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Geff Green Penny Collier Leading to Careers in Multimedia and Creative Industries.

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Presentation on theme: "Geff Green Penny Collier Leading to Careers in Multimedia and Creative Industries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geff Green Penny Collier Leading to Careers in Multimedia and Creative Industries

2 What does multimedia mean? What does SHU offer in this area? What might a student do here? What might they do when they leave? What preparation does a student need?

3 What is multimedia? Use of many different kinds of media including: –time based media –text –graphic design What do we mean by 'technical' in this area? What do we mean by 'creative' in this area?

4 CreativeTechnical BA Multimedia and Communications Design BSc Interactive Media with Animation BSc Computer Graphics and Visualisation BSc Games Software Development BA Games Design

5 Creative Practice New creative practice degree routes –BA Games Design –BA Animation –BA Film and Visual Effects –BA Digital Media.

6 Creative Practice Emphasis Year 1 –Theories, Critical Methods, Skills development Complementary Studies 80 Pts –Creative Practice opportunity (structured) 40 Pts Year 2 –Theories, Critical Methods, Skills Research/Investigative Methods 60 Pts –Creative Practice opportunity 40 Pts –Option 20 Pts Year 3 –Theories, Critical Methods Skills, Research Methods 40 Pts –Creative Practice opportunity Dissertation opportunity 60 Pts –Option 20 Pts

7 BSc Computer Graphics and Visualisation Degree StructureBSc Computer Graphics and Visualisation Degree Structure –240 points at A level, Grade B GCSE Maths BSc Interactive Media with Animation Degree Structure –200 points at A level BA Multimedia and Communications Design Degree StructureBA Multimedia and Communications Design Degree Structure –220 points at A level

8 Examples of Work Eschers World (Virtual Environment)Eschers World Animations –FrustrationFrustration –ImprisonedImprisoned –ScaredScared + others

9 Where do our students go after graduation? David Roberts - Kuju (Sheffield) Paul Fearn – Google (Leeds) Sue Thomas – 3D Web Technologies (Manchester)

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