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LCFI A Vertex Detector for the International Linear Collider  International Linear Collider (ILC): consensus that ILC will be next major particle accelerator.

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Presentation on theme: "LCFI A Vertex Detector for the International Linear Collider  International Linear Collider (ILC): consensus that ILC will be next major particle accelerator."— Presentation transcript:

1 LCFI A Vertex Detector for the International Linear Collider  International Linear Collider (ILC): consensus that ILC will be next major particle accelerator collide electrons and positrons at 500 – 1000 GeV centre of mass energy precision measurements of New Physics found at LHC scales well above centre of mass energy accessible at LHC  also discovery machine  Requirements on the detector: continual, triggerless readout hermeticity highly granular tracking and calorimetry, inside high B-field, to resolve events into jets corresponding to the underlying quarks high precision vertex detector : resolution 5  m

2 SM e+e+ e-e- t t W W+W+ q q’ q b b e.g. c s e.g. s c Questions the vertex detector can help answer a typical e + e -  t t event: without quark sign selection with perfect quark sign selection  Which particles were produced in the interaction?  Are jets stemming from quarks or antiquarks? S. Riemann LC-TH-2001-007 identify quark flavours of all jets involved quark sign selection useful for e.g. studying polarisations, unfolding cross sections, reducing backgrounds

3 LCFI vertex detector R&D sensor readout chip driver 2 nd generation sensors CPC2-40 CPC2-70 ISIS1 CPC2-10 readout chip CPR2 transformer to drive prototype device  development and test of pixel sensors and readout electronics profile of 30  m silicon along the length of a ladder  development of stable, low mass support  physics studies: optimise design and assess performance 250 mm 15 mm 60 mm 100 mm standard detector decay length distribution at different energies event visualisation

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