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A New Pulsar Distance Scale and its Implications J. M. Cordes, Cornell University COSPAR 11 October 2002 New electron density model (n e & n e ) How is it different from Taylor & Cordes ’93 and other models? Ingredients and performance Implications: –Pulsar searches –Pulsar velocities –Luminosities (radio, X-ray, -rays) VLBI astrometry = breakthrough Arecibo + GBT + VLA + Effelsburg + Jodrell = parallax machine Square Kilometer Array = Mother of all parallax machines w/ J. Lazio, S. Chatterjee, Z. Arzoumanian, D. Chernoff
New Model = NE2001 Cordes & Lazio Paper I = the model (astro-ph July ’02) Paper II = methodology & particular lines of sight Code + driver files (and paper I):
Why detailed modeling? Distance scale for neutron stars –Neutron star populations (space density, luminosities) –Birth/death rates –Correlations with supernova remnants Turbulence in Galactic plasma Galactic magnetic fields (deconstructing Faraday rotation measures) Interpreting scintillations of sources at cosmological distances (AGNs, GRBs) Baseline model for exploring the intergalactic medium (dispersion & scattering in ISM, IGM)
Integrated Measures DM ds n e Dispersion Measure EM ds n e 2 Emission Measure RM ds n e B Rotation Measure SM ds C n 2 Scattering Measure Spectrum = C n 2 q - , q = wavenumber (temporal spectrum not well constrained, relevant velocities ~ 10 km/s) = 11/3 (Kolmogorov value) Scales ~ 1000 km to > pc
Integrated Measures DM ds n e Dispersion Measure EM ds n e 2 Emission Measure RM ds n e B Rotation Measure SM ds C n 2 Scattering Measure Spectrum = C n 2 q - , q = wavenumber (temporal spectrum not well constrained, relevant velocities ~ 10 km/s) = 11/3 (Kolmogorov value) Scales ~ 1000 km to > pc
Integrated Measures DM ds n e Dispersion Measure EM ds n e 2 Emission Measure RM ds n e B Rotation Measure SM ds C n 2 Scattering Measure Spectrum = C n 2 q - , q = wavenumber (temporal spectrum not well constrained, relevant velocities ~ 10 km/s) = 11/3 (Kolmogorov value) Scales ~ 1000 km to > pc
Modeling the Galactic n e & n e mean & fluctuations are modelled dSM = C n 2 ds F n e 2 ds F n e dDM F = “fluctuation parameter” varies widely over Galaxy n e ~ C n (outer scale) 1/3 possible/probable n e / n e ~ 1 not clear that n e on all scales due to same process
Electron density of TC93 Taylor & Cordes (1993 ApJ, 411, 674)
Deficiencies of TC93 DM too small for distant, high latitude objects Distances overestimated for many objects in theGalactic plane (10% of now-known objects have DMs too large to be accounted for) Pulse broadening over/underestimated in some directions Spiral arms incompletely defined over Galaxy No Galactic center component
NE2001 x2 more lines of sight (D,DM,SM) [114 with D/DM, 471 with SM/D or DM] (Parkes MB in next version) Local ISM component (new) [12 parameters] Thin & thick disk components (as in TC93) [8 parameters] Spiral arms (revised from TC93) [21 parameters] Galactic center component (new) [3 parameters] (+auxiliary VLA/VLBA data ; Lazio & Cordes 1998) Individual `clumps’ of enhanced DM/SM (new) [5 parameters per clump] (Voids also) Improved fitting method (iterative likelihood analysis) penalty if distance or SM is not predicted to within the errors
Independent Pulsar Distances Parallaxes:Pulse timing Interferometry Associations:Supernova remnants Globular clusters HI Absorption:Galactic rotation
Very Long Baseline Array PSR B0919+06 S. Chatterjee et al. (2001) = 88.5 0.13 mas/yr = 0.83 0.13 mas D = 1.2kpc V = 505 km/s
Brisken et al. 2001; 2002
Model Components
Galactic Center Component
Thin disk
Thick disk (1 kpc)
Spiral arms
DM vs Galactic longitude for different latitude bins
134 of 1143 TC93 distances are lower bounds
DM(psr)-DM(model, )
Asymptotic DM
Differential TOA from Multipath: Quenching of pulsations for d > P.
Pulsar Velocities Lyne & Lorimer 1994: Proper motions + TC93 ~ 500 km/s Unimodal distribution Cordes & Chernoff 1997: MSP analysis (TC93) ~ 80 km/s Cordes & Chernoff 1998: High-field pulsars (TC93), < 10 Myr, 3D velocities (z/t) No correction for selection effects bimodal V, 1 ~ 175 km/s, 2 ~ 700 km/s (14%) Arzoumanian, Chernoff & Cordes 2002: Full analysis (beaming, selection effects, TC93) bimodal V, 1 ~ 90 km/s, 2 ~ 500 km/s (40%)
ACC ‘02 How might the results change using NE2001 instead of TC93?
