-2 GRAS ASCAT

10 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 10 The ASCAT Mission Primary objective: To provide global ocean wind vector measurements operationally. Main application: assimilation in Numerical Weather Prediction models Additional objectives supported: –Retrieval of sea ice boundaries, concentration and type –Retrieval of land surface parameters: snow cover and soil moisture –Nowcasting –Probably stress product

11 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 11 Heritage from ERS scatterometers and new ASCAT features 45 o 135 o 90 o Beam geometry C-Band VV polarisation Spatial averaging in overlapping cells (one  o ‘triplet’ per WVC) 50 km resolution; one WVC every 25 km (19 across swath)

12 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 12 Heritage from ERS scatterometers and new ASCAT features 45 o 135 o 90 o Beam geometry C-Band VV polarisation Spatial averaging in overlapping cells (one  o ‘triplet’ per node) Additional product at ~25 km resolution, every 12.5 km (41 nodes per swath) Improved instrument design and on-board processing concept 45 o 135 o 90 o Increased time and swath coverage 550 km Higher incidence angle range i.a.: 25 o - 65 o 50 km resolution; one WVC every 25 km (19 across swath)

13 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 13 The spatial averaging: one and consecutive 50 km resolution WVCs

14 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 14 ASCAT Products Level 1B (EUMETSAT) –50 km resolution  o triplets with a 25 km WVC spacing –~25 km resolution  o triplets with a 12.5 km WVC spacing –Full-resolution  o values for the three beams on each swath (research product) Level 2 (Ocean and Sea Ice SAF) –50 km resolution wind vectors with a 25 km WVC spacing –~25 km resolution wind vectors with a 12.5 km WVC spacing

15 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 15 ASCAT products disseminated to users ProductContentsFormatDisseminationTimelinessSource Level 0 ASCAT EPS HRPTNRTMetOp source packetsformat L-bandreal timeplatform Level 1B  o triplets EPS NRT terminals2h 15 minEUMETSAT 50 and ~25km BUFREuMetCast>15 min resolution Level 2 winds +  o BUFR RMDCN, 2 h 30 minOSI SAF triplets internet and>20 min information EuMetCast over ocean ADPdata processors/w--OSI SAF NRT terminals are being substituted by increased EuMetCast capability Note that  o data is available in both L1B and Level 2 products Archive data is available from EUMETSAT from 2007 including full resolution

16 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 16 The SAF concept

17 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 17 Satellite Application Facilities Scatterometer sea surface wind R&D –Quality control, rain and ice screening –Spatial averaging (100 km  25 km) –Inversion: Computation of wind solutions and associated probabilities from measurement information –Determination of information content; Observation operator Ambiguity removal (spatial filter to determine unique field) –Active monitoring and control (of instrument and processing) –Web site (visualisation) and product distribution  ERS and QuikScat product enhancement  Preparation for ASCAT wind production (METOP; 2006)

18 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 18 Flow around rain cells 12 July 2004 1:30Z Mesoscale flow Rain Contamination ?

19 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 19 C- and Ku-band synergy QuikScat 5 GMT ERS-2 21:30 GMT September 2004

20 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 20 –CMOD5 provides cone –Ice model (ice age a) –WVC dependence through incidence angle Ice Line & Wind Cone

21 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 21 Overlap Cone and Line Mixed points

22 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 22 Along-the-ice parameter indicates ice type Red/yellow: multi-year ice Green/blue: first-year ice 0<-10 >10 a

23 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 23 Blended Operational Ocean/Ice Products DNMI:OSI SAF at high-lat. –Under Météo France contract to with DNMI (N), DMI (DK) and SMHI (SWE). 3 Std. OSI SAF Products –Ice concentration (%) –Ice edge: probability of ice coverage –Ice type: probability of multi-year/ first-year Sensors –SSM/I + ERS Scatt + AVHRR - blended ice concentration –QSCAT vector wind (dealiased) Blended Products (see right) –Ice Coverage/Type (as above) + Wind (HIRLAM + QSCAT) –Used in “met. workstation” by met. Institutes in Eumetsat See: OSI-SAF web page Courtesy Lars-Anders Breivik - DNMI

24 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 24 ERS and NCEP re-analysis stresses deviate substantially Few gaps in dynamic areas (unbiased)

