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Budget Workshops FY2011 1. ●Phase 1 (for FY13) now includes : - Moving ICASS out of Web.PASS - Incorporating two new residential security cost centers.

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Presentation on theme: "Budget Workshops FY2011 1. ●Phase 1 (for FY13) now includes : - Moving ICASS out of Web.PASS - Incorporating two new residential security cost centers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Budget Workshops FY2011 1

2 ●Phase 1 (for FY13) now includes : - Moving ICASS out of Web.PASS - Incorporating two new residential security cost centers - Developing a “proof of concept” for the “central distribution module” (distribution of Washington costs) ●Out-year enhancements will focus on post software 2

3 1.Improve usability by incorporating business processes/policies/procedures ▫Integrate workload data collection, approval, budget entry and final reporting ▫Eliminate off-line modifications and weighting ▫Streamline data entry and improve accuracy ▫Incorporate budget & accounting rules ▫Eliminate need for manual budget checking 3

4 2.Provide timely/accurate information for equitable cost sharing and mgmt decision making 3.Streamline/consolidate cost distribution system 4.Facilitate data sharing 5.Upgrade programming language 4

5 An integrated software platform that: Covers the same basic ICASS services Provides an appropriate “lite” methodology for small posts Simplifies the data gathering and entry Improves functionality and ease of use 5

6 Calculates all modifications & weighting Implements budgeting by property/compound Requires location budgeting in certain circumstances: All missions that serve multiple posts All cost centers for Building Operations (78XX) and Local Guard (58XX) Facilitates workload data collection through collaboration with HQ system owners 6

7 Maintain simplicity for certain posts - iStandard/iLite designations will be made in Washington based on size of post, size of budget, presence of an FMO, and the operating environment Add two mandatory cost centers - Health, and Security Services Eliminate sub-cost centers and replace with “unique” cost centers (UCCs) (except 78XX & LGP 58XX) 7

8 Will have 29 cost centers (excluding Miscellaneous Costs and Non-ICASS Dual Positions) Adds two new residential guard cost centers Combines Vouchering, Accounts & Records, and Cashiering into one Financial Management Services cost center with no change to distribution factors - Budget & Planning and Payrolling Services remain separate cost centers Eliminates Reproduction Services 8

9 Will have 17 cost centers (excluding Miscellaneous Costs and Non-ICASS Dual Positions) Adds two new residential guard cost centers Service “bundles” remain with two changes - Human Resources (will include Payrolling) - General Services (will allow activation of up to three iStandard GSO cost centers) o These iStandard cost centers will use iStandard distribution factors 9

10 ●MEDEVAC sub-cost centers (scc) will be created as separate cost centers at four designated posts ●ICASS cell/long distance charges will be budgeted in Miscellaneous Costs (no scc!) ●Dedicated Storage scc will be incorporated in budgeting approach for Building Operations 10

11 Auto-fill capitation counts Service Level Agreement/MOU Subscription Matrix Local Compensation Module Other Budget Items Worksheet Budgeting for Building Operations and Guard Services 11

12 ●Simplify data entry for head counts by using auto-fill capability for capitation-based cost centers ●Validate counts using the existing capitation report 12


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17 1. Compensation module ▫Benefits sub-objects can be used multiple times with unique names (i.e. 1219-A Food Allowance, 1219-B Meal Allowance, etc) ▫Comment feature to describe allowance/benefit ▫Pay increase rate and effective date feature ▫EFM compensation plans pre-loaded with pay and taxes and updated with reference tables ▫Printable report ▫Adjust prior budget stage data without reverting 17

18 2. LE Staff and LGP Positions Worksheet ▫“Form based” budget by employee ▫Drop down box with position title or section name ▫ (i.e. GSO Procurement, FMO Voucher Examiner) ▫Working position title ▫ A sub-object can be used in both compensation module and LE Staff Position Worksheet ▫Comment feature by employee to note unique benefits ▫Data sortable by key data fields (name, job title, position number) 18

19 Re-formatted Time Allocation reports to facilitate review and validation Sort capabilities by name, cost center, section, etc. Add data field for section Use standard naming conventions for sections/employee titles Link position costs with time allocation 19

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21 ●OBI costs “form based” by cost center ▫One “form” per cost center ▫Cost (time) allocation built into the software ▫Common sub-object codes pre-entered (i.e. 2641-Med Supplies in Health Svc) ▫Sub-object codes are blocked by cost center (i.e., 1186/1187-Awards budgeted only in Miscellaneous Costs or LGP Budget Items) 21

22 ●Use a “form-based” approach to budget for each property/compound - Data inputs for occupants (agency & square meters), utilities, contracts, LGP costs, etc. - Will include all data required for the warehouse cost pool using a series of questions ●Work with OBO to coordinate data entry requirements for ICASS and RPA 22


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