Guitar Nebula & PSR B2224+65 Edot ~ 10 33 erg/s P~0.6 sec D(TC93) = 2 kpc V ~1700 km/s D(NE2001) = 1.7 kpc V ~1450 km/s H Palomar 5-m image
Is the DM distance Realistic?
Is the DM distance Realistic? Yes Standoff radius and flux are consistent
Pulsar velocities using only objects with parallax measurements Distribution shows high- velocity tail and is “not inconsistent” with ACC results on high-field pulsars and CC97 on MSPs
New Parallax Programs 53 pulsars using VLBA antennas only at 1.4 GHz (systematics: ionospheric phase) Chatterjee, Brisken et al. (2002-2004) Currently can reach ~ 2 kpc 6 strong pulsars, VLBA-only at 5 GHz Ionosphere less important Chatterjee, Cordes et al. (2001-ongoing) VLBA + Arecibo + GBT + … Initial tests Expect to do ~100 pulsars in 5 years, some to 5 kpc Future: SKA superior phase calibration, sensitivity, can reach >10 kpc
Parkes MB Feeds Arecibo Multibeam Surveys
I. Arecibo Galactic-Plane Survey |b| < 5 deg, 32 deg < l < 80 deg 1.5 GHz total bandwidth = 300 MHz digital correlator backend (1024 channels) (1st quadrant available = WAPP) multibeam system (7 feeds) ~300 s integrations, 3000 hours total Can see 2.5 to 5 times further than Parkes (period dependent) Expect ~500 to 1000 new pulsars
II. High Galactic Latitude Survey Millisecond pulsars (z scale height ~ 0.5 kpc) High-velocity pulsars (50% escape) (scale height = ) NS-NS binaries (typical z ~ 5 kpc) NS-BH binaries (typical z ~ few kpc ?) Search for:
Surveys with Parkes, Arecibo & GBT. Simulated & actual Yield ~ 1000 pulsars.
SKA pulsar survey 600 s per beam ~10 4 psr’s
Comments & Summary NE2001 = large improvement over TC93 Caveat: HII regions, etc are grossly undersampled by the available LOS Need ~ 10 4 DMs to adequately model the MW VLBI (esp. with Arecibo, GBT, Jodrell, Effelsberg, etc) will yield many new parallaxes, obviating the need for DM distances for ~100 pulsars in a few yr New pulsar surveys will double sample in ~ 5 yr Other distance approaches possible (radio = standard candles if beaming accounted for) Expect tighter L X, L with better distance models.
NE2001 Spiral Arms Electron density (log gray scale to enhance local ISM)
Electron density of TC93 Taylor & Cordes (1993 ApJ, 411, 674)
Deficiencies of TC93 DM too small for distant, high latitude objects Distances overestimated for many objects in theGalactic plane (10% of now-known objects have DMs too large to be accounted for) Pulse broadening over/underestimated in some directions Spiral arms incompletely defined over Galaxy No Galactic center component
Modeling the Galactic n e & n e mean & fluctuations are modelled dSM = C n 2 ds F n e 2 ds F n e dDM F = “fluctuation parameter” varies widely over Galaxy n e ~ C n (outer scale) 1/3 possible/probable n e / n e ~ 1 not clear that n e on all scales due to same process
INTERSTELLAR DISPERSION DM = 0 D ds n e (s) Known for ~1200 pulsars DM ~ 2 to 1100 pc cm -3 Variable at ~10 -3 pc cm -3 Variations with d,l,b show obvious Galactic structure
Interstellar Scattering Effects Used Angular broadening (seeing) Pulse broadening Diffractive interstellar scintillations (DISS) d = / l d, l d = diffraction scale => Scattering Measure SM
Estimated Wavenumber Spectrum for n e Similar to Armstrong, Rickett & Spangler (1995) Slope ~ -11/3 Spectrum = C n 2 q - SM = LOS integral of C n 2
Independent Pulsar Distances Parallaxes:Pulse timing Interferometry Associations:Supernova remnants Globular clusters HI Absorption:Galactic rotation
Very Long Baseline Array PSR B0919+06 S. Chatterjee et al. (2001) = 88.5 0.13 mas/yr = 0.83 0.13 mas D = 1.2kpc V = 505 km/s
Independent Pulsar Distances Parallaxes:Pulse timing Interferometry Associations:Supernova remnants Globular clusters HI Absorption:Galactic rotation
Brisken et al. 2001
n e in local ISM (Brisken PhD thesis) ~ 50 nearby pulsars for future VLBI +AO+GBT parallaxes
Current features of local ISM in NE2001 model Parallax distances estimated correctly by model
Current features of local ISM in NE2001 model Parallax distances estimated correctly by model
DM vs Galactic longitude for different latitude bins
DM vs Galactic latitude for different longitude bins SM vs latitude
NE2001 Spiral Arms Electron density (log gray scale to enhance local ISM)
Selected Applications Galactic pulsar populations pulsar velocities e.g. J1740+1000 = 114 kyr at z ~ 0.4 kpc Bow shock nebulae to probe density variations Guitar Nebula HST obs. Galactic turbulence anisotropy of fluctuations relation to B and CR prop’n IGM in local group M33 giant pulses from Crab-like pulsars DM,SM IGM on cosmological scales scattering/scint’n of AGNs by intervening galaxies, Ly clouds, turbulence in cluster gas HII regions at EOR GRB & IDV scintillations source sizes vs. t ambient medium IGM
Scattering of high z AGNs: Interstellar + Intergalactic ? -2.2 Lazio et al. (unpublished)
Surveys with Parkes, Arecibo & GBT. Simulated & actual Yield ~ 1000 pulsars.