25 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 25 Rotating Fan Beam Scatterometer (RFSCAT) –Coverage –Resolution –Quality

26 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 26 RFSCAT options

27 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 27 Comparison Figure of Merit (FoM) –Complementary quality in a WVC –User requirement –Errors –Wind ambiguity –Coverage not yet included –H-pol useful

28 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 28 RFSCAT Preliminary conclusions A C-band VV-pol RFSCAT does not gain much performance on ASCAT An added HH-pol channel provides more information around the satellite ground track. With a polarimetric RFSCAT at moderate cost for RF power a significant gain in wind retrieval may be achieved, but capitalizing this in spatial resolution remains to be seen Wind variability within a WVC limits performance at high SNR

29 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 29 C-band scatterometers Continuity may be possible ERS-1 -> ERS-2 -> ASCAT-1,2,3 -> ? Proven useful for dynamic weather forecasts Few gaps in dynamic areas (no climatological bias) Combination of H-pol and V-pol would improve performance Wind, land, ice, nowcasting Ongoing improvement of GMF, its inversion, QC, data assimilation, monitoring Near coastal application remains to be investigated (see SAR)

30 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 30 For more info... …on the web EUMETSAT web page, ESA MetOp web page, KNMI OSI SAF, page or mail …publications ESA bulletin, Special Issue on MetOp (nr. 102, May 2000) J. Figa-Saldaña, J.J.W.Wilson, E.Attema, R.Gelsthorpe, M.R.Drinkwater and A.Stoffelen, The Advanced scatterometer (ASCAT) on the meteorological operational (MetOp) platform: A follow on for European wind scatterometers, Can. J. Remote Sensing, Vol.28, No.3, pp. 404 - 412, 2002

31 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 31

32 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 32

33 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 33

34 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 34 Scatterometer Verbeterde voorspelling van cyclonen Isaksen & Stoffelen, 2000 Isabel Geen ERS Scatterometer Wel ERS

35 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 35 NWP impact @100-km At DNMI and DMI:  About 10% gain in forecast length for Autumn 2001  More neutral in January 2002 Gain © Frank Tveter, DNMI

36 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 36  space constant Calibration method: Look for the transf. constant noisecone shape

37 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 37 Problem: CMOD5 cone too wide

38 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 38 Ifremer ice mapDistance to ice line 0>51234 d ice ERS-2, Jan.3-Jan.9, 2000

39 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 39 3. Wind Retrieval Bayesian approach: MLE inversion: constant Is MLE inversion still valid?

40 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 40 ERS ScatterometerSeaWinds In general, wind retrieval of reasonable quality However, wind direction distributions present unrealistic peaks & gaps

41 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 41 WVC x x x x x x x x 1 8 6 5 3 2 4 7 FOV  u FOV = u FOV +  u v FOV = v FOV +  v  u,  v  N(0,0.75) Generally, 

42 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 42

43 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 43

44 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 44

45 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 45 EUMETSAT Polar System: an Integrated European Effort Areas of involvement ESA: Space Segment (MetOp platforms and ASCAT, GRAS, GOME instruments) EUMETSAT:Space Segment, Ground Segment, Launcher services, EPS Operations –EUMETSAT Member States: Satellite Applications Facilities (SAFs)

46 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 46 EPS operational mission schedule Operational mission planned for 14 years of operations Three MetOp platforms launched in: –October 2005 –2010 –2014 Commissioning planned to last 6 months for each of the three satellites Overlaps between missions foreseen during the Commissioning periods

47 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 47 ASCAT Instrument Design/ on-board processing Long pulse with LFM (‘chirp’) After de-chirping, the resulting signal is spectrally analysed and detected. In the power spectrum, frequency maps into slant range. The above processing is in effect a pulse compression, which provides range resolution. Radiometric and geometric performance specification in line with ERS scatterometers

48 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 48 ASCAT calibration Internal calibration –compensates for transmitter power and receiver gain variations. Automatic mechanism applied during the ground processing. External calibration –Objective is that  o from a target is accurately measured (absolute calibration) over all incidence angles and between beams (relative calibration), during the whole mission (calibration stability). –Baseline is absolute and relative calibration with 3 transponders and calibration stability monitoring over natural targets (rainforest, ice and ocean). –Additionally, cross-calibration with the ERS scatterometers will be assessed.

