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Thoughts on GCOOS Deliverables (Ops & Extremes) Dr. Cortis Cooper Fellow

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1 Thoughts on GCOOS Deliverables (Ops & Extremes) Dr. Cortis Cooper Fellow

2 Offshore Production Increasing n 30% U.S. oil production is offshore & increasing n Deepwater Gulf is a prolific area n Deep Water! 2003 Gulf of Mexico Activity (MMS) Water Depth (m) Active Leases Drilling Permits Active Platforms 0-2003,41739,3903,432 200-10009202,24434 > 10003,2868399

3 Industry Needs for Ocean Data Tows Operations DowntimeAnalysis Fatigue StormDesign PollutantFates

4 Major Operational & Extremes in the Gulf of Mexico Hurricane Andrew Eddy Triton & the Loop Current Eddy Triton Loop Current

5 Industry Deepwater Current Measurements n MMS mandated n Real-time upper- column profiles –Down to 1000 m –Exploration rigs (2-9 month at site) –Production rigs (permanent) n Other current measurements –near-bottom –1-yr of through-column n All data posted to NDBC

6 Chevron CODAR

7 Measurements of Interest Measurement Knowledge Gaps Beneficiary 1. Real-time upper-column (<500 m) current & temp. profiles Infill present network Fisheries, Algal bloom forecasters, Oil industry (ops, oil spill response) 2. Wave buoys to record 2 Hz wave time series Rogue wave heights Oil-industry (design), Marine ops 3. Coastal tide gauges Local storm surge FEMA, Insurance, Oil Industry (refineries, etc.) 4. Real-time air humidity sensors Hurricane severity forecasts Coastal residences, Oil Industry (ops) 5. Near-bottom current profiles Bottom circulation in the Gulf Pollutant fate, Oil Industry (pipeline & riser design) 6. Real-time Yucatan Strait currents/temp. Key model input Modelers, Climatologists, Oil Industry (ops)

8 Products of Interest ProductsBeneficiary 1. Improved hurricane severity forecasts All 2. Real-time maps of current, wave, wind Fisherman, recreation, Oil Industry (ops) 3. Continued altimeter products Modelers 4. Loop Current nowcast & forecast (30+ day updated at least weekly) Oil Industry (ops), Algal bloom forecasts, Fisheries 5. Gulf-wide current nowcast & forecast (forcing from wind, Loop, etc.) Fisherman, recreation, Oil Industry (ops)

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