SKA pulsar survey 600 s per beam ~10 4 psr’s
Summary New electron density model (NE2001) to be released soon (paper draft, software) (also web site at NRL with web-based tools) Large VLBI program initiating to measure PM, parallaxes out to 5 kpc in some cases IGM scattering: angular broadening vs. z Use bow shock nebulae to probe n e. PMB pulsars for next version of model
J1740+1000 Seen through NPS Also AGNs with enhanced RISS Dynamic spectrum (DISS) with time scale smaller than expected z / s ~ 4000 km/s
H Images of Pulsar Bow Shocks Guitar Nebula (1600 km/s) MSP J0437-47 (100 km/s)
NE2001 Spiral Arms Electron density (log gray scale to enhance local ISM)
Hybrid ISS/VLBI Methods (Cordes & Rickett 1998, ApJ, 507,846) Exploit different D dependences of ISS and proper motion estimates of pulsar velocities: V = D (proper motion) V = A W(D d 1/2 / t d A depends on wavenumber spectrum & spatial distribution W depends on spatial distribution Can solve for (or constrain) D and W(D) (info on spatial distribution of n e )
Parkes MB Feeds Arecibo Multibeam Surveys
I. Arecibo Galactic-Plane Survey |b| < 5 deg, 32 deg < l < 80 deg 1.5 GHz total bandwidth = 300 MHz digital correlator backend (1024 channels) (1st quadrant available = WAPP) multibeam system (7 feeds) ~300 s integrations, 3000 hours total Can see 2.5 to 5 times further than Parkes (period dependent) Expect ~500 to 1000 new pulsars
II. High Galactic Latitude Survey Millisecond pulsars (z scale height ~ 0.5 kpc) High-velocity pulsars (50% escape) (scale height = ) NS-NS binaries (typical z ~ 5 kpc) NS-BH binaries (typical z ~ few kpc ?) Search for:
NE2001 = New Model Cordes & Lazio (to be submitted [in 2001]) x2 more lines of sight (D,DM,SM) [114, 931, 471 data points] Local ISM component (new) [12 parameters] Thin & thick disk components (as in TC93) [8 parameters] Spiral arms (revised from TC93) [21 parameters] Galactic center component (new) [3 parameters] (+auxiliary VLA/VLBA data ; Lazio & Cordes 1998) Individual `clumps’ of enhanced DM/SM (new) [3 parameters x 20 LOS] Improved fitting method (iterative likelihood analysis) penalty if distance or SM is not predicted to within the errors
NE2001 Spiral Arms Electron density (log gray scale to enhance local ISM)
INTERSTELLAR DISPERSION DM = 0 D ds n e (s) Known for ~1200 pulsars DM ~ 2 to 1100 pc cm -3 Variable at ~10 -3 pc cm -3 Variations with d,l,b show obvious Galactic structure
Pulse broadening (recent Arecibo results, R. Bhat et al) ~ D 2 /2c -4 Low DM pulsar, no broadening High DM pulsar with broadening
Interstellar Scattering Effects Angular broadening (seeing) Pulse broadening Diffractive interstellar scintillations (DISS) d = / l d, l d = diffraction scale Refractive interstellar scintillations (RISS) r = k -1 = geometrical optics refraction TOA fluctuations (multiple effects) Superresolution phenomena: stars twinkle, planets don’t pulsars show DISS, AGNs don’t, GRBs do RISS: pulsars, AGNs, GRBs …
Pulse broadening Pulse broadening vs DM Angular broadening Diffractive Scintillation Dynamic spectrum Visibility functions:
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