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Dept. of Physician Assistant Studies (516) 686-3881.

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1 Dept. of Physician Assistant Studies (516) 686-3881

2 Definition of Physician Assistant PA are licensed professionals who: –practice medicine with physician supervision supervision may be “at a distance” –exercise significant autonomy in medical decision-making –provide a broad – and continuously growing – range of diagnostic and therapeutic services –may also perform educational, administrative or research activities

3 NY PAs Practice Medicine Taking patient histories, performing physical exams, manage chronic and acute patient problems are the mainstay of many PA’s daily job responsibilities

4 NY PAs Practice Medicine NY Physician Assistants can prescribe medications in all settings Provide health education and patient counseling

5 NY PAs Practice Medicine Ordering and interpreting laboratory tests, imaging and other diagnostic tests are part of a PA’s typical daily routine

6 NY PAs Practice Medicine First assisting in surgery, reducing and casting fractures, and suturing wounds are only some of the more common PA responsibilities

7 National PA Statistics Sex Age (mean) Education –at least a 4 year degree –Master’s –Doctorate Years in practice (mean) 53% women, 47% men 41 years –89% –22% –3% 10 years Adapted from 1998 AAPA Annual PA Census Survey

8 PAs by Specialty Nationwide AAPA statistics 11/30/99

9 PA Employers Nationwide AAPA statistics 11/30/99

10 PA Mean Total Annual Salaries AAPA statistics 11/30/99

11 Mean Total Income from Primary Employer by Specialty AAPA statistics 11/30/99

12 Top 5 States for PA Practice AAPA statistics 11/30/99

13 PA Prescriptive Privileges Nationally variable depending upon State- specific enabling legislation Currently NYS permits: –Class II-V drugs inpatient –Class III-V drugs outpatient

14 PA Certification Most states require National Certification To obtain Certification: –must be a graduate of an accredited PA Program –must pass the Physician Assistant National Certification Examination (PANCE) administered by the National Commission on the Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA)

15 A word about the largest PA Professional Organizations

16 Important PA Websites New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) New York State Society of Physician Assistants (NYSSPA) American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA)

17 NYIT Physician Assistant Program Overview & Introduction

18 NYIT PA Program Structure Baccalaureate Degree Pre-professional Phase (1 1/2 years) Professional Phase (2 1/2 years) –Didactic years –Clinical year

19 NYIT PA Program Strengths Affiliation with NYCOM and School of Allied Health and Life Sciences Small class sizes Orientation to success in careers Convenient campus location Recent institutional growth, renovations Advanced technology Cultural diversity, minority recruitment Commitment to service to the community

20 NYIT PA Program Admission Criteria: High School Applicant to Pre-professional Phase* Minimum GPA of 3.0 or equivalent Minimum combined SAT score of 1000 C+ or better in all Math and/or Sciences courses Verification of 100 hours experience of direct patient care experience Two professional letters of recommendation including one from a P.A., D.O. or M.D. One-page type-written narrative An interview and approval of the PA Admission Committee Official transcripts from all schools attended * for specifics please see current undergraduate catalog

21 NYIT PA Program Admission Criteria: Transfer Applicant to Pre-professional Phase* At least 30 college credits with a minimum GPA of at least 3.0 within the most recent 5 years of college study A minimum of C+ or better in all required Math/Science pre-requisite courses Verification of a minimum of 100 hours experience of direct patient care experience Two professional letters of recommendation including one from a P.A., D.O. or M.D. One-page type-written narrative An interview & approval of the PA Admission Committee Official transcripts from all post-secondary schools attended * for specifics please see current undergraduate catalog

22 NYIT PA Program Curriculum

23 NYIT PA Program Curriculum Pre-Professional Phase* First Year - Fall Pre-professional Phase –English Composition I –Applied Chemistry –College Algebra/Trig or Calculus I –Economics –Ethics & Social Philosophy First Year - Spring Pre-professional Phase –English Composition II –Bio-Organic Chemistry –Speech –Physics –History or Political Science * for specifics please see Undergraduate Catalogue

24 NYIT PA Program Curriculum* Second Year - Fall Pre-professional Phase –Human Physiology –Medical Microbiology –Technical Writing or Group B English –Psychology –English Second Year - Spring Professional Phase –Gross Anatomy/Embryology –Anatomy Case Studies –Clinical Pathophysiology –Behavioral Medicine –Epidemiology/Interpretation of the Medical Literature –The PA Profession * for specifics please see Undergraduate Catalogue

25 NYIT PA Program Curriculum* Third Year - Fall Professional Phase –Clinical Medicine I –Clinical Pathology II –Clinical Skills I –Clinical Laboratory Medicine –Pharmacology I Third Year - Spring Professional Phase –Clinical Medicine II –Clinical Pathology III –Pharmacology II –Clinical Skills II –Outpatient Medicine * for specifics please see Undergraduate Catalogue

26 NYIT PA Program Curriculum Final Professional Year* Fourth Year - Summer –Disease Prevention & Health Promotion –Emergency Medicine –Critical Thought Processes in Medicine –Clinical Skills III –Clinical OPP Fourth Yr.-Fall/Spring –Internal Medicine –General Surgery –Family Practice –Ob/Gyn –Pediatrics –Psychiatry –Emergency Medicine –Preceptorship/Elective * for specifics please see Undergraduate Catalogue

27 NYIT PA Program Estimated Tuition Costs* * NYIT historically provides significant scholarship monies Tuition is increased historically annually

28 NYIT Financial Aid Scholarships 2,020 student recipients Average: $1,634 per student per year Totaling $3,302,474 NYIT Grants 1,975 student recipients Average: $1,381 per student per year Totaling $2,729,013

29 NYIT Financial Aid Combined NYIT Scholarships and Grants average $3,015 per student per year

30 NYIT PA Students Are….. Gender

31 NYIT PA Students Are….. Ethnicity

32 NYIT PA Students Are….. Prior Medical Experience

33 NYIT PA Students Are….. Prior Education

34 NYIT PA Program Clinical Clerkships –NYCOM affiliations –130 office-based practices –many major teaching medical centers on Long Island, the New York City environs as well as more distant rural practices

35 Strong Clinical Affiliations Nassau County Medical Center St. Barnabas Medical Center Winthrop University Hospital North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center St. Vincent’s/Catholic Medical Center

36 48 Weeks of Clinical Clerkships Required (all) - Electives (any 2) Family Practice (8) Internal Medicine (8) General Surgery (8) Emergency Medicine (4) Pediatrics (4) Psychiatry (4) Orthopaedics Cardiovascular Surgery Critical Care Intensivist Diagnostic Imaging Rural Medicine Occupational Medicine Geriatrics Forensics

37 NYIT PA Program Professional Phase Entry Requirements: –Completion of all pre-requisite courses with a minimum 3.0 GPA –A minimum of C+ or better in all required prerequisite math and/or sciences courses –Approval of PA Program Chair –Recommendation by Academic Review Committee

38 NYIT PA Program Graduation Requirements –successful completion of all didactic course –successful completion of all required clinical rotations –satisfactory standard of professional conduct –satisfaction of all NYIT financial obligations

39 Questions? Mr. James Lawrence PA Program Specialist Admissions Office (516) 686-7520 or NYIT PA Program (516) 686-3881

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