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Relation Between Derived-Class and Base-Class Derived class object can use base class methods, if they are not private. Base class pointer can point to.

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Presentation on theme: "Relation Between Derived-Class and Base-Class Derived class object can use base class methods, if they are not private. Base class pointer can point to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Relation Between Derived-Class and Base-Class Derived class object can use base class methods, if they are not private. Base class pointer can point to a derived class object A base class reference can refer to a derived class object A derived class reference or pointer can NOT refer to base class object.

2 Public Inheritance is an Is-a relation. An object of derived class is an object of base class. Consider Fruit and Banana, Banana is a Fruit.

3 public inheritance doesn’t model a has-a relationship. Consider Lunch and Fruit. In general fruit is not lunch, but lunch can have fruit. public inheritance doesn’t model a is-like-a relationship. Lawyers are like sharks, (some times) Don’t try to derived a Lawyer class from Shark. Otherwise lawyers must live underwater!

4 public inheritance doesn’t model an is- implemented-as-a relationship. Stack and Array. Not proper to derive a Stack from Array class public inheritance doesn’t model a uses-a relationship. Computer can use printer, but we don’t derived printer class from computer class.

5 Method with different form for derived class Sometimes we want a method to behave differently for the derived class. We can have multiple behaviors for a method which is called polymorphic Polymorphic Public Inheritance: Redefining base-class methods in derived class using virtual methods

6 Example HSBC bank Account Information: client name Account Number Current Balance Required method: Creating an account Deposit money Withdraw money Display

7 For HSBCPlus bank account, we want to add the following : An upper limit to the overdraft protection Interest rates charged for loans Overdraft currently owed to bank

8 Withdraw money operation has to incorporate overdraft protection Display operation has to show additional information for HSBCPlus.

9 #ifndef HSBC_H_ #define HSBC_H_ class HSBC{ private : enum {MAX=35}; char fullName[MAX]; long accNum; double balance; public : HSBC(const char *s="NULL",long an=-1, double bal =0.0);

10 void Deposit(double amt); virtual void Withdraw (double amt); double get_balance(); virtual void ViewAcct(); virtual ~HSBC(){ } }; class HSBCPlus : public HSBC { private : double maxLoan; double rate; double owesBank;

11 public: HSBCPlus(const char *s="NULL", long an=-1, double bal =0.0, double ml=500,double r=0.10); HSBCPlus (const HSBC &hs, double ml=500, double r=0.10); virtual void ViewAcct(); virtual void Withdraw(double amt); void ResetMax(double m) { maxLoan =m;} void ResetRate(double r) { rate =r; } void ResetOwes() { owesBank =0; } }; #endif

12 An object from HSBC uses the ViewAcc in HSBS class and object from HSBCPlus uses the ViewAcc in HSBCPlus. HSBC dom(“Dave Cohen”,1122,4343.45); HSBCPlus dot(“Gregory Guin”,1238, 2689.00); dom.ViewAcct(); // HSBS dot.ViewAcct(); //HSBCPlus

13 If we DONT use keyword virtual : HSBC dom(“Dave Cohen”,1122,4343.45); HSBCPlus dot(“Gregory Guin”,1238, 2689.00); HSBC &b1_ref=dom; HSBC &b2_ref=dot; b1_ref.ViewAcct(); // HSBC b2_ref.ViewAcct(); // HSBC

14 If we use keyword virtual : HSBC dom(“Dave Cohen”,1122,4343.45); HSBCPlus dot(“Gregory Guin”,1238, 2689.00); HSBC &b1_ref=dom; HSBC &b2_ref=dot; b1_ref.ViewAcct(); // HSBC b2_ref.ViewAcct(); // HSBCPlus HSBCPlus &b3_ref=dot; b3_ref.ViewAcct(); //which method is called when there is no virtual?

15 #include #include “hsbc.h” HSBC::HSBC(const char *s,long an, double bal ) { strncpy(fullNmae,s,MAX-1); fullName[MAX-1]=‘\0’; acctNum=an; balance=bal; }

16 void HSBC::Deposit(double amt) { if( amt<0) cout<<"No negative deposit"; else balance+=amt; } void HSBC::Withdraw(double amt) { if( amt < 0) cout<< "No negative withdraw"; else if( amt <= balance) balance -=amt; else cout<<"Not enough balance"; }

17 void HSBC::ViewAcct(double amt) { cout<<“client: “ <<fullName<<endl; cout<<“Account Num:” <<accNum<<endl; cout<<“Balance: $“<<balance<<endl; }

18 HSBCPlus::HSBCPlus(const char *s,long an, double bal, double ml, double r ) : HSBC(s,an,bal) // member initialize list { maxLoan=ml; owesBank=0.0; rate=r; } HSBCPlus::HSBCPlus(const HSBC &hs, double ml, double r ) : HSBC(hs) { maxLoan=ml; owesBank=0.0; rate=r; }

19 void HSBCPlus::ViewAcct() { HSBC::ViewAcct(); cout<<"Maxloan: $" <<maxLoan<<endl; cout<<"OwesBank: $" <<owesBank<<endl; cout<<"Loan Rate: $"<<100*rate<<"%\n"; }

20 void HSBCPlus::Withdraw(double amt) { double bal=get_balance(); if( amt <= bal) HSBC::Withdraw(amt); else if (amt <=bal+maxLoan-owesBank) { double advance=amt-bal; owesBank+=advance*(1.0+rate); cout<< "Bank Advance: $ " <<advance<<endl; cout<<"Finace Charge: $ "<<advance*rate<<endl; Deposit(advance); HSBC::Withdraw(amt); } else cout<<"Credit Limit exceeded"; }

21 #include #include "hsbc.h" int main() { HSBC coh("Dave Cohen",34523,3000.0); HSBCPlus greg("Greory Gutin",32144,2000.0); coh.ViewAcct(); cout<<endl; greg.ViewAcct(); cout<<endl; greg.Deposit(1000.00); coh.Withdraw(4200.00); greg.Withdraw(3200.00); greg.ViewAcct(); return 0; }

22 #include #include “hsbc.h” const int CLIENT=4; const int LEN=40; int main(){ HSBC *p_clients[CLIENTS]; int i; for( i=0;i<CLIENTS; i++) { char temp[LEN]; long tempnum; double tempbal; char kind; cout<<“enter client name :”; cin.getline(temp,LEN);

23 cout<<“enter client’s name: “; cin>>tempbal; cout<<“ enter 1 for HSBS, 2 for HSBCPlus”; if ( kind==‘1’) { p_clients[i]=new HSBC(temp, tempnum,tembal); } else { double tmax, trate; cout<<“enter the overdraft limit: $”; cin>>tmax; cout<<“enter enter the interest rate ”; cin>>trate; p_clients[i]=new HSBCPlus(temp,tempnum,tempbal,tmax,trate); }

24 while (cin.get() !=‘\n’) continue; } cout<<endl; for( i=0; i<CLIENTS;i++) { p_clients[i]->ViewAcct(); cout<<endl; } for(i=0; i<CLIENTS;i++) delete p_clients[i]; } reurn 0; }

25 we use polymorphic in the this loop: for( i=0; i<CLIENTS;i++) { p_clients[i]->ViewAcct(); cout<<endl; }

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