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Theory Data Analysis Numerical Experiments Lab Experiments Field Exercises Real-World Operations First principles Rigorous math Algorithms Proofs Correct.

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Presentation on theme: "Theory Data Analysis Numerical Experiments Lab Experiments Field Exercises Real-World Operations First principles Rigorous math Algorithms Proofs Correct."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theory Data Analysis Numerical Experiments Lab Experiments Field Exercises Real-World Operations First principles Rigorous math Algorithms Proofs Correct statistics Only as good as underlying data Simulation Synthetic, clean data Stylized Controlled Clean, real-world data Semi- Controlled Messy, real-world data Unpredictable After action reports in lieu of data Network Science: From Theory to Practice

2 Theory Data Analysis Numerical Experiments Lab Experiments Field Exercises Real-World Operations First principles Rigorous math Algorithms Proofs Correct statistics Only as good as underlying data Simulation Synthetic, clean data Stylized Controlled Clean, real-world data Semi- Controlled Messy, real-world data Unpredictable After action reports in lieu of data Existing Network Science Graph-Based Statistical Physics Simulation on Graphs

3 Theory Data Analysis Numerical Experiments Lab Experiments Field Exercises Real-World Operations First principles Rigorous math Algorithms Proofs Correct statistics Only as good as underlying data Simulation Synthetic, clean data Stylized Controlled Clean, real-world data Semi- Controlled Messy, real-world data Unpredictable After action reports in lieu of data Jadbabaie Collective behavior, social aggregation Hassibi Information flow and consensus Hill Social network signatures Chung Graham Network games and percolation Carlson Complex disaster phenomena Alderson Network centric infrastructure Steckler Hastily Formed Networks Kearns Behavioral network science Doyle Architecture of complex networks

4 Theory Data Analysis Numerical Experiments Lab Experiments Field Exercises Real-World Operations First principles Rigorous math Algorithms Proofs Correct statistics Only as good as underlying data Simulation Synthetic, clean data Stylized Controlled Clean, real-world data Semi- Controlled Messy, real-world data Unpredictable After action reports in lieu of data Jadbabaie Collective behavior, social aggregation

5 Theory Data Analysis Numerical Experiments Lab Experiments Field Exercises Real-World Operations First principles Rigorous math Algorithms Proofs Correct statistics Only as good as underlying data Simulation Synthetic, clean data Stylized Controlled Clean, real-world data Semi- Controlled Messy, real-world data Unpredictable After action reports in lieu of data Hill Social network signatures

6 Theory Data Analysis Numerical Experiments Lab Experiments Field Exercises Real-World Operations First principles Rigorous math Algorithms Proofs Correct statistics Only as good as underlying data Simulation Synthetic, clean data Stylized Controlled Clean, real-world data Semi- Controlled Messy, real-world data Unpredictable After action reports in lieu of data Hassibi Information flow and consensus

7 Theory Data Analysis Numerical Experiments Lab Experiments Field Exercises Real-World Operations First principles Rigorous math Algorithms Proofs Correct statistics Only as good as underlying data Simulation Synthetic, clean data Stylized Controlled Clean, real-world data Semi- Controlled Messy, real-world data Unpredictable After action reports in lieu of data Kearns Behavioral network science

8 Theory Data Analysis Numerical Experiments Lab Experiments Field Exercises Real-World Operations First principles Rigorous math Algorithms Proofs Correct statistics Only as good as underlying data Simulation Synthetic, clean data Stylized Controlled Clean, real-world data Semi- Controlled Messy, real-world data Unpredictable After action reports in lieu of data Chung Graham Network games and percolation

9 Theory Data Analysis Numerical Experiments Lab Experiments Field Exercises Real-World Operations First principles Rigorous math Algorithms Proofs Correct statistics Only as good as underlying data Simulation Synthetic, clean data Stylized Controlled Clean, real-world data Semi- Controlled Messy, real-world data Unpredictable After action reports in lieu of data Carlson Complex disaster phenomena

10 Theory Data Analysis Numerical Experiments Lab Experiments Field Exercises Real-World Operations First principles Rigorous math Algorithms Proofs Correct statistics Only as good as underlying data Simulation Synthetic, clean data Stylized Controlled Clean, real-world data Semi- Controlled Messy, real-world data Unpredictable After action reports in lieu of data Doyle Architecture of complex networks

11 Theory Data Analysis Numerical Experiments Lab Experiments Field Exercises Real-World Operations First principles Rigorous math Algorithms Proofs Correct statistics Only as good as underlying data Simulation Synthetic, clean data Stylized Controlled Clean, real-world data Semi- Controlled Messy, real-world data Unpredictable After action reports in lieu of data Alderson Network centric infrastructure

12 Theory Data Analysis Numerical Experiments Lab Experiments Field Exercises Real-World Operations First principles Rigorous math Algorithms Proofs Correct statistics Only as good as underlying data Simulation Synthetic, clean data Stylized Controlled Clean, real-world data Semi- Controlled Messy, real-world data Unpredictable After action reports in lieu of data Steckler Hastily Formed Networks

13 Theory Data Analysis Numerical Experiments Lab Experiments Field Exercises Real-World Operations First principles Rigorous math Algorithms Proofs Correct statistics Only as good as underlying data Simulation Synthetic, clean data Stylized Controlled Clean, real-world data Semi- Controlled Messy, real-world data Unpredictable After action reports in lieu of data Jadbabaie Collective behavior, social aggregation Hassibi Information flow and consensus Hill Social network signatures Chung Graham Network games and percolation Carlson Complex disaster phenomena Alderson Network centric infrastructure Steckler Hastily Formed Networks Kearns Behavioral network science Doyle Architecture of complex networks

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