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Mormon By: Samantha Krebs and Jayde Jenkins. History Mormonism was founded in 1830, in Fayette, New York Founded by Joseph Smith Mormons are Christians,

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Presentation on theme: "Mormon By: Samantha Krebs and Jayde Jenkins. History Mormonism was founded in 1830, in Fayette, New York Founded by Joseph Smith Mormons are Christians,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mormon By: Samantha Krebs and Jayde Jenkins

2 History Mormonism was founded in 1830, in Fayette, New York Founded by Joseph Smith Mormons are Christians, but they believe that conventional Christian churches have lost the authority of God. It is the fourth largest religion in the United States Has approximately 13.5 million followers worldwide

3 Sacred Texts Book of Mormon- Is said that Mormon, an ancient American prophet, complied the history of an ancient civilization, and inscribed it on plates of gold. Later, Mormon's son, Moroni, buried for safety in New York state. Moroni returned in 1823 as an angel and showed Joseph Smith where the plates were hidden. Smith translated the plates into the Book of Mormon.

4 Sacred Texts The Holy Bible Pearl of Great Price Thirteen Articles of Faith

5 Leaders Founded by Joseph Smith Mormons believe in living prophets - human beings who are prophets of God in the same way as Abraham, Moses, Isaiah, and the Apostles. The President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at any given time, is a prophet. The leaders of the Church are the current prophets

6 Organization (can also be considered leaders) A bishop is the church leader of a ward. Deacons-male members of the Church are usually ordained deacon at the age of 12, at which time they receive the Aaronic Priesthood ( a preparatory stage of priesthood, during which boys or men learn more about their faith, both through formal teaching and prayer, and through service.)

7 Groups of Mormonism Many Mormon groups practice polygamy- the practice of marriage to more than one spouse simultaneously Latter Day Church of Christ- the secretive group runs several businesses, and s one of the fundamentalist groups that have allowed girls just attaining puberty to marry. Righteous Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints- are modern, and do not allow girls under 18 to be married.

8 Beliefs Mormons believe that God consists of 3 beings, united in purpose. They call this the Godhead. God the Father, also called Elohim. Jesus Christ, who is also the Jehovah of the Old Testament The Holy Ghost

9 Beliefs Mormons believe that human beings can become like gods (called Defecation) Believe in Tithing-give 1/10 of your income to the Church. Mormon’s do not accept the fact that the life of a human being begins with their earthly birth Believe in three Stages of Life: Pre-existence as a spirit child, a time of probation on Earth, and Eternal life with the Heavenly Father.

10 Mormon Temples

11 Important Dates/Holidays Sunday- day of rest and worship Monday-reserved for Family Celebrate only Easter and Christmas Pioneer Day- on July 24 th they celebrate the arrival of the 1 st Latter-day Saint pioneers in the Salt Lake City Valley in 1847.

12 Geographic Distribution North America- 8,065,619 South America-3,278,400 Europe- 464,996 Asia- 969,602 Africa-287,555 Oceania-304,643


14 Historic Events 1827-Angel Moroni gives Smith the golden plates which will become the Book of Mormon. 1830-Smith finishes translation of golden plates. 1836- 1 st Mormon temple is built in Kirtland, Ohio


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