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The Real Time Cloud Paul Watson Newcastle University, UK.

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Presentation on theme: "The Real Time Cloud Paul Watson Newcastle University, UK."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Real Time Cloud Paul Watson Newcastle University, UK

2 Real time Data Sources increasing Sensors Environmental Medical Location CCTV ANPR RFID In Car

3 Real time Data Sources increasing People (directly) e-mail twitter text

4 Real time Data Sources increasing Software as a Service People (indirectly)

5 Professor Phil Blythe Visalakshmi Suresh Can we help older drivers?

6 CENEX Electric Smart Car

7 TRIP SUMMARY 1.Power Consumed (.0611KWh) 2.Average Temperature (4) 3.Break Pedal Pressed (996) 4.Distance (8.4 km) 5.Speed (34 km/h) 6.Carbon foot print (6.972 g) Real-Time Telemetry

8 Helping Older Drivers Identify long-term trends? – cognitive impairments Short-term problems – effects of drugs Suggest the need for assistive technologies

9 Advice Telemetry, Location Medic, Optician, Assistive Technology Request Pattern Match, Analyse, React Weather, Maps, Trends, Medical Records

10 Professor Patrick Olivier Can we use pervasive technologies to allow people to stay longer in their own homes?

11 Ambient Kitchen


13 Prompting Advice Sensors Video Medics, Family, Friends, Emergency Services Pattern Match, Analyse, React Trends, Medical Records Interests Photos Video

14 Real TimeHistoric App Consumers Consumers & Generators App Sensors Generators App Data WarehouseEvent Processing Our Current Architecture Inform Create Models Calibrate Models Aggregations Filter Sensor events → Application events Could & Should we move to Clouds?

15 Real-Time Cloud Computing: Thin Clients simpler devices lower energy flexibility...

16 Real-Time Cloud Computing: Flexibility add new apps improve apps

17 Navigation to charger Assistance for Older Drivers Congestion Avoidance Dynamic Congestion Charging

18 Assistance for People with Dementia Teaching Cookery Interactive Cookery “Books” Language Learning

19 Real-Time Cloud Computing: Scalability 5 cars to 50 million machine learning information integration

20 Challenges Can clouds meet these needs? – Bandwidth – Latency – Cost ($) Can there be a generic real-time cloud platform?

21 Science Cloud Options Cloud Infrastructure: Storage & Compute Science Cloud Platform Science App 1 Science App 1.... Science App n Science App n Users Cloud Infrastructure: Storage & Compute Cloud Infrastructure: Storage & Compute Science App 1 Science App 1.... Science App n Science App n Users 

22 Science Cloud Platform App.... Workflow Enactment App API Social Networking Security Processing e-Science Central Storage App Analysis Services Cloud Infrastructure Provenance Metadata

23 Real-Time Cloud Options Cloud Infrastructure: Storage & Compute Real-Time Cloud Platform App 1.... App n ?

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