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Visualization Challenges: Specific Medical Needs and General Problems Elizabeth Bullitt University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

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Presentation on theme: "Visualization Challenges: Specific Medical Needs and General Problems Elizabeth Bullitt University of North Carolina Chapel Hill"— Presentation transcript:

1 Visualization Challenges: Specific Medical Needs and General Problems Elizabeth Bullitt University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

2 Visualization Challenges 1) Handling multidimensional data with preservation of 3D (4D) geography/anatomy (also large data) 2) Deformation and changes over time (also curved surfaces) 3) Visualization of likely error (segmentation errors; two surfaces) 4) Interaction with environments (TIPS) Elizabeth Bullitt MD, University of North Carolina-CH

3 Background: Statistical analysis of vessel shape AxialLateral Frontal Elizabeth Bullitt MD, University of North Carolina-CH

4 Statistical Analysis of Vessel Shapes GENERAL PROBLEM: a) How display multi-valued vectors with preservation of 3D anatomical information? b) Huge data Elizabeth Bullitt MD, University of North Carolina-CH

5 2. Intraoperative Deformation 1. How map initial set of images to the patient whose anatomy deforms over time? 2. Requires not new visualization methods; better algorithms for tracking, fast segmentation, and deformable mapping. 3. GENERAL PROBLEMS: Visualizing and cross-mapping time-varying data, arbitrary surfaces Elizabeth Bullitt MD, University of North Carolina-CH

6 3. Displaying Error: Example Segmentation Errors

7 Displaying Two Surfaces GENERAL PROBLEM: How to display likely error?

8 4. Interaction. Example: TIPS 1.Thread a catheter through a vascular network to reach a target. 2.Open a clogged vessel, plug an abnormal vessel, or deliver targeted therapy through a vascular network. 3.Explosive procedural growth

9 Projection Overlap 3D-DSA and segmented vessels. There is significant projection overlap from all angles of view.

10 TIPS: 3D Stereo Display GENERAL PROBLEM: How interact more effectively with environment? Point of view? Haptic? Sound? Evaluations.FLAT, 2D DISPLAYS MAY NO LONGER BE SUFFICIENT

11 The time is right! Gray’s Atlas of Anatomy

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