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The SIMS Corpus Project by: Mukesh Darke, Krista Gettle, and Diana Stepner.

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Presentation on theme: "The SIMS Corpus Project by: Mukesh Darke, Krista Gettle, and Diana Stepner."— Presentation transcript:

1 The SIMS Corpus Project by: Mukesh Darke, Krista Gettle, and Diana Stepner

2 Issues & Motivations locateconnectdescribe

3 Project Goals Develop a tool that will… Simplify access to resources students use frequently Provide mechanisms for communicating critical dates and deadlines Allow individuals to navigate and customize resources to meet their needs

4 Personas Thomas N. Gibson –Information Addict –Entire life can be found online Clara Filo –Information as an Enhancement –Interests are diverse and many Isaac Einstein –Only the Essentials –Remembers everything

5 Scenarios 1.Setup Initial Content Review personal and course details Identify academic interests 2.View Course Information Locate and view course deadlines Interact with calendar 3.Customize Content Identify new piece of content Add content to desired tab

6 Differences From Low-Fi

7 Separate Content & Presentation –Provide distinct “Preferences” –Create clearer linkages between interests and content Clarify Terminology –Remove verbs from label headings –Introduce the terms “channel” and “content channel”

8 Current Design MySIMS Web portal interface model Home, Courses, News, UCB tabs Customize content and presentation

9 Interactive Prototype Developed in PowerPoint –Promote feedback –Enable rapid, iterative development Link to –SIMSCorpus_hifiprototype.pptSIMSCorpus_hifiprototype.ppt

10 Lessons Learned Leverage Common Practices –Reference familiar metaphors (Yahoo!, Cardea, My.sims) Identify Target Audience –Apply 80/20 rule –Provide lots for 80%, basics for 20% Work within paper prototype limits –Dynamic menus –‘Expert path’ can be obvious

11 The SIMS Corpus Questions?

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