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Ch 13: Social Psych and Business Part 1: Dec. 3, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 13: Social Psych and Business Part 1: Dec. 3, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch 13: Social Psych and Business Part 1: Dec. 3, 2010

2 I/O Psych What is studied? Early research – Hawthorne Studies Details? What were the main results?

3 Selection Methods Job Interviews: – First impressions – Potential biases – Predictive validity – Faking in interviews

4 Other selection methods Standarized testing – General intelligence & job performance – Integrity testing Overt vs. covert tests Faking

5 Diversity Issues Affirmative Action – Attitudes toward AA – Stigma associated with AA Heilman’s research

6 Performance & Appraisals How to judge performance? – Supervisor ratings Potential Biases – Self-evaluations How valid are these? – 360 degree feedback

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