49 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 49 The spatial averaging: objectives and method Objective: to achieve radiometric resolution or Kp (standard noise of the measurement) Hamming window of two different sizes at two different spatial grids: –50 km resolution at 25 km node spacing –~25 km resolution at 12.5 m node spacing

50 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 50 Archived ASCAT products available to users ProductContentsFormatSource“Timeliness” Level 1B  o triplets EPS and UMARF 8-9 h at 50 and 25-30 km HDF formats resolution Level 1B  o values EPS and UMARF 8-9 h Full resolutionbefore spatial HDF formats averaging Level 2 winds + BUFR and UMARF 8-9 h essential  o HDF formats information over ocean UMARF is the EUMETSAT Unified Meteorological Archive and Retrieval Facility

51 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 51 Summary ASCAT mission: Integrated European effort: (3) scatterometers, 14 years of operations, planned for launch aboard MetOp in 2005 Objectives: operational retrieval of ocean winds, sea ice and land surface parameters Heritage from ERS scatterometers with improved coverage, performance and an additional high resolution product Data processing and distribution: joint effort between EUMETSAT central facility and the Ocean and Sea Ice SAF Products from ASCAT provide a continuation of the already long time series of ERS C-band backscatter measurements

52 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 52 MetOp Operational orbit Assumption –EPS is the European contribution to the polar-orbiting operational global observing system, where Europe (EUMETSAT) will cover the morning orbit and the USA (NOAA) will cover the afternoon orbit Main characteristics of the orbit –Sun-synchronous –MLST at descending node is 9:30 –Orbit repeat cycle of 29 days –Minimum orbit height of 822 km –Launch first METOP (2!) end 2005 still, then 2010 & 2014

53 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 53 Scatterometer Data Processor Observations Inversion Ambiguity Removal Wind Field OUTPUT Ocean Surface Radar Backscatter Observations Inversion Ambiguity Removal Quality Control Pre- Process Wind Field INPUT OUTPUT Quality Monitor

54 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 54 Scatterometers at KNMI; Towards Increased Resolution Jeroen Beysens Hans Bonekamp Jos de Kloe Marcos Portabella Anton Verhoef Jeroen Verspeek Isabel

55 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 55 NWP Impact @ 100 km Storm near HIRLAM misses wave; SeaWinds should be beneficial! 29 10 2002

56 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 56 Way forward  Scatterometer winds contain mesoscale detail not captured by NWP fields  This information is useful for nowcasting  MSS is an effective way of controling the noise  Spatial analysis in progress

57 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 57 Further References For scatterometer-related papers, documentation, and wind products of the SAFs please refer to We look forward to sharing - Our scatterometer processing software - Our ERS and QuikScat products - Our new wind stress products - Our experience We fund visiting scientists E-mail:

58 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 58 Timeliness of QuikScat files -50 0 50 100 150 200 250

59 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 59 Timeliness of QuikScat files 60% loss in KNMI HiRLAM assimilation cycle -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 Used Lost  Update cycle implemented

60 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 60

61 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 61 Satellite Application Facilities (SAF) Scatterometer participation at KNMI NWP SAF –Scatterometer Wind Processing Software and Observation Operator for NWP Data Assimilation: SeaWinds Wind Processor version 1 Ocean and Sea Ice SAF (OSI SAF) –Scatterometer Wind Production, Monitoring and Web Visualisation: 100-km NRT SeaWinds product on FTP site; ASCAT L2 in 2006 Climate Monitoring SAF (CM SAF) –10-year ERS Scatterometer Wind Stress Data Base (1991-2000): available this year (based on CMOD5)  Effective international collaboration is essential to try and exploit the many available satellite data

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69 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 69 NWP Impact @ 100 km Storm near HIRLAM misses wave; SeaWinds should be beneficial! 29 10 2002

70 Ocean Vector Winds Workshop 8-10 Feb. 2005 70 Spatial resolution Scatterometers provide information on scales of ~50 km NWP models have great difficulty to assimilate detailed information (< 200 km)  Scatterometer winds contain mesoscale detail not captured by NWP fields, due to poor GOS aloft

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