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A String Constraint Solver for Detecting Web Application Vulnerability Xiang Fu Hofstra University Chung-Chih Li Illinois State University 07/03/2010SEKES.

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Presentation on theme: "A String Constraint Solver for Detecting Web Application Vulnerability Xiang Fu Hofstra University Chung-Chih Li Illinois State University 07/03/2010SEKES."— Presentation transcript:

1 A String Constraint Solver for Detecting Web Application Vulnerability Xiang Fu Hofstra University Chung-Chih Li Illinois State University 07/03/2010SEKES 20101

2 Outline  Motivation  General Context: Static Analysis + String Constraint Solving  Constraint Solving Technique  Regular Replacement  Application & Experimental Data  Conclusion 07/03/2010SEKES 20102

3 Vulnerable Web Applications  Web App. Successful for Decade!  Public Accessibility  Vulnerability 70% “ Today over 70% of attacks against a company’s website or web application come at the ‘Application Layer’ not the network or system layer.” - Gartner Group 07/03/2010SEKES 20103

4 SQL Injection Trick admin’--abc Example: uname “ admin’-- ”, pwd as “abc” SELECT uname, pwd FROM users WHERE uname = ’ ’AND pwd=’ ’ -- comments out rest Log-in w/o pwd! string sState = “SELECT uname, pwd FROM users \n” + ’ “WHERE uname = ’” + + ’’’ “’ ANDpwd =’” + + “’” admin’--abc tUname.txt tPwd.txt 07/03/2010SEKES 20104

5 Challenges  User Input Validation – the Cure? Programmers are Human Being! 07/03/2010SEKES 20105

6 String massage(String strInput) { String sOut = strInput.Replace("’","’’"); sOut = sOut.Substring(0,16); return sOut; } Input Validation Not Easy Generate Escaping Character of SINGLE QUOTE Limit String Size Chop off after 16 th char 07/03/2010SEKES 20106 Can you find an attack against massage?

7 Bugs! 123456789012345’ OR uname<>’ 16 String length: 16 user name password 07/03/2010SEKES 20107

8 The Cracking Process String massage(String strInput) { ’’’ String sOut = strInput.Replace("’","’’"); 16 sOut = sOut.Substring(0,16); return sOut; } 123456789012345’ 123456789012345’’ 123456789012345’ 07/03/2010SEKES 20108

9 SQL Statement Constructed SELECT uname,pwd FROM users WHERE uname=’123456789012345’’ AND pwd=’ OR uname<>’’ Treated as one single quote Condition 1 tautology! Condition 2 tautology! 07/03/2010SEKES 20109

10 Lessons Learned  Bugs  Delicate SQL Injection Vul.  Need Tools for Inspecting Security Holes Smartly and Automatically 07/03/2010SEKES 201010

11 General Approach: (COMPSAC’07) Symbolic Execution + String Solver Bytecode Instrumentor String Solver Test Case Generator Sym. Execution Engine Attack Pattern Library 001000 101010 010101 101010 bytecode 001000 101010 010101 101010 instrumented bytecode x + “zbc” = y? x=.. y=.. 07/03/2010SEKES 201011

12 SUSHI Constraint Solver 07/03/2010SEKES 201012 Undecidable! Application Expressiveness

13 Simple Linear String Equation String Expression = RegExp 07/03/2010SEKES 201013 Variables occur only on LHS Support all string freq ops: Substring, indexing, replacement, concatenation

14 Example (Password Bypass) 07/03/2010SEKES 201014 + + + + = RHS LHS Apply massage on x: replacement and substring

15 Solution Algorithm  (1) Break to Atomic Steps  (2) Represent in Finite State Transducer  (3) Symbolic Image Computation  (4) Chain Results => Solution Pool  (5) Solution Pool => Concrete Solution 07/03/2010SEKES 201015

16 Special Challenge (NFM’10)  Regular Replacement  Many Semantics! Greedy Reluctant Declarative …  Special Algorithm for Precise Modeling 07/03/2010SEKES 201016

17 Finite State Transducer  Accepts Regular Relation  Union, Concat, Composition  Intersection, Complement  Used for Modeling Rewriting Rules [Kaplan94, Karttunen96] 04/13/2010NFM 201017 ε:1 1 2 3 4 a:2 b:3 A (ab,123) ∈ L(A)

18 04/13/2010NFM 201018 Step 1: Begin Marker Step 2: ND End Marker Step 3: Pairing Markers Step 4: Checking Match Step 5: Check Longest Step 6: Replacement a +  x Search Pattern aabab #a#ab#ab #a#a$b#ab #a$#a$b#a$b #a#a$b#a$b #aa$b#a$b xbxb #a#ab#a$b #aaba$b One Input Word  One Output Word Modeling Greedy Semantics (NFM’2010)

19 Deal with Unicode Alphabet  Explicit Rep. of Transition Not Working!  Compact Representation Symbolic Transition Set Special Alg. For FST Composition etc. 04/13/2010NFM 201019

20 Efficiency of Solver 04/13/2010NFM 201020 Login Servlet 1.4 Seconds on 2Ghz PC Bench Mark Equations

21 More Applications: XSS Attack  Vul. Originally Reported in SecTrack #1022748  Adobe Flex SDK 3.3  SUSHI found Much Shorter Attack Signature 07/03/2010SEKES 201021 Equation Size: 565 74 Seconds

22 Related Work  Forward String Analysis Christensen & Møller [SAS’03] Wasserman & Su [PLDI’07, ICSE’08] Bjørner & Tillmann [TACAS’09]  Backward String Analysis Kiezun & Ganesh [ISSTA’09] Yu & Bultan [SPIN’08, ASE’09] Fu [COMPSAC’07, TAVWEB’08]  Natural Language Processing * Kaplan and Kay [CL’1994] 04/13/2010NFM 201022 Our Contribution: Precise Modeling of Various Regular Substitution Semantics  Precise Security Analysis ?? Compare with Bit- blasting??

23 Conclusion  FST based String Constraint Solving  Applied to Security Analysis SQL Injection XSS Attack More …  More Expressive Extension of SISE 07/03/2010SEKES 201023

24 Questions? 07/03/2010SEKES 201024

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